
Twenty Five


Golden High School.

After all the deaths that occurred within the school's dormitory, Mr. Wilson reopened the school for study programs like the previous days. Mr. Wilson always thought of money first, and the longer the school remained closed, the more Mr. Wilson would worry about the image of his school. He tried his best to shut up the media, forbidding them from covering more news that would bring down Golden High School's good image. Especially since the school was preparing for their annual event. Mr. Wilson really didn't want to take any chances.

Mr. Wilson had already relinquished that responsibility to Nicholas. He was a competent young detective. They had never met, but whoever a Chief like Paul recommended, Mr. Wilson would follow.

Alicia now sat in the back row and looked at Mr. Payne (one of the teachers working at Golden High School). He was a biology teacher. He studied biological sciences for more than seven years before being able to teach at the school.

Mr. Payne was known as a disciplined, strict, authoritative and indiscriminate teacher. He looked at all students in his class the same, whether you were rich or very rich, you were still just a student under Mr. Payne's feet.

"After seeing your grades last week, I've decided to take just one lesson today."

From the moment he appeared, Alicia could already feel the sinister aura of Mr. Payne. His eyes were sharp despite being obscured by glasses. His clothing style was very formal, using black and white colors to make him look even more formal. Like really, he was a typical strict teacher. Mr. Payne would punish anyone who got into trouble in his class. He only cared about the students' brains. Those kids had to be smart if they wanted to get noticed, or at least act smart so Mr. Payne wouldn't give them any punishment.

She placed her black bag on the table. Her narrow eyes wandered around. It looked like she had Asian in her blood, though the American features were strong in her body. She cleared her throat loudly and said,

"I'm going to write about the breeding process of animals in detail. So, open your notebooks, write down everything I'm going to write on the board, and study as best you can." Mr. Payne adjusted his dropped glasses and continued, "I will check whether you are really paying attention or just pretending."

Mr. Payne then got busy writing notes on the blackboard. Everyone immediately did as he said rather than get punished. He was indeed a man who loved to give punishment to anyone, especially troublemaking students in class.

If Mr. Payne usually looked a little more relaxed, this time he was really serious. Perhaps the death incident had also shaken him mentally.

Brittany who had been refraining from talking immediately took this opportunity to talk to Alicia who was sitting right behind her. Brittany looked back, then whispered to the girl. "Alicia?"

Brittany occasionally checked on Mr. Payne, it seemed that he was really busy right now. That creepy aura was also felt by Brittany. So Brittany needed to be careful when she wanted to chat in class.

Alicia, who was busy writing notes from her teacher, immediately looked up and muttered softly. "Hm? What's wrong?" of course in an even quieter voice, she didn't want to get into trouble on her first day with Mr. Payne.

Brittany secretly smiled with relief, as Alicia was very sensitive and answered her call immediately. She then turned her head again, and whispered, "Are you okay?" she asked quietly, but it was clear that Britt was worried about her best friend. She squinted and looked at Alicia straight in the eye, she was very curious and couldn't resist asking. "I think this is a big deal for you, Alicia."

Alicia nodded and smiled a little. "I'll get over it. Stop worrying about me, Britt," she whispered, also peeking to make sure that Mr. Payne wasn't listening to their conversation, before Alicia finally continued, "You'll be in trouble if Mr. Payne hears your voice."

Brittany looked back at Mr. Payne's back in front of the class to confirm Alicia's words. It seemed like the situation was still safe, as he didn't seem bothered in the slightest. Britt finally decided to talk to Alicia again.

This time Brittany was desperate to turn her body completely around, so that Alicia's transformation was clearly visible in front of her. "Ohmygod!" Brittany covered her mouth, then hurriedly lowered her voice so as not to disturb Mr. Payne. "By the way, I like your new style." Brittany complimented Alicia, who now looked different, with her hair in a ponytail. Alicia did look fresh with her new hairstyle. "Has something or someone been inspiring you lately, hm? Maybe... you fell in love with or admired someone at our school?"

Alicia developed a smile as she shook her head. "I've just been discovering the real me." She leaned into Britt's ear and whispered, "And I won't let anyone take that away from me, ever again."

Brittany smiled in amazement. She then turned her body forward and Mr. Payne was still busy struggling with boring biology material on the blackboard. So boring, in fact, that several people fell asleep in class.

After taking a few notes on the board, Brittany's curiosity returned. She then turned her body back to Alicia. "Did you find out who did it? I think he really wants you to fall for this, Alicia."

Alicia looked up and shook her head weakly. The sound of her small murmur was probably inaudible to Brittany. "But I'll find her soon," Alicia said, trying to keep herself calm. "I'll dictate the chronology and think like the culprit, to find that person. He must still be around the school to keep an eye on things."

Brittany's eyes widened, she’s looking at Alicia with excitement. "What a great idea! Is there anything I can do for you, Alicia?"

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