
Love in the crossfire
Love in the crossfire
Author: Florence A.S



Florence A.S

Chapter One: The Fateful Encounter

Sofia's POV

In the dimly lit streets of a bustling metropolis in New York, where shadows danced with the flickering neon lights, a lone figure navigated through the labyrinth of alleyways. Sofia, a young beautiful woman with a determined spirit, had left her hometown behind in search of a better life.

With nothing but a few belongings and the dreams of a brighter future, she ventured into a new city, hoping to find solace in the anonymity of the city. But fate had other plans for her.

As she walked briskly, her heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty, Sofia sensed a presence lurking in the darkness. Before she could react, a group of menacing figures emerged from the shadows, their intentions clear.

"Give us your money, sweetheart," one of them snarled, his voice dripping with malice.

“She looks so beautiful and sexy, it wouldn't be bad to have her for a night.” another man said in an oppressive tone while the others began laughing.

“It won't be bad if we all have a taste of her because she looks too sweet.”

Panicked, Sofia searched for an escape route, but the alley seemed to close in around her. She was trapped, alone, and defenseless against the looming threat.

“Please don't hurt me, I'm just a poor orphan looking for a greener pasture. Please, I beg you.” Sofia cried and pleaded for mercy in a shaking voice.

Spencer’s POV

“I need another shot,” Spencer said to the barman as he gulped a shot of whiskey.

“Boss, the room is arranged and the lady is waiting.” Spencer's bodyguard said with a straight face.

“Okay,” Spencer said as he smirked.

Spencer headed to the room and met the lady sitting and he said in an authoritative voice “Why are you still dressed?”

Immediately the lady got up and began dressing. “How do you want me to satisfy you today?” the lady said smiling sexily.

“Show me what you know how to do best,” Spencer said with a straight face.

As the lady put one hand into Spencer's trousers and went on her knees, his phone rang and he got up and left the room immediately.

“I will be in the country in a month make sure all arrangements are in place.”

“Don't make the mistake of telling Kara I will be in town or else you know what I can do to you.”

While on the call, he saw some thugs harassing a lady and he immediately ended the call and headed towards them.

Just as despair threatened to consume her, a voice sliced through the tension like a blade. "Is this how you entertain yourselves now, preying on the helpless?"

A figure materialized from the darkness, his posture exuding confidence and danger in equal measure, tall and handsome, broad shoulders with furrowed eyebrows, and strong jawline. Dressed in a tailored suit that spoke of wealth and power, he radiated an aura of authority that demanded attention. His voice sounded so cold and intimidating.

Arrogant and imposing, he stepped forward, his gaze locking onto Sofia’s with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. "Run along now, before I decide to teach you a lesson you won't forget."

The thugs hesitated, sizing up the newcomer with wary glances. One said, “Is that not Spencer McCarthy? the most renowned mafia in this city.” “We need to leave before he deals with us.” Another thug said with a trembling voice.

Sensing an opportunity, Sofia seized her chance and bolted, her heart pounding in her chest as she fled into the night.

As she disappeared into the shadows, the mysterious stranger turned his attention back to the thugs, his expression hardening into a mask of resolve. "Consider this a warning," he growled, his voice cold and unforgiving. "Cross paths with me again, and you won't be so lucky."

With a final glare, he watched as the thugs slunk away, defeated. Alone once more, he disappeared into the darkness, leaving Sofia to wonder about the enigmatic savior who had come to her rescue.

Little did she know, their paths were destined to cross again, igniting a spark that would set their worlds ablaze in ways neither of them could have imagined.

Sofia's POV

While moving around the city reminiscing on the incident that occurred, and wondering where to go, Sofia recognized the figure of the person who saved her and she hurriedly ran to him to seek help, not knowing who he was.

“Let him know I will be coming to the state in a week and he should make sure everything is done before my arrival, am I understood?” Spencer said in a cold tone and ended the call.

He turned to leave but realized someone was behind him. He turned to know who it was and he found Sofia staring at him innocently.

“What do you want?” Spencer asked

Startled at his tone, with tears in her eyes, Sofia said, “Please I don't have anywhere to go to, I'm new to this city and I have no one to ask for help.”

“Have you been following me? What makes you think I will help you?” Spencer asked Sofia while staring at her with a cold gaze.

“I wasn't following you I promise, I just… I just saw you while I was lost in my thoughts and… and I decided to…..” before Sofia could finish her sentence, Spencer turned his back and left.

“Why is he so rude and cold?” Sofia thought to herself.

“Take her to the house. I will be there shortly.” Spencer told one of his guards.

“Excuse me, the boss said you should come with me.” Dave, Spencer's guard said

Surprised Sofia followed quietly without saying a word.

While lost in her thoughts, Sofia kept wondering where they were taking her and why no one was saying a word.

“He scared me at first but now he asked his guards to bring me, does he want to help me or does he have other intentions towards me? Oh blessed Mary please protect me in this strange city like you did the last time” Sofia said to herself with fear in her heart.

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