
Author: CagalieYula


I recline my body serenely on the plush bed. My garments lay discarded on the floor.

As I stood there unclothed, my skin adorned with a multitude of passionate imprints of his. My legs felt slightly slick, a lingering reminder of the passion we had just shared.

My ebony locks cascaded gracefully down my small frame, exuding an air of elegance and sophistication. All for his eyes. Although I appeared calm and composed, being in his presence still brings me nothing but a tingling thrill.

"What's the matter, Marga?"

A firm grip enveloped my delicate waist from behind. His calloused fingers caressed my skin as he skillfully reached down.

I simply adored it when Justin affectionately referred to me by that nickname of mine, especially when he whispered it gently in my ear. It seemed incredibly captivating, causing ny heart to skip a beat. 

Justin's eyes fluttered open, taking in the sight of my body. Yet, his hands continued to move without pause. He was filled with an irresistible allure.

I spun around, my cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. Justin had always been incredibly talented between the sheets. The undeniable connection between us was electric. Every time, we would only pause when both of us were completely worn out.

I grasped Justin's hand, my face filled with a heartbreaking expression of innocence. "Justin, please reconsider our situation. I don't want us to end our marriage." I told him. 

When he heard my words, Justin's hand froze and the desire in his eyes slowly faded away. His voice, though slightly raspy, maintained a soothing quality. "Marga, you are quite obedient, aren't you? Why are you suddenly becoming stubborn now?

"Regina has returned, you know." I respond back.

Of course I was well aware. Regina was the woman Justin longed for but could never have.

Had Regina not been the illegitimate daughter of the distinguished Hudson family, and if Madam Victoria of the Montefalco's had not set her sights on a better wife for Justin, she might have become his wife and not me.

I, on the other hand, came from a humble background, with parents who had made the ultimate sacrifice to protect Madam Victoria. My family’s history was unassuming and pure.

Madam Victoria, driven by a desire to distract Justin from his thoughts of Regina and to show gratitude to my family, the Reynes clan, for their life-saving actions, compelled Justin into a marriage with me.

Over the course of three years, I found myself swept into the world of the affluent Montefalco family, ultimately becoming Justin's devoted wife. We instantly had an exceptional connection. Yet, through these time, I had never truly captured Justin's heart. Right from the start, Justin made it clear to me that everything was merely to please Madam Victoria.

"Nothing to be afraid of my little rabbit, as long as we remain married, you will always be the one and only Mrs. Montefalco," he declared. "You are free from the clutches of bullies and no longer burdened by any grievances. Although you should be aware that we'll be parting ways in three years. When the time comes, I'll provide you with a generous amount of compensation that will ensure you a lifetime of comfortable living. Not unless you reckless spend them lavishly. I'm out of it, of course."

Justin likes to address me that way since I possessed a gentle demeanor, akin to that of a delicate white rabbit, devoid of any assertive force or intimidation. 

Also, Justin usually exerted a commanding presence over me every time and I always end up being a coward rabbit clinging to him.

Justin never had any concerns about me being disobedient.

Little did he realize that my motives for marrying him were not driven by wealth. I had only married him out of a profound affection for him.

Now, my hopes were on the verge of being crushed. 

“I don't wish to be separated from you, Justin.”

“Now, now, little rabbit. It will ruin my mood if you continue to be like that.”

Despite three years of kind, thoughtful, and compliant behavior in bed, Justin had not developed romantic feelings for me.

I whispered, "Justin..."

Whenever I spoke Justin's name, my voice exuded a tender and genuine affection. 

“Marga, you know that for the time being I evoked a strong desire in you, in order to shield and claim you, ensuring that no one else could lay eyes on you but me alone.” Justin said, shifting the subject.

This instantly left me becoming enamored into him once again, making me completely forget what it was that was bothering me since earlier for a moment.

Justin often found himself captivated by my alluring voice and seductive demeanor, envisioning the intense pleasure he would experience in my presence.

He purposefully disregarded the frustration bubbling within him.

"What is it?" he inquired.

"I... I believe I may be expecting a child though." I summoned the bravery to speak my mind. This was my final move to hold onto to him hopeful that it would work somehow.

Surprisingly, Justin's face immediately turned serious. "What?!"

And it caused my heart raced as I hesitantly confessed, "Um...I Think I'm pregnant. I'm....we're going to be expecting a baby..."

Justin blurted out, "No. abort it. You know I won't alter my decision due to this child, and I cannot allow this child to become a nuisance to me and Regina in the future."

His statement made me fell numb. This baby was supposed to be the undeniable connection that bound us together, intertwining out lives in a way that felt almost fated.

And yet, In Justin’s opinion, it was just an eyesore to Regina. To think this is a precious life that also came from him.

Justin was such a cruel man, husband and a father.

My heart was filled with a mix of emotions, and yet I couldn't resist letting out a laugh. "Pfft!" hiding my true emotions.

"What's so funny?" Justin observed my unpredictable actions with a frustrated expression.

"I was just lying to you in order to prevent our separation actually," she confessed. My demeanor was calm, yet my heart was filled with sorrow.

"You lied to me?" Justin asked, completely naive of my true feelings.

I gave a slight nod. "Indeed. If you doubt my words, we can always visit the hospital for a thorough examination."

I was well aware that if i didn't refute the accusation, Justin might resort to extreme measures against the child. I simply couldn't believe it.

Justin appeared to breathe a sigh of relief. He was not thrilled about my pregnancy. Even if I could abort the baby inside my womb, he knew that it would still be quite a hassle.

"That's for the best. Margarette, I'd rather avoid any conflicts with Regina. If you're truly expecting a child, I can offer you an extra hundred million dollars. If you abort this child, you know very well that it will benefit you as well. It won't have any impact on you should you plan to have a second marriage."

Second marriage? I thought. I was filled with a sense of resentment hearing those from my very own husband.

And yet, I still mustered a smile. "You don't have to worry about any financial obligations,  Justin. I told that  I was just joking about expecting a child. If you still doubt me, I think we should consider going to the hospital for a check-up, just to address any suspicions you may still have."

Justin rose from the bed, his spirits lifting once more. He embraced me, his hands gently caressing my delicate curves. He inquired about my future plans once their marriage came to an end as he asked, “What are your plans after the divorce though?”

I then surrendered myself to his embrace, my body molding against his with a tender vulnerability. “Well, I have a strong desire to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.”

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