

It has been five months since she started decorating Mr Valenti's house and more offers have started coming in since then, so her team has been extremely busy, including her. Today she was decorating the living room and the dining room, she was supervising them in bringing in the pieces of furniture, and after today she would be 95% done. Mr Valenti is coming to see the house next week, he hasn't even come to check on the house or the progress since she started four months ago. However, since the last time she and Brandon fought, he has now had time for her, he still hasn't introduced her to any of his friends but he has been regularly taking her out more often than before and he has also apologized for not having much time for her and of course she had forgiven him instantly. She couldn't believe that she felt insecure for a moment.

Her phone rang, she took it from her pocket and checked the caller and she smiled. She picked it up and moved to a corner. "Do you miss me that much?"

"I guess, or maybe I just wanted to hear your voice." His voice sounded over the phone.

She laughed, "Do you want to tell me anything? Cause I am in the middle of work"

"Are you free tonight?" She tapped her chin as if thinking, then replied. "Yes, I am. Why?" Not that she would decline.

"That's great, I will pick you up at eight, dress nice." Then he hung up. Megan blushed, they were going out again. She wondered where he was taking her to this time. Grinning from ear to ear she went back to work.

Hours later, she and Brandon had just finished their dinner and were catching up on their daily events. Today he took her to a very classic restaurant, it had a very nice and cool ambiance. It was very perfect for a romantic evening. Megan was guessing that he was finally ready to move their relationship to the next step. She wore a black long-sleeved body-hugging dress with a modest V-neck, the dress stopped below her knee, and she paired it with a brown-colored stiletto heels, a silver clutch bag, and a pair of diamond stud earrings. Her makeup was a light one today, as she wanted to look as simple as possible and her hair was styled to a twisted low bun. However Brandon was also dressed nicely today, he wore a nice brown colored three-piece suit. He was telling her about the new hotel business he wanted to start.

"Why do you suddenly want to start a hotel business, I thought you always said it was expensive and not your style?" She asked feeling curious about his sudden change of mind.

He smiled and shrugged. "To make more money, we businessmen have to toss aside our preferences if it is not helping to add more money to our bank accounts. If I start a hotel business and later increase it to a chain of hotels, think about the profit it could provide for me and my investors and it isn't a bad business idea in the first place."

She nodded in understanding. "You do have a point. But you also know that it isn't easy to start. When acquiring investors, it is a bit tricky, unless they know that your business idea has a solid ground and would provide their profit."

He leaned forward and placed his hand on top of her's that was on the table. "I know all of these that is why I was hoping your father could help me again. Because your father is known to be a formidable figure when it comes to business but most especially investment. If he is supporting me there is no doubt that others wouldn't because his approval on another business is like a Midas touch. If I can successfully pull this one off then we could get married earlier than we planned."

On hearing the word marriage, her eyes lit up but she quickly hid her excitement. "If that is how you put it then I would inform him about it"

He smiled at her with tender brown eyes. "You are the best. What could I possibly do without you." He then leaned back and removed his hands from her and she suddenly missed the warmth of his hands. "I already have a real estate company who are willing to invest as far as your father supports me."

She pondered a bit about what he said and realized he had a point, if his idea was indeed good then her father would indeed support him. However, she would need to convince him since he is a little hostile to Brandon.

"Alright, that's perfect." She told him then suddenly frowned looking at something behind him. She has been noticing those two girls looking at them since they stepped into the restaurant and it seems like Brandon is not aware of them. Most times the girls would stare at them then talk to themselves, she wondered who they were. Obviously, they are not paparazzi as their clothes speak otherwise.

"What's wrong?" Brandon asked and her eyes snapped back to his.

She blinked then answered. "Nothing much, it's just that those girls at your back keep staring at us." She paused and chuckled. "Or maybe I am just being paranoid. I have always made sure to stay out of the spotlight to avoid unnecessary drama."

Brandon turned around to check them out and when he faced her again his whole body was tense. "What's wrong?" Now it was her turn to ask.

"Nothing. Since we are done eating, let's leave"

"But..." She began but he was already signalling for the waiter who brought their bill in which he paid for, and then stood up.

"Let's go." His tone was curt. Megan had no choice but to follow him out. The drive back to her house was silent, she checked the time and it was 9:15 pm. They didn't even stay for long she thought, the car stopped at the front of the building where she lives and she turned to him but he was staring ahead as if in deep thoughts.

"Aren't you going to escort me to my door today?"

"No." His voice was cold.

"Why not?" She asked innocently.

This time he looked at her "I have urgent business to attend to."

"This late at night!"

"I am a busy man. Now, you can come down."

"Brandon, what is really wrong? Did I do something or did I say something to offend you? You can tell me about it you know." She offered, worried that she had ruined one of their special nights.

"I am just tired, that's all. Don't worry too much about it."

Her voice was low when she spoke. "Oh okay." She opened the car door but didn't get down. "No kiss for me today?" Maybe she could lighten the mood but her hope was soon crushed.

"Later" he smiled but she could see it was clearly forced. "I will call you tomorrow." He added quickly when he saw how disappointed and hurt her expression was. She got out of the car and began to walk into her building, Megan paused and turned back to wave at him but he was already driving off. She didn't know how long she stood there frozen or why her chest felt really heavy or why tears threatened to fall out of her eyes. But one thing that she knew was that she was extremely hurt and her heart ached all over from Brandon's behavior. What really went wrong? She thought to herself.

However, she couldn't ignore the fact that Brandon's hostile behavior began when she showed him those girls. Does he know them? Are they his enemies? Was that why his behavior changed? With a heavy heart, she continued into her building.

Megan signed for the tenth time in frustration. It seems like this week was destined to be a rough one. First, it was last night's incident with Brandon, now today, it was a logistical issue. In which an expensive and rare sculpture which was personally handmade and the only design available, is finally here but broken. It was meant to be kept in the middle of the grand ballroom. It took a lot of convincing to get the sculptor to make it, especially for them under the span of three months which was rare for a very busy and famous person like him but miraculously he agreed to her constant and relentless pleading which was surprising for her and her team as well. Because anyone who has worked with Georgiou Alexpoulos would know that he was a difficult and busy one.

"Inform them to send it back. Let's see if he can help us again." She told Julie.

"What? Are you sure?" Her eyes were wide.

Megan nodded. Julie went to inform the logistics officer. Aside from the logistics issue, the house was complete and the cleaners had finished cleaning. All that was left was for her to do one last checkup, she walked further into the house, surveying it. She was so proud of her work and her team who worked with her to achieve this. She would treat them to a team dinner tonight and she could not wait to tell her dad of her biggest and most successful job since she started her own interior decorator company. She checked all the rooms, including the master bedroom, the kitchen, the gym room, the game room, and even the grand ballroom. All was perfect.

Megan stepped into the indoor pool. It looked different now that she made it more beautiful. There was water in the pool, she had ordered it like that so that when Mr. Valenti arrived, he would see the full beauty of the house. She walked around the swimming pool, it was a little dark but she could still see. Megan smiled and nodded her head in satisfaction, she turned around only to bump into a hard wall or rather, a hard chest. A strong hand came around her waist holding her up so she would not fall, her hand was on the person's chest and they were really muscular. Megan looked up only to meet Mr. Valenti's dark gaze.

"I-I didn't ex-expect to see you so soon Mr. Valenti." She stammered, surprised to see him in the pool. She did not hear anyone coming in.

"I thought it was my house." He replied sardonically gazing at her intently with a look that was making her heart beat fast and her body to get hot all over. She flushed when she realized her hand was still on his chest and her body was pressed to his with his hand still around her waist. Megan hastily stepped back from his embrace, however, it seemed like she moved too quickly and she lost her footing. She realized in alarm that she was falling into the pool. Yet again, a strong hand caught her but this time Mr. Valenti missed a step and they both fell into the pool with a loud splash.

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