
two Hundred and twenty six


Alicia couldn't give an answer when Nicholas suddenly asked. She felt awkward because she had said a word that she shouldn't have said in front of Nicholas. But talking about marriage shouldn't be this complicated either. Alicia looked at Nicholas, stared at the man who was currently her lover and muttered something long.

"We need a lot of things for marriage. And I don't think marriage should be a prerequisite for entering and managing a company." Alicia looked at Felix who was also looking at her curiously. "These are two different things, aren't they?"

Felix smiled a little. He looked at Alicia with admiration. "I like the way you see the world. But alas, this is business. Business is business. There are many people who would like to sit in your shoes, but Madame Michelle has put you in that position without you having to work hard, and you shouldn't waste it." The forty-year-old man took out a folder from inside his tote bag, he placed the folder on the table and showed the contents to Alicia and Nicholas. "These are the programs that Alpha Company has, including the annual projects, daily programs, charity events and donations that we often do. Your mother had a vision that was good for many people and with the inheritance letter, you can continue the intentions your mother started without worrying that all these good things will be replaced by other goals."

Felix's words touched Alicia's heart. Alicia pulled the contents of the folder closer. The sheets of paper containing the pictures were clipped, stuck together, like a collage that formed a book.

"My mom... did a lot of charity work?" Alicia looked up, seeing Felix.

And Felix immediately answered Alicia's question right there. "Yes, your mother and your father do a lot of good things. Christine will replace you only until you're ready and until you've learned the basics in the company. You're not alone, you'll have me as your lawyer, Christin as your mentor and you'll have a bodyguard."

"Ah, about the bodyguard, sorry to interrupt!" Alicia and Felix immediately looked at Nicholas, while Nicholas spread a smile there. "Can I take care of Alicia?"

Felix raised one eyebrow. "As Alicia's personal bodyguard?"

"No, she can take care of me like a lover."

Alicia's words made Felix frown. His eyes narrowed suspiciously when he saw Nicholas and Alicia taking turns. At first, Nicholas also did not expect that Alicia would talk to the point like that. But the rice had already become porridge. Nicholas could only show his best smile in this very awkward atmosphere.

Alicia tapped Nicholas lightly on the shoulder. "Nicholas and I have a special relationship. This is why I don't want to make marriage part of the company's business. I want to marry someone because I love them, not because I want to get that CEO position."

"I see what you mean, Miss Perth. Oh, I actually prefer to call you by your first name. But soon, you'll be the CEO, you'll be my boss," Felix said, he winked one eye ignorantly. Felix then explained, "You can marry Detective Nicholas, why are you so worried? In the inheritance letter, Madame Michelle did not stipulate the criteria of the partner you should have."

Alicia and Nicholas exchanged awkward glances. Nicholas cleared his throat, "You want to marry me, don't you?"

Alicia hesitated for a moment, caught up in the unexpected proposal Nicholas had just made. Her mind raced as she weighed the implications of blending her personal life with the professional world. Felix, sensing the tension, leaned back in his chair, observing the unfolding drama with a keen gaze.

"We should focus on the basics of the company first," Alicia said, trying to change the subject.

Felix's proposal hung in the air, an unspoken challenge that demanded an answer. Alicia, deciding to divert the conversation from the suddenly changed topic, turned her attention back to the folder on the table. The pictures and documents it contained gave a clear picture of her parents' philanthropic endeavors, their commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

"Your parents did amazing things, Alicia," Felix said, breaking the awkward silence. "But now, the responsibility falls on your shoulders. Madame Michelle's legacy is a powerful force for good, and you have the opportunity to continue that legacy. It's a rare opportunity, one that not many people get."

"It's a tough decision, I haven't even seen my parents in years," Alicia said sadly. Alicia looked at Felix seriously. "Why would he want me to continue with the business, when he never visited me on my birthday?"

"That's something personal that Mrs. Michelle never told me about," Felix said. He pursed his lips, then pointed to one of the pictures on the paper. "This is Madame Michelle with the children at the hospital, she really likes children. Just by looking at her, I can tell that she has a genuine heart for these children. Even though she never met you, Madam Michelle gave her love in other ways, didn't she? The number two doesn't always come from one plus one, does it?"

"That's a touching parable," Alicia said, smiling a little.

Felix mumbled, then explained, "I'll give you until next week, when you're ready, we have an internal meeting with the board of directors and the staff. Everyone already knows this information, but we're going to make the meeting official and do a temporary handover to Christine. You've never met her in person, have you?"

Alicia pondered Felix's words, grappling with the weight of her family's legacy and the new responsibilities thrust upon her. The mention of her parents' absence on her birthday stung, adding a layer of complexity to the decision she was about to make. As the trio continued to discuss company matters, Alicia couldn't shake the personal questions lingering in her mind.

"I need time to think, it’s a difficult time for me," Alicia finally admitted, her eyes flickering between Nicholas and Felix.

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