
Two Hundred and twenty three


Nicholas, Alicia and Brittany got out of Nicholas' car when they arrived at Brittany's house. The modern-style house, painted in light brown and white, greeted their eyes and made Brittany's heart race. The closer they walked, the more irregular Brittany's heartbeat became. They stopped when they reached the door.

Brittany looked at her two friends in turn, and she took a deep breath before finally knocking on the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

It wasn't long until Sophia appeared at the door. A confused look on her face, she found Brittany, Alicia and Nicholas all turning to look at her.

"Britt? Are you home?" Sophia opened the door, she smiled for Brittany's two friends who stood in front of her. "Ah, there's Nicholas and Alicia. Please come in."

The three of them entered the house nervously. Especially Brittany, she kept chanting as her body sat on the sofa with Sophia. Sophia called Paul, the two of them had just returned from Paris. It was a short vacation as well as a fairly comfortable business trip. Paul and Sophia, however, planned to celebrate the new year at home, with their only daughter, Brittany Scoots.

"Oh my! It's a great coincidence that you're coming, because Sophia and I have already bought gifts for Christmas and New Year. Wait a minute-" "Dad!"

Brittany's call made everyone turn their heads. Alicia and Nicholas, who already knew the purpose of Brittany's arrival, just kept their mouths shut as they waited. Paul, who was about to turn around, now saw his daughter. "Yes, dear? Is there something you'd like me to take inside while I bring Alicia and Nick their presents?"

But Brittany shook her head, she took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Brittany's brown eyes looked at everyone in the room, she was really nervous and didn't know where to start. But Alicia tried to encourage her. Alicia took Brittany's hand, signaling her to stay strong and to talk to Paul and Sophia as soon as possible. Brittany also looked at Nicholas and Nicholas nodded his head, giving Brittany a 'you can do it' look.

"There's something I want to talk to you two about."

Sophia raised both eyebrows first, then she asked, "Is this something serious?"

"uh-huh, something that might make you hate me," Brittany said bravely.

Hearing that, Paul didn't go to his room and decided to sit on the sofa, next to Sophia who was already looking curiously at Brittany.

"What's wrong, Brittany?" Sophia asked, as a mother, her instincts were very strong. She began to sense that something was wrong between them. She checked, "Is everything okay?"

Brittany opened her mouth very carefully. "I'm... pregnant."

"Pregnant?" Paul shouted.

And that made Brittany gulp with fear. Paul was a hard man, and as the head of the police department, he'd had that personality for a long time. And Brittany wasn't prepared for Paul to slap her for this news.

Brittany quickly continued, "I'm sorry, Mom, Dad. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry that this happened. It's my fault, I'm so sorry."

Silence fell over the room as Paul processed Brittany's revelation. Sophia's expression changed from curiosity to concern, her eyes narrowing as she studied her daughter. Nicholas and Alicia exchanged glances, realizing how precarious the situation was.

After a long moment, Paul took a deep breath, his stern demeanor softening slightly. "Sit here, Brittany," he ordered, gesturing to the empty spot beside her. Brittany complied, her hands trembling as she sat next to her father.

Sophia, sensing the tension, placed a comforting hand on Brittany's shoulder. "Take your time, dear. We're here for you," she said, her maternal instincts surfacing.

Brittany glanced at Nicholas and Alicia, finding solace in their supportive gazes. Encouraged by their silent encouragement, she began to explain the situation.

"I know things have gotten really bad, but I don't want to continue living with someone like Kevin. He almost killed me, I can't accept Kevin being the father of the baby in my stomach." Brittany hugged her mother, while Paul was at a loss for words at the sight before him. Brittany cried in her mother's warm embrace. "I'm so sorry, Mom. I'm so sorry."

Paul's stern expression softened further, and he exchanged glances with Sophia. "Brittany, being a parent isn't about expecting everything to go according to plan. It's about adapting and facing challenges together. Tell me more."

"Kevin was a good guy for the past year, he treated me well, he was smart and always helped me in trouble. But I finally figured out that it was all a mask, Dad," Brittany said, her voice still hoarse from crying. "Kevin manipulated me, he used me."

Paul nodded his head. "I knew he was a man of few words to cover up his crimes."

Sophia added, "But what about this baby? Are you ready to be a single parent, letting this baby be born without a father by her side?"

Tears streamed down Brittany's face as she gathered the strength to share the painful truth about Kevin. Sophia tightened her embrace, providing a sense of security in chaos. Paul's initial shock turned into a mixture of concern and anger as he listened to his daughter's heartbreaking story.

"Kevin is a wolf in sheep's clothing," Brittany continued, her voice shaky yet firm. "I can't let him be a part of our lives, Mom, Dad. I want to give this baby a chance for a better future, free from Kevin's influence. I also just found out that Kevin has another very bad personality. He scared and traumatized me."

Sophia, wiping away Brittany's tears, looked at Paul with determination. "We have to support Brittany in this decision. If Kevin is a danger, we can't allow him to be around her or the baby."

Paul, with his jaw set, agreed. "We'll take legal action if necessary. Your safety comes first, Brittany."

"The thing is... Kevin's out of jail, Dad." Brittany said with sad voice when her eyes met his father’s eyes.


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