
Two Hundred and thirty nine


Nicholas maneuvers through the city streets, keeping a close eye on Hendrick's speeding car. The falling snow added urgency to the chase, creating a tense atmosphere in the air. Noel, who was gripping the side of the car, couldn't help but feel the tension of the situation.

"He's in a hurry, Chief. Do you think he's after us?" Noel asked, his gaze fixed on Hendrick's car ahead.

Nicholas remained focused on the chase, determination etched on his face. "He might suspect something, or he's rushing to share information with someone. We can't let Ace get away."

The chase took them through winding streets, with Hendrick's car weaving through traffic. As they approached a bridge, Hendrick suddenly veered off the main road, heading into a quieter suburb.

"He's deviating from the usual route. We have to be careful," Nicholas advised as he narrowed his eyes. The snowfall was getting heavier, creating a mystical atmosphere around the dimly lit streets.

Hendrick's car came to an abrupt stop in front of a nondescript warehouse. Nicholas parked his car far away, making sure they were not seen. The three detectives watched carefully as Hendrick entered the building, the heavy door creaking shut behind him.

"We can't confront him directly. Let's gather more information before making our move," Nicholas whispered, formulating a plan. "Noel, stay here and watch the entrance. Peter, come with me. We'll find another way in."

The trio silently approached the warehouse, looking for an alternative entrance. They found an unlocked side door and slipped in without alerting anyone. As they quietly moved through the dimmed corridor, muffled voices echoed from a distant room.

"Looks like there's a meeting. Stay close, but don't make a sound," Nicholas instructed as they approached the source of the conversation.

Peeking through the partially open door, they witnessed a secret meeting being conducted clandestinely in a room filled with dim, flickering lights. Hendrick stood among them, conversing with a shadowy figure covered by the dim light.

"He's sharing information with someone. We need to get close without getting caught," Nicholas whispered, his eyes narrowing as he analyzed the scene.

Nicholas gave the signal, before they finally moved to a deeper position, closer to Hendrick's position. Hendrick's small voice could now be heard clearly. There was another man's voice in there.

"Tell your boss that Ace's movements are being picked up," Hendrick said.

Nicholas and Peter who were hiding behind the wall could only secure their positions. They tried their best not to make any noise so as not to be spotted by Hendrick.

"Are you sure?" said a man Nicholas didn't know who. "Do they know everything Ace has done?"

"I can only tell you that much. They found a witness, a woman named Luna Winchester. It seems Ace forgot to leave his restricted group and it became a very dangerous trail."

"Alright. I'll let Boss know."

"Oh, and, another thing, he'll have to pay dearly for this information."

Nicholas heard signs that Hendrick was about to leave, so he quickly gave Peter the code to return to the main door. They ran as fast as they could and pulled Noel with them. They managed to hide behind a wall in the next building as Hendrick returned to the car. After Hendrick, a large man who looked familiar also came out of the warehouse. Nicholas could only peek out and watch the two men.

It was only after the two cars left that Nicholas came out of hiding. Noel and Peter did the same. The disappointment was painted on Peter's face, as he had admired Hendrick since the beginning of his partnership with the man.

"Hendrick was really involved with Ace. But, who did he report Ace's movements to?" Nicholas mumbled for a long time, then looked at Noel who was also looking at the direction Hendrick's car and the stranger had gone. "Do you think there's a mastermind behind Ace's movements?"

Nicholas stood in the shadows, his mind racing with newfound information. The revelation that Hendrick was not only connected to Ace, but also reported his movements to others, added an unexpected layer to this already complicated case. Noel and Peter exchanged quizzical glances, realizing that the situation had grown far past their initial suspicions.

"I can't believe Hendrick betrayed us like this," Peter muttered, disappointment evident in his voice.

"You must be disappointed that Hendrick was being nice to you, right?" Nicholas, deep in thought, nodded. "We need to find out who Hendrick is reporting to. There might be a mastermind orchestrating all of Ace's actions. We'd all better get back to the car now."

There was no resistance, everyone returned to Nicholas' car. A strange, awkward coldness enveloped them all. The reality before their eyes could no longer be denied. Hendrick had indeed betrayed the detectives. Starting from Ace's release, to important information. All things had been leaked by Hendrick.

Hendrick was a senior detective, he served as a detective in the serious crimes division as well as the head of city prison security. Hendrick should have known the consequences of his actions, but he chose to sell his pride for money.

"Here we are. This is your house, right, Peter?"

Peter had been daydreaming since the beginning. He still couldn't believe that his favorite senior would betray the police force. Peter turned his head with a gasp, and replied, "Ah, yes, right." He smiled awkwardly, then unbuckled his seat belt. "Thank you for taking me home, Chief. Detective Noel, I'd like permission to get off first. Again, thank you."

Peter opened the door, but before he could get out of the car, Nicholas held him back. "Peter!"

"Yes, Chief?" Peter turned around, looking at Nicholas who was now looking at him worriedly.

"Don't worry about it too much. It's New Year's Eve, you should be having fun."

There was a pause before Peter finally put a bitter smile on his lips and nodded his head. He looked at Nicholas and said, "Okay, Chief. Thank you.”

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