
Chapter 4

Eric's parents were astounded to discover Miranda had abruptly left her home. None of them expected her to abandon her husband and daughter. The reason is still unknown to them.

Miranda, they believed, was not the type of person who would give up her family for selfish motives. She did appear to be stressed and apprehensive as the days passed before she left them. They always suspected that something was bothering her, and they did try to talk to her, but she persuaded them that everything was fine.

Lander and Rachel exchanged knowing glances and went to greet her. They were still convinced that their daughter-in-law had made such a significant decision for a good reason. They attempted to contact her after she left, but they were unable to do so. She had changed her number, and there was no clue about her whereabouts.

“Hello, Miranda. It’s been a very long time.” Rachel was the first to speak.

Miranda was taken aback when she noticed her in-laws standing in front of her. First, it was Eric, and now his parents.

It appeared that the entire world was conspiring against her.

“Lander. Rachael.” She immediately stood up from her seat.

“Do you mind if we sit with you?” With a smile, Lander asked.

“No, not at all. Please join me.” She was still not ready to face the fact that Lander and Rachel wanted to meet her, let alone sit and talk with her, after what she had done. “How are you both doing?” She asked after they had all settled down.

“We should be asking you that.” Rachel said, making her look down in shame.

“We are not here to taunt you, Miranda. Unlike my son, we believe that you did things for a reason. All we want to know is why.” Lander clarified everything to her truthfully. Now was not the time to play blame-game.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Eric won’t like you both talking to me. I don’t want to enrage him any further than I already have." Sadly, she stated.

“You already met him? It’s no surprise he has been acting strangely for the past few days.” Her mother-in-law asked her, dumbfounded.

“I ran into him and Lizzy. She did grow up pretty fast and beautifully.” She said this with a smile on her face. ”I have always known Eric would make an excellent father. I remember him almost passing out when he found out he was going to be a dad. He was so tensed and worried.” She chuckled.

Miranda’s affection for his son was evident to the elderly couple. However, her decision to leave Eric for a serious reason gradually confirms their worst fears. They just need to figure out why.

Miranda, on the other side, was lost in her own thoughts, but it was abruptly interrupted when she recognized a familiar voice. She mentally groaned in annoyance.

“I knew I’d run into you here.”

“How did you find me here?” She sighed. Benji always finds her for some strange reason. He is far too intelligent for his own good.

“It was not that difficult to find you. In fact, it was quite easy, given how frequently I see you with this cup of coffee with the name of this very restaurant written on it when I go for my morning run.” Miranda looked at Benji as if he had gone insane, as Benji explained.

“I am busy, Benji. I will talk to you tomorrow.” She said as she waved him off.

“I don’t understand why you are so preoccupied. This place has nothing interesting to do besides drowning yourself in sorrow, and you are just talking to this couple, who I don’t think would mind if you helped me out right now. Right, would you mind?” He directed his last words to Lander and Rachel.

“No-no. Carry on.” They told him, unsure of what else they could have said.

“Don't they seem nice, Miranda?” He smiled excitedly at her.

“I am so sorry, Lander and Rachael. He can be a little overbearing. Well, he's Benjamin Myers, my neighbor." She introduced them to one another. "And Benji, this is Lander and Rachael, my in-laws."

"Hello," Benji smiled and focused his attention back on his friend. "Now, can we please talk?"

“What do you want to talk to me about, Benji?” She asked him, frustrated.

“I think I should have some coffee. People who are stressed always drink coffee.” Benji thought out loud.

“But you never drink coffee.” She looked at him, bewildered.

“Even so, I am under stress. Everyone who comes here at this time of night is stressed, and I am as well. So, I will drink coffee. Allow me to go order one.” He then left to go get one.

“I know what you two are thinking. He is one of a kind. He is special.” Miranda explained to her in-laws, who looked confused.

“We can both see it.” With a chuckle, Rachael said.

“You should tell your best friend not to hang out with strange guys,” Benji said as soon as he returned with his coffee and sat in his seat.

“Wait, what? How come?” She cocked her brow.

“Because socializing with strangers can be dangerous.” He stated it clumsily.

“Melissa went out with an old friend, not with a stranger. And she is not a child. Are you jealous, Benjamin?” She gave a sly grin.

“No. Why would I be? You know, I do not believe in love or relationships. It is a purely waste of time.” He stated it as a matter of fact.

“Then why are you so stressed and bothered about it?” She asked him.

“Because she no longer spends time with me or watches movies with me anymore.” He told her glumly and with a frown.

“Did you really expect her to when you rejected her so brutally? She understood that you would never like her, so she is trying to move on. And neither love nor relationships is a waste of time.” Miranda explained.

“How so? Being in love distracts you and separates you from your purpose and your goal.”

“Love is a beautiful thing, Benji. It compels you to do things you would never do under normal circumstances. It gives you the ability to protect them in the same way that superhero movies do. It inspires you to be a better person. You would go to any length to protect them and make them happy, even if it meant sacrificing your own happiness and life. When your loved ones are happy, you are happy, and it can become your sole reason to live.”

“You are confusing me, Miranda.” He wore a scowl on his face.

“There is nothing to be confused about. It is not something that can be studied. It's a feeling. A strong, intense emotion that you seize from your heart and not from your brain.” 

“Just as you feel for your husband and daughter.” He calculated her words and came to a definite conclusion.

“I am not sure what you are talking about.” When she realized where the conversation was going, she decided she didn't want to be a part of it, at least not in front of Lander and Rachel.

“Yes, you do know what I am talking about. You are a smart woman; if not, I would have never spoken with you. It is a widely known fact that you still adore your husband and daughter for unknown reasons.” He pointed it out.

“Let’s walk home, Benji. We will talk on the way.” She glared at him.

“Why not right now? This is a perfect place for having this conversation.”

“Benji, if you don’t leave with me right now, I will make a mess of my hallway again.” This caused his eyes to widen, and he left, but not before saying. “I will wait outside for you.”

Miranda said to the couple in front of her, “Don’t mind him. He becomes delusory when he consumes coffee. In fact, he is always insane and delusional. It’s been nice meeting the two of you again. I must leave now. Goodbye and thank you for taking care of my Lizzy all these years.” She darted out of there. If she had spent another minute with them, she could have lost control of her emotions.

Eric's parents have always been good to her. Even when she left their son and grand-daughter, they did not charge her like they should have. She had been fortunate to have in-laws like them.

Lander and Rachel exchanged knowing glances, confirming their thoughts.

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