
Twenty Four


Alicia snorted rudely and shot Nic a disapproving glare. "I was set up and you must have known it, Gray."

"I think you'd better speak politely to me, because you're being watched by a lot of police here." Nicholas looked towards the glass, where the two policemen from earlier were indeed watching their activities from a different room. Nicholas turned back to Alicia and tapped the surface of the table with his forefinger. "You must be able to prove that you were not involved."

"But I really didn't order anything on the dark site we saw!"

Nicholas nodded slowly. He then thrust several sheets of paper containing his investigation reports so far onto the table, so that Alicia could see all the photos and writings in front of her without having to touch them. "But how do you explain all this? That asshole Wilson will punish you if he sees this. Oh, no, there's worse. You'll go to jail if Mr. Wilson asks me to. You're in big trouble now." Nicholas then leaned back and watched Alicia who was seriously going through all the reports in front of her. "I think you just need to get a lawyer ready now. They won't play around with their student's death case and will arrest you in this place soon."

Alicia pondered for a moment before finally looking up and staring straight into the black eyes of the young detective before her. "I will find the culprit before they bring me to this rotten place," she said with emphasis. He flashed hatred through his sparkling blue eyes. "I don't want to end up like that asshole wants me to, because I didn't do anything."

Nicholas bent his forehead deeply. "You keep acting as if there's someone else in this case, but all the evidence suggests that you're the one, Alicia," he said in a high tone. "You were the last person to pass through the hallway before James died and you also knew about the cyanide in Elena's coffee. Now, we even checked it together, that dark site... all the evidence points to you!"Alicia pounded on the table that separated her from Nicholas. "I really didn't do it!"

Nicholas' breathing was labored, it sounded quite loud. Just as loud as Alicia's breathing, which now sounded ragged. Alicia was furious. Her position was quite difficult.

Alicia pulled her body away from Nic as the dark-haired man sighed in frustration and wiped his face roughly. "Stop saying that you didn't do anything, or that you're not responsible, I need proof here. I want you to prove all those words of yours." Nicholas pulled out the papers that were sitting on the table, like objects without owners, and pushed them closer to Alicia. "Of all this evidence, how can you, Alicia? How are you going to prove your innocence? "Alicia shook her head. "Give me time," she pleaded.

Nicholas then pulled out all the pages of the report and clutched them to his chest. He then looked intently at the blue eyes before him before saying, "I really want to believe you, even in your complicated position." He then turned his face in another direction. "I will not leave you. Believe me. But for now, you must find a way to avoid going to prison. We won't arrest you this time, but if I find one more piece of evidence, you'll be finished, Alicia."

Alicia remained silent in the chair. Even when Nicholas stood up from his chair, cleared the papers on the table quietly and left the room without saying anything, Alicia still chose to remain silent without any notable reaction.

After that detective's tall body disappeared, Alicia sighed harshly and hit the surface of the table with both hands, breaking its glass surface. "Damn!

Her gaze darted around quickly before she finally stood up from her chair. Because of the punch, Alicia's hand was scratched and caused a wound, she was bleeding now but Alicia continued her temper. Alicia vented her anger by kicking the table leg repeatedly. She didn't care that her toe was starting to throb with pain or that the table leg was damaged from the constant kicking. Alicia was completely enraged now. "Damn it, damn it, damn it! That crazy bastard wants to trap me here!"

Alicia lifted the chair she had been sitting on and threw it at the wall, shattering it instantly. Alicia's breath was coming fast, it had lost its main tempo. She lowered herself, clutching her knees which were trembling because she had lifted a heavy object. "Haaah, what the hell!"

Alicia looked at the shattered chair, then got up. She pressed her tongue against her mouth, then spat in a random direction because she could no longer hold it in.

"I'm going to catch that bastard and make him regret this. Whoever is behind this incident, definitely doesn't want me to be free from the past." She raised both hands into the air and tied her ash hair in a ponytail. "But I won't let him. That bastard should pay for everything immediately," he said as he took out a cigarette hidden inside his ankle boots and began to take a drag.

She didn't care about the actions being observed by Nicholas, Michael and Peter from behind the hidden room.

The ash-haired girl then walked away from the room that was now in ruins - because it had become an outlet for her anger. She walked through the police corridor and returned the stares of those who looked at her indifferently. For now there was only one ambition visible in her eyes, the desire to catch the person who had set her up.

Alicia stopped at the main gate of the police station. Her eyes wandered around, while her mouth puffed smoke from the cigarette she was smoking. "It seems that this person knows me better than I know myself." Alicia concluded. She reached into the pocket of her jeans and pulled out her cell phone. Looking for a name that might help her solve this mystery.

She quickly put the phone screen to her ear when she found the name she was looking for.




"Hello, dad?"

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