

Author's Note; Hi guys! So this chapter is a christmas special chapter and you're suppose to be reading it for free. Don't worry I'll ask my editor to make it a free to read. Merry Christmas!

Angela’s POV

I just bought a mini christmas tree and put five gifts under it so we could open them later when the clock strikes twelve. That has been a culture in our family ever since I was a child. Mother would cook some hot pot while dad and I would put designs on our Christmas tree. 

“Mama, will papa go here later?” asked Mary while she’s helping me put the Christmas balls on the Christmas tree.

I stopped for a while and looked at her. “Papa won’t spend Christmas with us because he would spend it with his parents at home.”

“But how can he open the gift that we bought for him?” Hercules peered from behind me.

I just shrugged. “Maybe he can just open it when he comes here. Perhaps tomorrow or next week.”

Mary pouted. “That’s too long. I want to spend the Christmas with papa…”

I heaved a sigh. “It’s alright if he won’t spend Christmas with us tonight. He can still go here any time he wants anyway. Don’t be too sad now, at least the three us is here together with mother and father, right?”

The two of them just smiled at me so I hugged them both. I glanced at the clock and saw that it’s already eleven in the evening, just an hour from now and it would be Christmas already. Actually to be honest, it kind of make me also sad that Lucifer isn’t here to celebrate with us and also Christine, though I really do understand that they have their own families and they should celebrate with them too. It’s just that I think it will be more fun if they are all here.

“Alright, would you like to help me serve our foods?” 

They both nodded and smiled at me. “Yes, mama!”

We then walked towards the kitchen and they helped me prepare our Christmas dinner. Both of our mother and father’s picture frame was placed on the table so it would feel like they’re just here with us to celebrate the Christmas. When the clock strikes at 11:50 we all gathered around the table already. 

“So, what are your wishes this Christmas?” I asked them. “You first, Mary.”

She thought for a while before she spoke. “I wish that papa would celebrate the Christmas with us next year and I wish that mama would be healthy always.”

I smiled at her then I shifted my gaze at my younger brother. “How about you, Hercules?”

“I hope that papa would be here next Christmas and also Christine.”

“You guys are so sweet, I badly want to have them here too but we need to understand why they can’t, okay?”


I was about to speak again when someone knocked on our door. The three of us looked at each other. “Wait for me here, I’ll just see who’s outside.”


I stood up and marched towards our door. “Merry Christmas!!! Am I late already?” 


Chrisine smiled and went in to hug me. “Merry Christmas, Angela.”

“Christine!!!!!” my siblings came towards her and hugged her tight. 

“Hey kids, I have some gifts for you!” she said. 

“Really? Yey!!!”

“But you can’t open them yet, okay? Not until the clock strikes twelve.”

The two kids then agreed with her.

“I’m so glad you made it here.” I told Christine as soon as we sat around the table.

Christine smiled. “I told my mom and dad that I’ll be spending Christmas with you this year and thy easily agreed with me as long as you guys promise to celebrate new year with us at home!”

“Really?! Of course, we’ll be so happy to do that.”

“Alright, so that’s a deal now.”

“MERRY CHRISTMAS!” we all got surprised when the door went wide open again then Summer and Jace appeared holding some boxes of pizza and gifts.

I stood up and welcomed them. “Jace, Summer!”

“We already planned this a week ago hahaha!” Jace said.

Summer then smacked him. “Why did you tell her!”

We all then laughed as I helped them with the things that they brought with them then we finally sat around the table as we wait for the clock to strike twelve. 

“By the way Christine, theses are my best friends at school, they are Summer and Jace. This is my best friend Christine.” I let them know each other since they haven’t seen each other yet. 

“Hi Christine!” both Summer and Jace said. 

“Hello guys, nice to meet you. Do you already have a girlfriend, Jace?” Christine kidded which made Summer and I laughed while Jace got surprised and sat next to me. “I-I already have Angela so I don’t need another one.” He said.

“But Angela already has a boyfriend, right?” Christine said.

Jace looked at me. “Please, Angela tell her that you’re my girlfriend.”

Summer smacked his ahead which caused a loud laughter inside our home.

“Speaking of your boyfriend, isn’t he coming?” Summer asked me.

I shook my head. “He said his parents already made a plan.”

“Oh, but don’t worry Angela, you’ll get to spend some other Christmas with him when the two of you get married.”

My face immediately heated up. “S-Summer…”

All of a sudden, someone knocked on the door again. “Oh My God, Angela. This is it, it’s your husband I’m sure!!”

“But he already said that he can’t go here.”

“Of course, he’s just kidding and wants to surprise you! Go ahead and open the door for him now!” Christine said as if she’s more excited than I am. I hurriedly walked towards the door and opened it.

“Merry Christmas, my angel.”

“Rafael” I quickly ran towards him and have him a hug. “I’m so glad to see you…”

“I missed you too…”

We both moved away from the hug. “Would you like to go inside?”


Lucy’s POV

I’m here at the Moden’s mansion and we are all gathered here around a very long table. The royal servers are busy bringing in some delicious foods while all of us are just sitting promptly on our comfy chairs. 

It is an annual tradition for our families to celebrate Christmas together with the Modens. Although the King and Queen won’t make it here again. “Merry Christmas Lucy darling.” Said Aunt Melody to me.

“Merry Christmas Aunt Melody and Uncle Rico!”

“Oh wait, we have another visitors.” Said uncle Rico.

We shifted all our gaze towards the huge door of the dining room. “It’s the Vergaras!”

I frowned as soon as I saw that silicon queen’s face. 

We just pretended to be so happy seeing each other then we sat up on our seats again.

“Cheers!” we all yelled as we raised our glasses at exactly twelve midnight. 

“I’m not really a Christmas enthusiast but I’m still excited to welcome it every year because that’s the only time that I get to be with Lucifer.

“Merry Christmas, flat-chested girl.” Said Stacey then handed me a small gift.

I took that gift and smiled at her. “Merry Christmas, Silicon Queen.” Then I handed her a christmas gift too. “Don’t expect too much, I didn’t put so much effort in that.”

“And so with your gift.” She mocked.

I turned to my left and saw Lucifer. I took a deep breathe before I approached him. “Merry Christmas, Lucifer.” I said as I handed a small box with golden wrapper. I was expecting him to just ignore me but then I got surprised when he took it from me. “Thanks.” Then he handed me a small pink-wrapped box.

My eyes widened. “I-Is this for me?” 

He nodded. “Who else do you think.”

“Thank You so much!!!”

I was about to look at Stacey to brag about Lucifer’s gift but then she spoke. “Don’t assume, I received one too.” Then he laughed.

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.”

But then I smiled again. Lucifer gave me a gift and this is the best gift that I’ll ever receive for the rest of my life.

Angela’s POV

Everyone already left and I’m here at the kitchen, washing the dishes while my siblings are already sleeping inside our room. I’m so happy to have a sudden reunion with all of them, it’s the second best Christmas that I’ve had. 

I glanced at my phone to check if someone has messaged me but I saw nothing so I just continue cleaning the sink until I’m done and ready to go to bed. I peered at the wall clock and realized that it’s already one o’clock in the morning. I wonder how was Lucifer’s Christmas celebration with his family happened? I hope they all had some fun.

I was about to lock the door when my phone rang so I quickly ran towards the kitchen and took my phone above the counter. I saw Lucifer’s name on my phone so I immediately pressed the answer icon. “L-Lucifer.”

[How’s your night?]

I sat on the sofa. “It’s really good. Summer, Jace, Christine and Rafael went here that’s why I’m so happy. The two kids were so happy too. How about you? Did you have some fun?”

[Yeah. I had so much fun with so many women here.]

I don’t know if he’s serious or he’s just making me jealous but I just rode in. “Oh really? That’s good, at least you made some new friends.”

[It’s just alright with you?]

“H-Huh? Of course. I’m glad that---Lucifer? Hello?”

He already hanged up the phone. I tried to call him but he’s not answering hiss phone. Did he get mad at me?

“So it’s just alright with you for me to flirt with some other woman?” I almost jumped from where I was standing when I heard Lucifer’s voice and finally saw him walking towards me. 

“Lucifer, how did you—

“You’re happy without me now, huh? You said you were so happy even without me.” He’s finally standing in front of me.

“I-I didn’t say anything like that, I just said that I was so happy that my friends went here to celebrate the Christmas with us…”

He raised an eyebrow at me. “But that’s how you sounded.”

“O-Of course not…”

He suddenly handed me two paper bags. “Give these to those two morons.”

I took those paper bags and smiled at him. “I’m sure they’ll be happy to know you’re here, would you like me to wake them up?”

“No need, I’m going home now.” He said.

“Huh? You’re already leaving?”

“Bye.” He said as he started walking towards the door again but then I stopped him by hugging him from his back. “What are you doing?” he asked.

“Are you mad at me?”

He didn't respond so I hugged him more tightly. "Take my gift first before you go home." I said as I moved away from him.

I took the only gift that was left under the mini christmas tree and handed it to him. "M-Merry Christmas."

He took the gift. "Thanks." He said.

"A-Are you leaving now?" I asked him.

"Would you like me to leave?" 

I shook my head. "But if you--

Just before I could speak up, Lucifer leaned close to me and captivated my lips. I was just looking at him with a surprised look on my face when he moved away. "Merry Christmas." He said.

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