
Legend of the Silver Wolf
Legend of the Silver Wolf
Author: CityKim

Chapter One

Long ago, before the Human Species had evolved enough to overpopulate the planet, Wolf Packs roamed the earth in search of lands to settle into, with plenty of game to hunt, fresh water to drink, thick green forests to hide in and run through and a backdrop of stunning mountains to climb. The large valley with a silver stream running through its centre culminating in a large pool surrounded by flat rocks and stunning flowers was perfect for a Pack to settle and make it their own. This was no ordinary Wolf Pack, these were the first Immortals, a Species of Shifters and Werewolves, that dominated the local area and all the creatures that shared this habitat knew they had to defer to the Pack’s Alpha. A powerful Lycan who ruled strictly but fairly he was adored by his pack and respected by the other creatures that came under his protection he started a dynasty that can be traced back to this day. Sadly Werewolves do not reproduce as quickly as the human race, none of the Immortal Species did and as the centuries passed their number dwindled alarmingly. The Council of Immortals decided the only way to counteract this was to breed with the humans, so they took human females, without permission, raiding the villages and dragging the ones they chose from the arms of their parents, boyfriends or husbands. Humans learn quickly, they knew the Immortals were stronger, faster and more intelligent so they got together and taught themselves how to fight back. As the centuries passed they began to develop weapons, first just to kill the huge creatures that haunted their lives but eventually, they realised catching and experimenting on them would teach them more. Quickly those who developed this knowledge became known as the Hunters and they learned all they could about their Immortal enemies. How they functioned, what their differences were to humans, what happened to their bodies when they shifted how to stop them shifting, how to keep them in their animal form and finally, most importantly. how to kill them. They trained and worked hard on their bodies, living a perfectly healthy lifestyle, building up their muscles, and becoming more deadly with each generation because Hunters are born, created from other Hunters, and the Immortals hated them. Like the Immortals they passed on their knowledge to each subsequent generation and they grew stronger, not as powerful as the Shifters they hunted mercilessly but their numbers grew and they were not above recruiting the hapless male humans to aid them. What they lacked in strength and size they made up for in numbers chasing down their prey uncaring of the many frail human casualties left in their wake. All they cared about was their prize, the Shifter, dead or alive, it became a way of life for both sides, the Hunted and the Hunters. Shifters warned their children about the horrific consequences of being captured by these Hunters, embellishing accounts of experiments done to them ensuring they kept ever vigilant.                                                                In the same way, Hunters told their offspring of the dangers of the powerful creatures that lived alongside them pretending to be human. They were warned to suspect every human being as a potential Shifter, if they were handsome or prettier than the rest of the class it made them targets. Everyone knew the Shifter population were all incredibly handsome and beautiful, with perfect bodies, flawless skin and glossy hair. This led to many innocent humans losing their lives to the older Hunter children who became paranoid by their parent's constant lies so killed any good-looking muscle-toned human that stood out. The anger and suspicion this caused throughout the different communities led to the mutual hatred and fear that grew in both sides as the years passed. Something had to change a new era was coming.

The Lycan Alpha was tired he knew his time left on this Earth was short if he did not find her, his Beta came to stand beside him,

'What now Alpha?'

They had just defeated a Hunter Clan that had been plaguing the Werewolves in the area for the last half century, the Pack's Alpha had called in the mighty Lycan as a last resort and now it was time for them to repay him.

'They have many fine young females who could bear the Seed for you Alpha.'

He went on, the huge deep grey/black Wolf shook its thick coat, dust spraying everywhere he had been resting on the cool damp earth for the last few hours,

No, Beta. None of them is suitable, when I find her I will know and not hide the truth from her.'

He lifted his great head and scented the air around him from a little distance away he caught it, citrus and vanilla, his brilliant blue eyes turned molten silver,

'Wait Beta'

He scented again to be sure and a shiver went through his powerful body,

'She is near I have her scent but I am not sure if she is of this Pack. The Alpha did not mention any nearby Rogues, it does not matter I must seek her out immediately there is no time to lose.'

Alexandra stood looking towards the mountains, her pale red/gold hair glittered in the evening sunshine and her hazel eyes narrowed, she lived on the very outskirts of the Packlands, her cottage in a clearing surrounded by the woods. The Pack did not welcome her, they feared her because she was a half-breed, part Wolf and part, well, no one knew what else she was her mother had taken that secret to her grave. When it became clear the unmated female Wolf was pregnant it shocked the Pack especially as she was the Alpha's youngest sister and refused to say what had happened. When her daughter was born with the same stunning red/gold hair a colour never seen within the Pack before her mothers, she had been ostracized to this cottage. The Pack had wanted to expel her from their midst completely, make her turn Rogue as all Wolves expelled from the safety of their Packs will do but her status as the Alpha's sister and therefore carrying Alpha blood in her veins saved her from that fate. Since that date Alexandra's mother lived in happy isolation with her daughter as her only company, rarely mixing with members of the Pack, only her brother, the Alpha ventured through the woods to visit them. He kept an eye on the growing child waiting to see who she grew to look like surely her father could be discerned at some point? His sister still refused to explain and they both saw the little girl grow into a beautiful woman who looked like no one in the Pack just before she reached her majority and became a full adult in the eyes of the Pack her mother died from a virus caught from the humans who lived in a nearby village. The Alpha's sister had been considered to be a Healer and often went into the village to help them when they were hurt or injured even attending at their births if they so required. She spent her days gathering herbs and plants to help her in her healing craft, as well as using her Wolf to aid the weak humans in healing quickly. At critical times she would even give them her blood to speed the healing process, after a particularly difficult birth or if the human who needed it was the family's breadwinner. She gave herself to her chosen craft and she gave too much, making her immune system weaker so when the virus hit her she was not strong enough to defeat it. She died as winter turned to spring leaving Alexandra alone in a hostile world, the young girl had buried her mother under the apple trees in their garden, with no help from any of the Pack. The Alpha had been away on Pack business and it was almost a month later when he turned up unannounced shocked to find his niece carrying on as if nothing had happened.

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