
One Hundred and Eleven


"I don't know if it's just my feelings or not, but it seems like... you have a problem with me. Isn't that right, Noel?"

Noel looked away, he gave a short snort. For the first time Noel couldn't help himself and showed his true colors.

"If you have something to say, you can say it now." Alicia urged Noel. The woman couldn't fight her hunch any longer, she felt that Noel really hated her. "Are you angry with me?"

"Yes! Of course I am! I'm angry and annoyed with you!"

Noel's raised voice took Nicholas by surprise. Nicholas immediately checked the change in expression on his lover's face for discomfort. Alicia must have been shocked by Noel's emotional attitude that day.

"Wait, wait. You don't have to yell like that, Noel," Nicholas whispered, not wanting things to get any messier.

But Noel didn't want to stop. He pointed at Alicia, who was no taller than he was, and continued, "This whole mess was caused by Alicia, Nic. Why did you get shot, get caught up in a horrible serial killer case? It's all because you're dealing with Alicia! Alicia is the bad luck maker!"

"Noel, that's enough!" Nicholas interrupted firmly, his voice breaking the tension that gripped the room.

Alicia stepped back, stunned by the accusation. Her breath hitched as she tried to make sense of Noel's emotional outburst. The weight of guilt pressed on her chest, but she refused to show it.

"Nicholas, please, let Noel speak. Something is bothering him," Alicia said, her voice sounding calm despite the unease inside her.

Noel's anger seemed to peak, his gaze fixed on Alicia. "You think this is a joke, don't you? Many lives are at risk because of you! First, the incident at school, then at college and now this." he paced back and forth, his anxiety clearly visible. Noel looked at Alicia at last. "Why do all these deaths always end up with you, Alicia!"

Nicholas stepped closer to Noel, trying to defuse the growing hostility. "Noel, you know Alicia didn't want any of this to happen. None of us did."

But Noel's anger refused to be appeased. "Intentions don't change reality, Nicholas! We're in a nightmare, and she's the cause of it." His accusatory tone filled the room.

Alicia's resolve hardened as she faced Noel's accusations head-on. "I didn't ask for any of this. I never wanted anything bad to happen to anyone else or Nicholas."

Noel's expression softened for a moment, a flicker of doubt crossing his face. "I'm sorry, Alicia. But there's something about you. Whenever we're around you, chaos always happens. Do you think all this is just a coincidence?"

Nicholas sighed, his mind racing to reduce the tension. "Let's not jump to conclusions. We need to focus on getting out of this mess." The man looked at Noel, then at Alicia in turn. He was really trying to break the heat that had suddenly enveloped their atmosphere. "We need to focus on Ace. Don't think about blaming each other. We're a team now. We need to find Ace, we need to find Amanda, and we need to prove that they were all involved in the death of Alicia's parents. OK?"

Noel and Alicia didn't answer. They looked away, reluctant to see each other after the debate.

"Now, we have to set a goal. Should we go after Ace first, or Amanda first?" Nicholas spoke up again.

Alicia's gaze looked into Noel's eyes, an unwavering determination in her eyes. "You're free to judge me, Noel. You should really know about who I am, Noel. I have never wished any harm on anyone, especially not Nicholas or anyone else."

Noel hesitated, wrestling with conflicting emotions. "I understand, but you can't deny the pattern, Alicia. Every time we come close, it seems like fate conspires against us."

Nicholas interrupted, sensing the fragile balance in the room. "Look, pointing fingers won't solve anything. We're in trouble, and the only way out is to walk together. Ace and Amanda are the keys to untangling this web. "The tension was still there, palpable in the air. Noel and Alicia avoided eye contact, each lost in their own thoughts.

"We need a plan," Nicholas insisted, his voice firm. "Ace is impulsive, but Amanda might have more clues. She's very thorough. Let's meet her first, gather information, and then track down Ace. Agreed?"

Alicia nodded, a sense of purpose burning within her. "Agreed."

Noel, though hesitant, nodded in agreement. "All right. But if this causes another disaster..."

Nicholas placed a reassuring hand on Noel's shoulder. "We'll cross that bridge together. For now, let's focus on what lies ahead."

Determined, they embark on a tumultuous journey-a quest fraught with danger, secrets, and truths that cast a shadow over Alicia's past. The chase for answers has begun, but neither of them is ready for the revelations that await them, hidden in the shadows of their intertwined destinies.

"But both of them have disappeared now. And... you got hurt chasing Amanda, didn't you?" Noel asked to make sure.

"He's right!" Alicia confirmed Noel's words. although they still didn't look familiar, but this time Alicia did agree with Noel's opinion. "Amanda even disappeared after Ace was in prison. It'll be very difficult to find a trace of her."

Alicia's words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of an unsolved mystery. Noel looked at her, seeing a glint of something in her eyes - a mix of guilt and determination.

"I can't believe they're both gone," Noel muttered, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "And you think she vanished just like Ace?"

Alicia nodded solemnly. "Vanishes, just like that. But there's something you need to know, Noel." She hesitated, as if wrestling with her next words. "What?" Noel pressed, his curiosity piqued.

"Ace didn't act alone. There's someone else pulling the strings, someone far more dangerous than we imagined," Alicia revealed, her voice sounding cautious.

Noel's mind spun, connecting the dots that seemed scattered just moments ago. "A mastermind behind the scenes?"

Nicholas made a decision. "Let's split up and get to work."

"So, what do we do now?"

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