
Two Hundred and twenty one


"I... I can assure you that this project will succeed. The profits are great, and I have an influential partner," Angela replied, her tone wavering slightly.

The Fixer chuckled, a low, mocking sound that echoed in the room. "Guarantees, my dear, are as good as the paper they're written on. I deal in guarantees, not promises."

Angela, sensing an urgency to get The Fixer's help, dug deeper into his offer. "I can give you a guarantee, an asset that you can seize if the project doesn't go according to plan. You'll have something tangible, ensuring your compensation remains in place."

The Troubleshooter raised his eyebrows, intrigued by the offer. "Collateral, you say? Show me what you have in mind."

The Fixer's question hangs in the air, overshadowing Angela's impromptu offer. Angela, momentarily caught off guard, gathered her thoughts, realizing that she was negotiating with a wily and unpredictable adversary.

"I assure you, The Fixer, my project is straightforward. I have influential connections in England, and the profits are guaranteed. But to sweeten the deal, I'll give you an upfront payment now, and the rest when Ace is in my hands," Angela stated, trying to take control of the negotiations.

The Fixer, still with his mischievous smile, considered Angela's proposal. "An advance payment is a good start. But remember, my loyalty goes to the highest bidder. If someone else offers a better deal, I won't hesitate to switch sides."

Angela, who was eager to gain the cooperation of The Fixer, nodded vigorously. "I understand, and I am willing to make it worth the price you are offering. I will transfer the upfront payment immediately, and once Ace is captured, you will receive the rest of the agreed amount."

The Destroyer's smile widened, his interest piqued by the promise of an imminent profit. "Agreed. I will send you the account details for the prepayment. Make sure the amount is large enough, Mrs. Vasyhlchenko."

As Angela hurried to initiate the transfer, The Fixer leaned back in his chair, visibly amused by the turn of events. Angela, driven by a mixture of determination and desperation, completed the transaction, hoping to gain an edge in the race to catch Ace.

"Payment received, Mrs. Vasyhlchenko. Now, let's talk about Ace's last known location. You'll need to move fast if you want to catch him before he leaves the country," The Fixer said, the scent of opportunity wafting through the air.

Angela, who had now invested financially to help The Fixer, leaned forward, ready to pry every bit of information out of him. "Tell me everything you know about Ace's plans and whereabouts. Time is of the essence."

The Fixer, enjoying the power he held over Angela, began to divulge the details he had gathered. Angela, armed with newfound information and precarious alliances, embarks on a high-risk mission to capture her elusive son.

Little does she know, the twists and turns of this dangerous game are far from over. The shadows of the criminal underworld hide secrets that will soon be revealed, challenging Angela's resolve and forcing her to face the consequences of her tireless pursuit.

"First, Ace intends to go to England to thwart whatever you're planning there. It has to do with someone named Professor Kyoto, right? And-"

"Wait a minute! How does Ace know about the project I'm working on?" This was a question that was actually directed at Angela herself, she wondered where Ace had gotten the information. "Ace has only been a fugitive for a few weeks, is he moving that fast against me?"

The Fixer shrugged indifferently. "I don't care about family matters. I just do business and think about money. Then secondly, he offered me a million dollars if I could give him freedom, a comfortable trip to England and a new identity for him to survive. He's a fugitive from New York City, what does he expect from this country?"

"When will he leave, and how will you catch him?"

"I'll wait, if Ace pays me more than your advance, then our deal is off. That's all the information I can give you."

Angela stared angrily, she was not satisfied with the information given by Ace. "I want you to arrest, Ace!"

"I know, but like I said, I'm still waiting for Ace. And oh, if you want to make your own move, you can go to a boutique store in town. I'll send you the address, Ace was seen with the owner of that boutique when he came here. Maybe you can get some information while I wait for Ace's money."

The woman sighed harshly. "You want to mess with me?"

The Fixer leaned back, his Joker-like smile unaffected by Angela's frustration. He’s smiling. "I'm not playing games, Mrs. Vasyhlchenko. I'm running a business. If you want an Ace, you have to play by the rules."

Angela, seething with anger, reluctantly nodded. "All right, give me the address of the boutique. I'll check it out. But remember, I expect results."

The Fixer wrote down the address on a piece of paper and placed it on the table. "The owner may have information that could be useful to you. Now, remember, time is running out. If Ace pays me more than you offer, our deal is off."

Angela, driven by determination and frustration, pocketed the paper and stood up. "I will get the information I need, and then I expect you to fulfill my request."

As Angela left the dimly lit premises of The Fixer, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was caught up in a dangerous game with higher stakes than ever. The night air was especially tense as she walked towards the boutique, her thoughts raging through her mind.

"Are you alright, ma'am?"

The question came from Angela's personal driver waiting far outside. He watched his boss through the glass, then looked back ahead when Angela finally waved her hands in the air as she said, "This is bad. I have to go somewhere soon. Right Now!"

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