


"Are you okay, Selena?"

I nod at her, "Yes... I'm just thinking, what did we forget to put in our cart."

"Ahh, wait. Ahm we already have..."

I looked again at the door where Haxilla left with that old woman. Before, I already noticed something strange about their moves, especially to Haxilla, she's the most suspicious one. Ignoring it is the only thing that came to my mind that time, because I always think that I'm just overt thinking things.

But, the thing that made me so confused is Raven's mother. We all thought—or I'm just the only one—that her biological mother was already dead. Base on their actions earlier, it seems that they are already living to each other for a long time already, but what is their reason from keeping it to us? To me?

If there's a truth that they are keeping away from me, why? What's their reason? Did they hide that truths for their own sake or to protect me? It made my head to hurt like it's going to explode any moment. I'm not done thinking who could be the possible culprit on those death threats, they added another problem to me now, argh gosh!

"Are you listening to me?" Alexa asked that made me back to reality.

"Yes, of course."

"Then, what did I just say?"

I looked around to make excuses, I'm doomed, "Ah, we... are going now to... counter."

"You're not listening."

"Hmm? I'm listening."

She sighed while pushing the cart, "Sir Jaxon called, he's asking where are you now."

"Why did he call to you? He can call me."

"He can't reach your phone. I think Haru didn't meet him this day," she said while looking for something.

"It's impossible, Haru needs to show him the next part models of the robots."

"Why don't you just tell him about your death threats?" she asked out of nowhere.

"I don't think that he's going to believe me. Let it pass, those people who sent me those threats will stop if I show them that I'm not scared to them."

She rolled her eyes, "Stop being delusional. They will kill you no matter what."

I stopped walking, and she stopped too, "Stop scaring me! You should cheer me up, but you're just making the things worse." I rolled my eyes on her.

"And stop being childish, you should be alert and careful every time. We already talked about this earlier."

I didn't answer her and pushed the cart to counter, we paid all the groceries that we bought. Because we purchased so many groceries, the two baggers helped us to put our groceries at the car.

We're walking in the parking lot when Jaxon walked towards us and get the bags from the baggers.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, but he ignored me. I tried to catch his attention, but I'm just wasting my strength.

"I'll go with Alexa—"

He pulled me back, "No, you're going with me."

"What? Hey!"

He dragged me to the passenger's seat of his car. I tried to escape, but he already locked all the doors. He talked to Alexa before he hopped in the car.

"Why you didn't tell me?" he asked in a solemn voice.

"Didn't tell you, what?" I ask back because I don't have any idea what he's talking about.

"Stop pretending that you didn't know what I mean!" he shouted, that made me flinch.

"But, I really don't know what you're up to!"

He sighed and punched the steer wheel. Maybe he already knows about the death threats, did Alexa tell him about it?

"The death threats. Why you're keeping this from me? Why you didn't tell me since the first, even we're not yet couples that time?! Are you insane?"

"Did Alexa told you about this?"

"No, no one told me about this. I went to your office because I'm going to ask you about the shipment, so I tried to scroll in your mails—"

"WHO TOLD YOU TO OPEN THAT FUCKING MAILS?!" I shouted furiously. He knows how much I despise when someone meddled in my privacy, but he did it. I clenched my fist to stop myself to hurt him.

"I'm your fiancée—"

"I don't care if you're my fiancée or anything, you meddled with my privacy and that's a different case here, Jaxon."

He leaned and punch the steer wheel multiple times, "So what do you me to do, huh? Watching you dying in my front, and I'm still clueless from what's going on? Do you think I can handle everything when you disappear right in my front without doing anything?!"

'Do you think I can handle everything when you disappear right in my front without doing anything?!'

'Do you think I can handle everything when you disappear right in my front without doing anything?!'

'Do you think I can handle everything when you disappear right in my front without doing anything?!'

'Do you think I can handle everything when you disappear right in my front without doing anything?!'

The last sentence, he uttered, stabbed my heart multiple times. I don't know why do I feel this so much hurt, it felt like I already heard from someone else in the darkest time.

He's saying something to me, but I can't understand a thing. My mind went blank after everything, it's so hard to predict what kind of emotions I have right now. Confused, hurt, anger... it's all mixed up in my system, and it made me feel like everyone surrounds me, will hurt me quietly.

He hugged me tightly, and that's only the time I knew that I'm already crying, "I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you, I didn't mean to hurt you."

We already arrived in the company and I told Jaxon that I'm so tired to do more conversations, so he let me rest at my office. When I got there, my head automatically banged at the desk to wake me up.

"What happened to you, Selena?" I asked myself while banging my head repeatedly.

'... I'm her Nanny Karen...'

Argh! It's there again. Where did I hear that name? Why does it feel so familiar to me? Is she related to me or something? But, all I can remember is, except for Haxilla and Britanny, the persons from my past are already gone. My mom and dad are on the other country.

Should I search our family history? No, there's no article about us, for sure. We're not that famous and controversial family to be put in the articles in the internet.

"Argh, my head hurts so much!"

I get up and fixed myself to continue my work. It's only my way to forget anything that happened today.

I should have refused Alexa earlier to go with her to the supermarket, my mind is still on peace right now.

"Selena, are you okay now?" Jaxon ask me as he walks towards me. I nod at him, he put down a two cup of coffee.

"Thank you," I said as I sip the coffee.

"What happened to you earlier? Why did you cry that much?"

I sighed, "I don't know. It's like a déjà vu feeling, the last sentence that you said is a knife that stabbed me multiple times."

He holds my hand and smiled, "I'm sorry to made you feel like that. Worries really eat me that time, and I'm not aware of your feelings."

"That's fine, it's not your fault."

His phone beeped, and his forehead creased when he reads what's written in the message.

"What happened?" I ask.

"It's from Morelli's, it's look like that they're moving again to shadow our company."

"What's your plan then?"

He shrugged and pats my head, "I don't have any plans as of now, but maybe on the next day, we will start to stay the company on its place."

I nod at him, he said that he needs to go back to his office because there's so much documents that needed to work on.

"Ah, my parents will go home from Bahrain, and I'm planning to introduce you to them formally," he said before he touches the doorknob.

My heart thumping hardly, I felt nervous and scared at the same time. What if they didn't want me to be their son's wife? What if they knew Maxine and they want her more than me? Tsk, I hate this.


"Hmm? Ah yeah, it's fine with me. It's better, so we can start the planning of our wedding day."

"You're excited about our wedding, huh? Don't worry, my parents will surely like you," he chuckled and get out of my office.

My body became weak and my chest suddenly tightened. Why do I feel scared for too much? Is it normal to feel this? Argh, I don't know.


"What are we going to do now? They met already," Britanny said with full of worries.

We can't convince Nanny Karen that the girl she saw in the supermarket is not Serena, it's hard, especially she knows every flow of Serena. Nanny Karen is on her room and repeatedly pleasing us to get back to the supermarket, so she can talk to Selena.

"But, I find weird how Selena reacts while Nanny Karen is on her front. It looks like she didn't know Nanny Karen at all, is it a side effect of that medicine you give to her to forget things?" Wade said that also piqued my interest.

He's right, if Selena remembers even just a little memory with Nanny Karen, she should loathe and asked us many questions, but she didn't.

"Yes, that's the side effect of the supplements that she's taking before. I already told you before that if we continue giving them that kind of medicine for a long time, it can barely damage her memories." Raven suddenly explained when he gets out from his mother's room to calm her.

"How is she?" I asked.

He sat down and taps the cup of coffee, "She's fine now, I'm just worried what might happen to her tomorrow since she already saw Serena."

"Maybe, we should say to them the truth—"

"No," I cut Britanny's word, "Since Selena's curiosity will slowly eat her system, let her find it all by herself."

"Wait, Jaxon texted me," Wade said while tapping on his phone. "We have another problem now."

"Why? What happened?" Brittany asked.

"Jaxon said that he's going to introduce Selena to his parents since they're going back home from Bahrain. It's a chaos now."

Shit, this is what I fear of. If Jaxon's parents will meet Selena, it's not impossible that she'll be familiar to them. Argh, I must prepare myself from what might happen after this all, there is no way to get out of this situation.

"Hax, what are we going to do now? We're already cornered now." Britanny holds tight my hand because of fear.

"We can't do anything about this anymore. Let's just hope that Selena can handle herself once she knows already everything about her past, including Jaxon."


"Any updates?"

"Selena is going to meet Jaxon's parents tomorrow."

I leaned and hold my chin while nodding, so they're serious to each other, huh? That's good.

"Is she responding to all of our messages to her?"

"No, the last message that we received from her was two years ago. She only reads our messages."

"She's ignoring it. Send her more messages tomorrow, also surprise her before the grand meeting."

He bowed and left the room, I turned around and saw Jaxon's picture hanging in my wall with darts.

"She's your weakness, Jaxon. It's so fun to watch you tomorrow going crazy from finding her, protect your princess at all costs," I laughed and throw a dart piece in his forehead.

"What now?" I answered her call.

[How's the plan?]

"Don't worry about it, everything is under control."

[Make sure that you wouldn't mess up. I need him back.]

"So corny."

[You're just jealous.]

"Shut up."

[Alright, bye bye.]

That bitch. I shouldn't say yes to her, she's just a headache to me, tsk.

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