
Fifty One


San Antonia Cafe, New York. -10:30 pm.

"Just get to the point."

"Why are you being so rash? We haven't even enjoyed the food yet."

"I'm not here to make small talk with you."

"So, why did you agree to come here to see me?" Amanda grinned victoriously. "Come on, Ace. What's wrong with being on my side?"

The atmosphere in the cafe that night was not too crowded, there were only a few tables occupied by customers who were predominantly lovers. Amanda and Ace deliberately sat in a corner of the cafe to avoid leaking their conversation to the public.

"I'm not interested in anything you have to offer," Ace said briefly.

But the brunette girl who dyed the ends of her hair with red highlights smiled back. She cut into the steak dish that the waitress had served earlier casually. "You know that Alicia is getting involved, right?" Amanda sarcastically asked him.

"Don't talk about it, I'm not in the mood," Ace replied lazily.

Ever since he found out that Alicia was going on a date with Nicholas, his day had become instantly gloomy. And Ace's annoyance only got worse when he found out that Alicia agreed and actually went out with the young detective.

"Ace, who else do you think would kill our friends?" Amanda chuckled as her eyes became dreamy. "Our dorm was fine before she came, right?"

Ace didn't react, other than staring at the glass of wine in front of him dazedly.

"Ace, if you know anything about her, you should talk," Amanda coaxed gently. "We need to find the culprit so our friends can leave in peace."

Who would have thought, that Amanda's words just now touched Ace's heart. The young man looked straight at Amanda. And the smile at the corner of the girl's lips slowly rose. "We have to prevent another murder," Amanda said with intensity. "Aren't I right?"

"I can't trust anyone but myself." Ace exhaled a heavy breath; filled with burden.

Amanda's hand slowly reached for Ace's fingers, grasping them gently. And when their eyes met, Amanda added, "You still have me. You can trust me, Ace."

There was a few moments of silence before Ace finally pushed the girl's hand away from him. He turned his face to Amanda's steak as he said, "Finish your food!" and the well-proportioned body quickly got up from the chair, leaving the cafe without another word.

Ace walked to his car and leaned his heavy back against the windshield. He then took out a cigarette from his shirt pocket and started to take a drag. He inhaled deeply and exhaled in a huff.

Images of him and Alicia suddenly flashed through his mind. The first time they met, the first time Ace saw the tattoo on Alicia's arm and the first time he sat in the same car with Alicia. "You're driving me crazy," he sighed as he glanced at his own car; the only place he and Alicia had ever sat in a non-stressful situation.

Before he knew it, Ace had finished five cigarette butts while waiting for Amanda to come out of the cafe. And Amanda who realized that hurriedly grumbled in annoyance. "Ace, what the hell! You're so disgusting." the words sounded sarcastic.

Hearing the girl grumble, Ace was suddenly annoyed. "What do you care, huh?!"

"Stop smoking when you're with me," Amanda retorted in an equally high tone of voice;making Ace even more furious.

"You know why you don't deserve to be with me? Because you're meant to be," Ace said harshly. "I'm not going to take your side. So, stop provoking me."

Amanda's face was suddenly grim. There was no longer that loving, caring look on Ace's face. Instead, she lifted one corner of her lips up and glared at the man. "If that's your choice, fine. I hope you don't regret it." and the slender body slipped away, away from Ace.

Ace could only catch his breath which turned ragged as he said that. But it seemed, Ace had made the right decision. He was sure of it.

For a moment, the frantic feeling subsided. Ace would have gotten into his car if Alicia hadn't suddenly appeared and startled him. He would have almost staggered backwards had Alicia not held him back.

"Are you okay?" Alicia asked flatly.

Ace was about to answer, when Nicholas appeared in front of him. "You... went out with him?" Ace's voice was suddenly heavy; she couldn't bring herself to say it. "Did you guys just finish a date?"

"It's okay, Alicia," Ace cut in, ending with a smile.

Alicia only smiled slightly;feeling embarrassed and relieved at the same time.

Ace stuffed both hands into his pants pockets, he looked around before ending up at Alicia. He cleared his throat softly and asked, "By the way, do you want to go back to the dormitory with me?"

And of course Alicia immediately turned to Nicholas--asking for approval--who brought her to that place. Nicholas who understood the situation and said 'please' even though his heart was honestly not sincere. What can we do? He needed ALicia to be close to Ace in order to get information. He had already decided.

Alicia immediately followed Ace. They got into the car that Ace had brought. Meanwhile, at the door of the cafe, Nicholas was still watching the two of them leave. After the car engine started, Nicholas turned his body around and left the cafe that had the name of the place where Alicia had grown up. San Antonia, and San Antonio. Two places with different names, but almost the same.

Nicholas deliberately chose a place that reminded Alicia of her past, but it seemed that Alicia didn't really notice.

Ace turned the wheel, driving through the lamp-lit streets of New York City.

"Alicia, want to take a short walk before going back to the dormitory?" Ace asked kindly.

And the girl just smiled softly as she said,




"Of course”

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