
Two Hundred and thirteen


"Brittany is pregnant and she's carrying my child, I can't just let her go."

Nothing could be more shocking for Hailey and Louis than the news of Brittany's unexpected pregnancy. Hailey couldn't even close her mouth in shock. While Louis was just silent, observing Hailey's reaction. Lately, his wife's mental state has been unstable. Hailey is indeed diagnosed with anxiety disorder, something that triggers her will make Hailey very panicked and confused.

One of them is the case of Kevin. Her only son, whom she always praised and was proud of, was caught in a mistake that made Hailey embarrassed and lost her pride.

Hailey bit her lip, then looked at her son with an incredulous look. "What do you mean?"

"Brittany is pregnant."

Hailey's tone suddenly rose. "We don't see pregnancy in Brittany. Her body is fine, she's not what you say she is. You're joking, right?" Kevin was about to speak, he was about to open his mouth, but Hailey cut him off with an angry tone. "What the hell! We both want you to focus on your education and career, why are you getting involved with problems, problems, and problems? Are you using your brain correctly?!"

Louis grabbed Hailey when she was about to come forward, he might have slapped Kevin or something, but Louis still had concerns for his only son. "Hailey, let's stop this. We're at the door, yelling at our son. What if someone else hears?" Hailey didn't want to move, but Louis tried to get her into the house, he turned and said to Kevin. "Kevin, you should talk to Brittany first. This is serious and you need to find a solution to it."

Kevin could only stand where he was without giving any reaction.

Louis led Hailey into the house, Kevin just looked at her with a flat face. He didn't go inside the house because he knew that his parents were in a bad state. Kevin immediately turned around, saw Louis' car and got into the car.

As he started the engine, Kevin thought about Brittany. The sound of the car caught Hailey and Louis' attention, they both came out of the house, trying to hold Kevin back, but Kevin ignored them and drove off in his father's car.

"Gosh, what is Kevin going to do now, Louis?"

Louis just shook his head slowly, he muttered, "We're really in trouble now."

While on the other side, Kevin turned on his cell phone to navigate. He used the map app to find the fastest route to Brittany's house. As the end of the year approached, everyone would be busy. Including the city streets that looked congested and full of vehicles from various cities.

Kevin looked left and right, at the sight of shops that were still open even though it was late.

The night air was tense as Kevin strolled through the bustling city streets, his mind racing with the issue of Brittany's pregnancy. He couldn't escape the weight of responsibility and the consequences of his actions. As he approached Brittany's neighborhood, the glow of the streetlights cast an eerie atmosphere on the deserted streets.

Parking his car a block away, Kevin took a deep breath to brace himself. He knew facing Brittany and dealing with the unexpected would not be easy. He glanced at his reflection in the rearview mirror, his eyes reflecting a mix of determination and anxiety.

Meanwhile, at home, Hailey paced in the living room, her mind filled with worry. Louis tried to calm her down, "Hailey, let's give Kevin some time. Yelling at him won't help. We have to trust that he will find a way to handle this situation."

Hailey, who could not sit still, shook her head, "I can't believe this is happening. Our family should be free from problems like this. What if Brittany is lying? What if this is some kind of manipulation?"

Louis placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "We'll get through this, Hailey. Right now, we need to focus on supporting Kevin and helping him make the right decision."

Back on the city streets, Kevin approached Brittany's house cautiously. He hesitated before knocking on the door, unsure of what awaited him on the other side. When the door creaked open, revealing a shocked and exasperated Brittany, Kevin braced himself for a confrontation.

"Kevin, what are you doing here?" Brittany's eyes narrowed.

"We need to talk, Brittany. About us, and the baby," Kevin said, his voice more steady than he felt.

But Brittany just chuckled mockingly. "Now you've come to talk about the baby? You're joking, hm? After almost killing me, killing both of us and even the child in this belly, you want to talk casually? Woah! You've lost your nerve." Brittany's eyes rounded, she just realized something. She pointed at Kevin in surprise and shouted, "How did you get out of jail? You should be punished for almost killing me!"

Kevin, keeping his cool, replied, "Brittany, I know things are complicated, but I need to understand what's going on. Why didn't you tell me about the pregnancy before?"

Brittany scoffed, crossing her arms defensively, "Oh, as if you care! You were too busy ruining my life. And you think you have a right to know about this? You don't deserve anything from me, Kevin. And you should be in jail! I'm calling the police right now!"

The exchange between them was getting heated, every word becoming a verbal battleground. Meanwhile, Hailey and Louis, at home, felt the tension in the air, their worries growing by the moment. Louis suggests, "We should give Kevin some space. Let him handle this on his own for now."

But Hailey vehemently refused, "I don't want Brittany to be a part of this family. Never! I've rejected her from the start, and you saw that for yourself, didn't you? Brittany is a troublemaker!"

And Kevin, at Brittany's house, pushed the girl until they fell to the floor and rolled violently.

Kevin and Brittany's eyes clashed, it was a real fight.

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