
Two hundred and thirty three


Interrupting the warm atmosphere between the three women in the living room, Paul entered with a bag of fruit in his hand. The man was taken aback by the sight before him, wondering why all the women had such puffy eyes. Paul even saw Brittany, his daughter, wiping away tears that seemed like they couldn't stop rolling down her cheeks.

Paul looked at everyone in turn, then held up the fruit plastic in his hand and said, "I brought you some grapes. I thought there would be enough for everyone."

Sophia approached Paul and gently took his arm. She looked up slightly to see Paul's expression, which still looked confused. With a small smile, Sophia finally began to explain, "Grandma already knows everything, Paul."

That one sentence made Paul turn to his mother-in-law. He was silent for a moment, before running over to Grandma and kneeling regretfully. Bowing his head and clasping his mother-in-law's hand, Paul apologized. "I'm really sorry. I couldn't take care of Brittany, Mom. I was a cop, and a very bad father."

Yet again, Grandma's gentle voice calmed the room. She patted the shoulder of Paul, who was still kneeling before her. "Things don't happen by chance. Everything that happens in this world has a purpose. I never blame anyone, and you have been a good husband, father, and police officer for the country. There is nothing to regret."

Paul looked up, saw his mother-in-law and hugged her gently before finally seeing Brittany there. "Dad will make up for all my past mistakes by taking care of the baby in your belly."


"Let's keep bad guys like Kevin away from that baby." Paul looked at Sophia, and he nodded. "Your mom and I are already committed to making you have better days here."

"Are we moving out for good? What about Alicia, Nick, we didn't tell them?"

Paul let out a long sigh. "You can tell them by message. But as long as the baby isn't born yet, you, your mom and I will stay here. Don't let Kevin know, don't post anything on social media. OK?"

Brittany appreciated her parents' efforts to protect her and the baby in her belly. She nodded her head and rubbed her stomach gently. "Okay, Dad. But what about Kevin's legal troubles? He should be in jail for breaking the rules?"

Brittany's words got his father thinking, so Paul put the plastic orange left on the floor onto the table. Sitting in a chair near the table, Paul finally delivered his strategy. "I have a plan. So first, we're going to stay here to avoid Kevin. The problem is, we don't know how far Kevin will go. Although he said he would take responsibility for the baby, we don't see any sincerity in his attitude at all. This is strange, he must have other goals. Secondly, he dared to meet you at home when no one was around. He wants to do something to you. So, as long as Kevin is still so obsessed with you, we'll stay here, hide here. And while we're here, I'm going to try to get Nicholas to help me find out about Kevin. I'm also going to call my connections to find out how Kevin got out of jail with legal documents."

Brittany and Sophia nodded in agreement. It was a pretty good idea.

"What if Kevin finds out where I am, Dad?" The anxiety came from Brittany. The girl hugged herself, then looked at Sophia. "And you guys have to take care of business overseas, what if he comes after me in your absence?"

"I'll be canceling some work for the next few months. Is our savings enough to last for a year, dear?"

The question was thrown for Sophia. Sophia nodded quickly. "It's more than enough."

Paul looked at Brittany, his eyes filled with determination. "We won't let Kevin harm you, Brittany. Your safety is our top priority. As for Kevin knowing where you are, we'll take extra precautions. I will hire a private security team to ensure your protection. They will quietly monitor the neighborhood and make sure you are safe."

Brittany felt a wave of relief wash over her. The weight of this situation felt lighter with every word her father spoke. Sophia added, "And if Kevin manages to locate you, we'll have a contingency plan. You can stay with a trusted friend, change locations if needed, and the security team will be with you every step of the way."

Brittany nodded, grateful for her parents' proactive approach to protecting her and the baby. Paul continued to outline his plan, "As for Kevin's legal issues, I will investigate them discreetly. If he uses a loophole to get out of jail, we'll make sure the authorities know about it. He will not escape the consequences for his actions."

Sophia chimed in, "We will also inform the police about his threats and actions. Making a case against him will add an extra layer of protection. We won't let him intimidate or hurt you, Brittany."

Feeling a newfound strength in her family's support, Brittany wiped away the remaining tears. "Thank you, Mom, Dad. I never thought I'd have to go through something like this, but knowing that you guys are here for me makes all the difference."

Paul smiled, "We are a team, Brittany. We'll face this together. Now, let's focus on keeping you safe and ensuring Kevin faces the consequences of his actions. Your mom and I are committed to making sure you have a peaceful and safe environment."

As they discussed the details of the security measures and emergency plans, Brittany felt a sense of security that she hadn't felt since she learned of her pregnancy. She knew that challenges lay ahead, but with her family by her side, she found the strength to face whatever was to come.

Little did they know that the bond between this family would be tested, but their determination to protect each other proved unbreakable.

"I'm so grateful for having you two in my life."

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