
Two hundred and thirty


"I think the Ace family has secrets that we really don't know about, other than the business, politics and family issues that are all clearly exposed in the media."

Alicia bit her lip, trying to contemplate Nicholas' words. Little did the girl know that not only had she fallen in love with Ace, but Alicia had fallen in love with a real danger. Ace was a real danger, and he was standing in front of her eyes. Alicia truly regrets her decision to love Ace in the past.

She shouldn't have gotten caught up and not fallen in love with Ace. If time could be turned back, Alicia would definitely choose to live her own life without enjoying her encounter with Ace.

"Hey, Alicia, why are you daydreaming?"

Nicholas' voice broke through Alicia's tangled thoughts. Noises began to fill her head as she regretted her past mistakes too much. Alicia tried to smile, then she stirred the half-eaten caramel ice awkwardly. "I'm sorry, I think too much when I'm with you."

"I don't like it when you can't enjoy your caramel ice just because you're thinking about all these problems." Nicholas' voice softened, he did not want to make Alicia feel even more uncomfortable. Nicholas pulled Alicia's hand gently, he then smiled and looked into Alicia's blue eyes. "Enjoy your caramel ice, Alicia. You should forget all your troubles while enjoying your favorite treat."


After Nicholas removed his hand from Alicia, Alicia started drinking her favorite caramel ice again. She looked around and realized that Uncle Chuck's ice cream shop was always crowded. Many visitors came and queued up, Ethan had a hard time blowing the ice creams in the display case.

"Do you regret your decision to resign from this shop, Alicia?"

Nicholas' voice caught Alicia's attention again. The girl turned her head and chuckled melodiously, she looked down briefly before finally looking up and looking at her lover shyly. "Is the expression too obvious?"

"Well, you keep looking at Ethan. You make me jealous."

"Tsk, come on, Nick. I feel sorry for Ethan. He's working harder because I'm out of this job."

But Nicholas crossed his arms over his chest and said, "Alicia Perth, you're going to be a CEO in the future. If you feel sorry for Ethan, you can give him a million dollar tip."

Alicia's laughter filled the atmosphere between them. Nicholas' jokes really warmed up the atmosphere. Meanwhile, Alicia pointed at Nicholas with the spoon in her hand. "If I was really going to be a rich CEO, I would buy caramel ice at Uncle Chuck's until our teeth hurt, Nick."

"Oh, no! That's a nightmare!"

"You said you love me, right? You have to finish that caramel ice with me, OK?"


They laughed together at Alicia's crazy fantasies. They then went back to enjoying their food quietly.

And it was only after some pause that Nicholas remembered something serious. He stopped making jokes and looked at Alicia seriously.


"Yes, Nick?" Alicia looked up after sipping the caramel ice in her glass.

"About being the CEO of Alpha Company, are you really not interested in thinking about marriage?"

Since we were talking about something serious, Alicia pushed her glass away. She tapped the surface of the table with her finger. "So, you thought about it from the start, Nick? Are you worried, um?"

Nicholas squared his shoulders, a little hesitantly. "You seemed serious when you said you didn't need a wedding."

"I didn't say that, I just said that maybe I should separate marriage and business." Alicia shrugged, trying to look serious with her words. "I don't want our marriage to take place just because I'm thinking about the money I'll make. Do you understand? Or, could it be that the money just affected you?"

"Do you think that I only want your money?"

Alicia shook her head. "Don't get me wrong, Nick. See? You're starting to understand what I'm talking about, aren't you? Matters of the heart and money don't mix. That would be a big problem."

Nicholas nodded in agreement, he was almost provoked by being accused of being a greedy man.

"But it's a special requirement to become CEO of your mother's company."

"I will still try to become CEO without making marriage the basis of the reason for me to get the position. I'll try to learn it from Christin," Alicia said confidently. "If I become CEO, I will not only be involved with death, but also with dirty politics, gold diggers, corruptors or even worse than that... the business mafia."

Nicholas observed Alicia, his admiration clear in his eyes. "You are a wonderful woman, Alicia. It is not easy to navigate the complexities of the business world while retaining integrity. I believe in you."

Alicia smiled, grateful for Nicholas' support. "Thank you, Nick. It means a lot to me. And about us, I do want to marry you someday, but not for business or money. I want it to be about us, about love, not about external factors."

Nicholas reached across the table, gently squeezing Alicia's hand. "I'm with you, Alicia. Whatever challenges come our way, we will face them together."

As they continued their conversation, Alicia's mind momentarily drifted back to Angela and the mysterious circumstances surrounding her parents' murder. Although the moment felt light, the weight of the mystery still hung over her.

Nicholas grinned mischievously, he stirred the spoon in his chocolate and said, "So, I'm not going to reject my proposal like you did in the Alpha Company office, am I?"

Alicia laughed, she patted Nicholas lightly on the shoulder and said, "I wouldn't have rejected you if you hadn't embarrassed me like that. You really embarrassed me. Gosh, I can't imagine what went through Felix's mind when he saw you propose to me like that."

Nicholas raised one eyebrow. "So, would you rather I propose to you in an expensive restaurant, or front of the Eiffel Tower? Would you prefer a beach in the Maldives? Or, maybe you want to name one place?"

"Nicholas Gray, stop teasing me!"

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