
Two Hundred and thirty seven


Noel tapped her fingers on the surface of the table, she looked around. The scene outside Nicholas' room was still the same. There was only Elden at his desk. Hendrick and Peter were already in the field, looking for more information regarding the case they were on.

"Don't we have anything to compare Jason to? We could just go through all the items in Jason's pawn shop, couldn't we?" it was Nicholas' idea, he had become very ambitious after finding out Ace was involved in the death of Jill and her daughter. "If Ace can kill Jill and her daughter, Ace can also kill Jason and his family!"

"We haven't found Jason's children yet, Nick. Let's not make the wrong assumptions and opinions." Noel shrugged. "You know all the media outlets are highlighting Ace's disappearance, right? Especially if Wilson Blake really has recovered from his illness, we have to list Wilson Blake among the suspects. Especially if Wilson Blake does have murder plans for Alicia's parents."

Nicholas massaged his temples, then pointed at Noel. "Now we go to Jason's house, we check if Ace left anything that we can compare to Ace's nails."

Noel grinned and nodded his head. "It was good luck finding Ace's nails under the table. Alicia is really sensitive."

"Let's go now!" said Nicholas, he stood up and took Noel with him.

It took about an hour for the two of them to reach Jason's pawn shop. From a distance, Noel and Nicholas could see that Hendrick was talking to someone near the pawn shop.

"That's Hendrick. Should we tell him about the lab results?"

Nicholas thought for a moment, he bit his lip and finally said, "Don't tell Hendrick about this information. Let it remain confidential. I wonder if Hendrick can get information about Ace if we don't tell him."

Noel nodded in agreement, then parked his car at the curb. "All right. I'll keep an eye on him."

After getting out of the car, Hendrick realized that his two superiors had arrived without giving him any news. Hendrick took a small step toward Nicholas, greeting him politely. "Good afternoon, Chief. I thought you wouldn't come to this place anymore?"

"Do you have something to hide, to be worried about me coming unannounced?" Noel immediately nudged Nicholas' arm, Nicholas was too sentimental and Noel tried to remind him. Nicholas laughed, trying to look convincing in front of Hendrick. "Tsk, I'm just kidding. I just wanted to double check the crime scene in Jason's case, whether we missed anything or not."

Hendrick's face looked shocked, but he quickly changed it with a smile on his lips. "Alright. Incidentally, I was talking to one of the VVIP customers at this pawn shop. She doesn't know that Jason is dead, so I can ask her a lot of questions. Would you like to check?"

Nicholas exchanged glances with Noel, before the police chief finally nodded his assent. The three of them approached Luna, one of the VVIP customers at the pawn shop who owned a house in the area. Luna looked confused when approached by the men, but she calmly faced them.

"Mrs. Winchester, this is Nicholas and Noel, my boss who is also investigating this case. Do you mind if my superiors ask you a few questions?"

Luna looked thoughtful, she looked at the clock on her left hand and said, "Alright. But I have to leave in two hours. Can we finish before two hours?"

Hendrick smiled and nodded his head. "Sure." He then turned to Nicholas, "I have asked Mrs. Winchester about the nuts and bolts of the pawn shop. But if there's anything else you'd like to ask, Mrs. Winchester probably wouldn't mind."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Luna said.

"Do you live nearby? But I heard you weren't aware of Mr. Abraham's death," Nicholas began.

Luna nodded. "I just got back from Paris. My house is just down the street. I was going to pawn my necklace at the pawn shop, but the pawn shop was blocked off with a police line. That was quite a surprise."

"Are you a VVIP customer?"


Noel's question made everyone focus on Luna, especially after she said yes to the question.

"Do you know any other VVIP customers?"

Luna looked thoughtful. "I know a few people, we have a limited group. But there isn't any info on Jason's death, it seems people are too scared to talk about it."

Nicholas frowned. "You have a limited group?"

"Yes, it consists of some VVIP customers of this pawn shop. They are wealthy donors, investors and collectors who are ready to spend a lot of money on items from this pawn shop," Luna explained.

After a moment's pause, Nicholas ventured to ask again, "Do you know someone named...Ace Blake? Could he be one of the VVIP customers here?"

"Ace Blake?" Luna shook her head after hearing the name. "We don't all know real names, we all use pseudonyms in the group."

Noel asked again, "Did any of the VVIP customers use the name 'Golden' as a pseudonym in the group?"

"Golden? Something related to gold huh? Um, there seems to be one. One moment." Luna took out her phone, she checked the group within the messenger app and checked the list of names within the group. She nodded, then showed the screen while saying, "Golden Perth. Is he the one you're looking for?"

Nicholas spluttered. "She uses the last name Alicia in disguise. Is she really obsessed with my girlfriend?"

"Your girlfriend?"

Noel hurriedly changed the subject. "Ah, he was just joking about that. Thank you very much for the information you provided. Can you do a screen capture and send the images to my number?" Noel took out her cell phone, she and Luna exchanged numbers. "You can send it to this number."

"I already did," Luna said.

"Thank you for your time, we are very grateful."

Luna finally left after being escorted by Hendrick, as per Nicholas' request. Meanwhile, Nicholas and Noel exchanged glances.

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