
Two Hundred and twenty four


Sophia smiled in the midst of her concern. "We are a family, and families are always united in joy and sorrow. We will help you build a future filled with love and security for your baby."

Paul, though still stern, showed a glimpse of compassion. "We will protect you, Brittany. And this baby will know nothing but love and security."

As they faced the challenges ahead, the family forged a bond that was stronger than ever. They decided to consult with the authorities to ensure Kevin could not harm Brittany or the baby she was carrying. The road ahead was uncertain, but with the unwavering support of her parents and friends, Brittany felt a newfound strength.

The room echoed with a shared commitment-to protect Brittany and her baby from the shadows of the past. Little did they know that this unexpected turn of events would not only strengthen their family bonds, but also lead them on a journey of healing and resilience.

"But how did Kevin get out of prison on probation? We didn't even hear anything," Paul said unhappily. He grunted harshly, then pointed at Nicholas. "Did you know about this case and keep quiet, Nick?"

"I only found out about Kevin getting out of prison after I found him coming to this house."

"You mean... when we went to Paris?" Sophia asked for confirmation. She looked at Brittany and put her arms around her gently. Sophia then asked Brittany a question. "Is everything okay? You feel good? Kevin didn't do anything bad to you, did he?"

"He came close, but I pointed my fork at him to protect myself, Mom."

As Paul spoke, he looked at Brittany in surprise and replied. "Fork? You should have pointed the knife at him. He's an asshole! He made you sad like this, he even ruined your future. He should be put to death!"

"Calm down, Paul. Our daughter is going through a difficult time, she needs our support to deal with this," Sophia said, trying to calm her husband's emotions.

Then, Nicholas tried to mediate the heated atmosphere between them. "I'm checking the documents issued by the prison and the police station regarding Kevin's release. I've checked the warrant to release him and I found Hendrick's signature on it, he's in charge of what goes on at the city jail. I'll look into that too."

Paul snapped his fingers in the air, then pointed at Nicholas with an enthusiastic expression. "That's a good idea. You should also see if there is any possibility of fraud or nepotism going on inside the prison. We can punish Kevin and put him in jail again if we have strong evidence of nepotism."

Nicholas nodded his head in agreement. "But I can't investigate quickly. I have other matters to settle here."

"What's wrong, Nick? Is there a problem in the office?" Sophia asked curiously.

Nicholas looked at Alicia, then back at Sophia and Paul. "The field team is investigating the death of Alicia's parents."

Sophia and Paul gasped in shock. They immediately looked at Alicia and said, "We are very sorry and sorry for your parents, Alicia. I'm sorry that we forgot to say this."

Alicia smiled politely and nodded her head. "You don't need to be embarrassed. My parents had a private funeral, I didn't tell or invite anyone."

"There is a possibility that Alicia's parents were murdered, and this murder is related to another murder case," Nicholas said, he muttered then continued, "The field team is focusing on this serial murder case."

"Serial killings?" Sophia's voice filled the room, she was startled and clutched her chest. She looked at her husband and asked, "Is the city going to be okay? I think we need to help Nicholas, find a solution for our own daughter, Paul."

The tension in the room was heightened when Nicholas made a shocking statement about a possible connection between the deaths of Alicia's parents and a bigger, more sinister serial killer case. Sophia, who was usually calm, felt her heart racing, and Paul began to think about the possibilities associated with the serial killer case.

Paul finally took a stand. He sighed, then said, "I'll try to protect my daughter, so you can focus on the serial killer case. Do you have a plan?"

Nicholas nodded. "It all seems to be related to business, politics, and money, but the police are still figuring out the center. All of these cases are related to Ace, to the murder case at Golden High School."

"Ah, that case. That was the first time I handed you a complicated murder case, wasn't it?" Paul looked at Brittany, "It happened at Brittany's school and it was bad."

"Ace escaped and it's really giving us a hard time. The police are convinced that all these murders are Ace's doing."

Nicholas nodded solemnly. "Yes, it looks like Ace masterminded a dangerous game. The police believe these murders are somehow related to Ace's grudge against a certain family. A family like Alicia's."

Sophia sighed, "This is really bad."

Nicholas sighed, grappling with the gravity of the situation. "There's a lot we need to figure out. Ace's motive is elusive, but the connection is there. We're not just dealing with a random murder; there's a purpose behind every murder."

Paul, determined to protect his daughter, interjected, "We can't let Ace harm another family. What is the plan, Nicholas? How can we stop this?"

"We've been trying to catch Ace and all the investigations are still in progress," Nicholas said.

Paul then looked at Alicia, "This must be hard for you too. I'm sorry that we can't help, we have to take care of Brittany and maybe that's how we can help Nicholas, Nicholas doesn't need to help us so much to focus on the case."

Nicholas replied, "Thank you, Paul. Now, Alicia and I have to go. At least we feel relieved that we helped Brittany talk to you."

"I should thank you," Paul said. "Thank you for not abandoning her at a difficult time.

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