
Two Hundred and twenty seven


"I need time to think," Alicia finally admitted, her eyes flickering between Nicholas and Felix. "This is something I need to think about very carefully, and I want to make the right decision for everyone involved."

Felix agreed and nodded understandingly, his gaze showing unwavering support. "Take all the time you need. We're here for you, no matter what. This company is also part of your future family. Just like Michelle said, you are a part of all of this."

Felix leaned forward, his tone softening. "Alicia, you are not alone on this journey. Madame Michelle's choices may be mysterious, but her intention is to create something lasting and impactful. It's not just about business; it's about the lives we can touch and the positive changes we can make together."

Alicia appreciated the reassurance, but unresolved emotions still remained. "I will meet with Christine before the official handover. It's only fair to understand who will be taking my place for the time being."

Felix nodded, satisfied with Alicia's decision. "Good. She's experienced, and I'm sure you'll benefit greatly from her insights. Now, let's focus on preparing for next week's meeting. We need a smooth transition for the benefit of the company and the employees."

As the discussion shifted to practical matters, Alicia couldn't help but think of Nicholas' still looming proposal. The dynamics of love, duty, and the corporate world blend into a complex issue. Determined to navigate this intricate web gracefully, Alicia throws herself into preparations for the upcoming meeting, with the fate of Alpha Company hanging in the balance.

"This is Christine's profile and background if you want to know."

Felix had just picked up another folder and handed it to Alicia. "She is a confidant of Madame Michelle and Mr. Edward, she knows you and knows a lot about your background, but you have never met before. I will schedule a meeting for next week. Maybe the day before the internal meeting. How about that, do you agree?"

Alicia looked at Nicholas, as if asking for indirect approval. The girl looked back at the excited Felix and nodded her head. "That sounds good. Can I meet Christine outside this building? I'd like to talk casually since this is the first time I'm talking about business."

"Sure. Whatever you need, whatever you want, I'll help you get it."

After the discussion was over, Alicia and Nicholas prepared to leave with their folders in hand. Alicia intended to study everything before the meeting. She would be the CEO if she married Nicholas. She just needed to say yes, but her heart was still filled with doubts. Until Felix shook her hand and ended their conversation,

"This is the first time we've met, but I can tell right away that you're very knowledgeable and I'm sure you'll be able to adapt quickly. This is your company, this is your family empire. I wish you luck, Alicia." Alicia released their handshake and smiled. "See you next week."

"See you next week, Felix."

"Should I call a bodyguard to take you out?"

"Oh, there's no need to do that." Alicia took Nicholas' arm and said, "I'm going with my boyfriend. Everything is fine."

Felix looked at Alicia's hand and smiled at that. "Of course. He'll keep you safe. Bye, then."

As if he understood Alicia's wishes, Felix did not make much comment on her decision.

Alicia and Nicholas left Felix's room for the elevator. It was a spacious building with many people passing by them. None of them realized that Alicia would become a CEO because of her young age. No one knew that Alicia who had just entered the elevator was the daughter of Michelle and Edward, the business owners of Alpha Company.

"Alicia, you ignored my proposal earlier," Nicholas muttered in a sad tone.

Alicia frowned. "Can you call that a proposal?"

Nicholas smiled. "You know I'm serious, right?"

"Of course. But you don't have to do it in front of Felix. I'm so embarrassed."

The elevator doors closed behind Alicia and Nicholas, confining them in a cocoon of privacy for a moment. The air was thick with unspoken tension as they descended, the weight of Felix's words and Nicholas' proposal lingering between them.

"Alicia," Nicholas spoke softly, his gaze searching between Alicia's gazes. "I meant what I said earlier. I'm serious about us."

Alicia sighed, leaning against the elevator wall. "Nicholas, this all happened so fast. I have a company to run, and decisions to make, and now you've thrown this into the mix."

"I know, and I apologize if this seems impulsive," Nicholas replied, his expression earnest. "But I love you, Alicia. I don't want to see you burdened by all this alone. We can face it together."

The elevator dinged, signaling their arrival on the ground floor. As the doors opened, they stepped into the bustling lobby, mingling with the crowd. Alicia felt the weight of her responsibilities growing heavier, the choice between love and duty becoming more complex.

Nicholas opened the door for Alicia when they arrived at the parking lot. He served her like a princess, just like any other day. However that day, Alicia felt very awkward because of the impromptu proposal she received.

The cityscape passed by as Alicia wrestled with her thoughts. Nicholas took her hand, giving it a comforting grip. Nicholas knew his beloved was struggling, her mind filled with important and complicated matters.

"Alicia, I understand the pressure you're facing right now," he said. "But imagine what we can achieve together. As partners in life and business."

Alicia could not deny the appeal of Nicholas' vision, the idea of traveling together both personally and professionally. However, doubts remained, and she needed time to unravel the tangled threads of her emotions.

"I needed to meet with Christine, understand what was expected of me, and figure out the best path for Alpha Company," Alicia says. Alicia looked ahead with a shadow of the future. "I hope you can always accompany me in any situation, Nick."

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