
Two Hundred and thirty two


If someone were to ask Kevin why he was so determined to keep Brittany, the answer would be because she was the only one who met his expectations. They'd been in a relationship for a long time, they'd endured the hardships of college together, they'd shared the same ups and downs, they'd shared the same love.

They shared so many things that Brittany didn't realize that Kevin had a terrible personality hidden inside him.

That day, was the day Kevin met Brittany. It was one year ago.

Brittany was busy with her cell phone in her hand when someone with a stack of books blocking the view bumped into her. They collided and both fell to the floor. The thick books Kevin was carrying scattered to the floor, Brittany's Momentarara also fell and threw her cell phone.

Brittany stood up in a panic. "Oh my, I'm sorry!"

The girl picked up all the books, as did Kevin. He felt guilty for bumping into Brittany and did the same. After he was done with the books, Kevin tried to make sure that Brittany was okay.

"I'm sorry these books knocked you down, are you okay?" Kevin asked curiously.

Brittany smiled, "I'm fine." She held her phone up in the air. "I'm busy looking for class, it's chemistry class. I don't know which building to go to because the professor asked for a room change."

"Chemistry class?"

"Yes, I'm taking Chemistry Education, but for the first time, Mr. Green wants to switch rooms. I've never explored the campus, so I don't really know."

Kevin put a smile on his lips. "I can take you, I happen to be taking that class too. Since we're in different classes, I never met you."

Brittany mumbled and nodded her head at the end, "You're right. Your face is very familiar."

"I'm Kevin," Kevin said, and shook Brittany's hand, which she gladly accepted.

"Brittany. Brittany Scoots."

Brittany closed her eyes as she remembered everything about Kevin. There wasn't a single thing that made Brittany hate Kevin. Kevin was a nice guy, smart, and he was good at choosing his words to make her feel comfortable around him. She got up from the bed, looking at herself in the mirror in the corner of the room. Holding up her oversized T-shirt, Brittany observed the shape of her stomach, which looked a little full.

Whereas normally Brittany would panic at the sight of her bulging body, now she could only let out a long sigh and regret everything there.

"One year is too short to recognize someone's true character."

That voice made Brittany turn around. She pulled down her T-shirt, covering her now-baby belly. A small smile appeared on Brittany's lips when she saw Sophia walk into her room.

"But love can blind anyone," Sophia continued, walking over and putting her arm around Brittany's shoulders. Turning her daughter's body gently, they looked at themselves in the mirror. "You can't guess who you'll fall in love with, and you can't choose who your heart will fall for."


Sophia's gentle touch on Brittany's back brought tears to the girl's eyes. "Everything will be fine, you'll be safe in this house."

"Will grandma be angry if she finds out I'm pregnant outside of marriage?"

Sophia smiled bitterly. "She's a very religious person, but Mom will try to talk to her. She'll definitely understand. You don't have to worry. Isn't grandma's beating better than the man who almost killed you?"

Brittany chuckled in embarrassment, she nodded her head and answered her mother. "I'd rather be spanked by Grandma, Mom."

"Why don't we talk to Grandma about your current situation?"

Brittany's face took on a surprised look, she turned around and raised her eyebrows. "What? Right now? What if you kick me out right away?"

Sophia rolled her eyes lazily. "Grandmother is part of the family. You're part of the family. And as family members, we can't hurt each other, Brittany."

Brittany hesitated for a moment, contemplating the idea of revealing her condition to her grandmother. Sophia, sensing her daughter's hesitation, squeezed Brittany's shoulder reassuringly.

"Grandma loves you, Brittany. We are family, and families support each other through thick and thin," Sophia said, her voice filled with warmth.

Taking a deep breath, Brittany nodded, "Okay, Mom. Let's go talk to Grandma."

Together, they walked down the hallway of the familiar family home, with walls decorated with memories captured in photographs. As they approached the cozy living room, the scent of grandma's homemade cookies filled the air.

Grandma, a gentle woman with silver hair and a twinkle in her eye, looked up from her knitting as Brittany and Sophia entered. She greeted them with a warm smile, "Ah, my children, what brings you here?"

Sophia gently guided Brittany to the sofa, and they both sat down. Sophia began, "Mom, we need to talk about something important."

Grandma put down her knitting needles, worry evident in her eyes. "Of course, dear. You can tell me anything."

Brittany nervously fiddled with her hands, trying to find the right words. "Grandma, I'm... I'm pregnant."

There was a moment of silence in the room, the only sound was the ticking of the antique clock on the wall. Grandma's eyes widened slightly, but instead of anger or disappointment, a thoughtful expression crossed her face.

Sophia interrupted, "We know this is unexpected, Mom. But Brittany needs our support now more than ever."

Grandma sighed, "Life is full of surprises, isn't it?" She looked directly at Brittany, her gaze softening. "You are family, Brittany. And the family will stick together. We will face this together."

Brittany, overcome with emotion, felt tears welling up in her eyes. Grandma opened her arms, inviting Brittany into a warm embrace. As they embraced, Brittany could feel her grandmother's unconditional love and acceptance.

"I may not understand everything, but I love you, Brittany. And that won't change," Grandma whispered.

A weight was lifted from Brittany's shoulders as she realized the power of family bonds. In that moment, surrounded by love and understanding, Brittany knew that no matter what challenges came her way, she had a family that would always be by her side.

The room was filled with a sense of unity, three generations bound by love, ready to face the uncertainties of the future as one strong family.

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