
Marriage for his revenge
Marriage for his revenge
Author: K.K

Chapter 1: Mask of love

In a big mansion, a girl was crying alone in a room.

What wrong she has done is that he was torturing her to this much extent, giving her so much unbearable pain which is worse than death to take. Why is he doing this to her? what is her mistake, just because she has trusted the wrong person to love ? Why doesn't he kill her already and end this game, it is being just way too much for her to take anymore, these endless sufferings, these disrespect, these conditions, she doesn't want to tolerate this anymore, she doesn't want to live like this, and want to run away from this monster saving her life atleast.

Suddenly, a car came, making her flinch in fear. The man she now started fearing had come and again, Asher came with a girl. A quite familiar view for her nowadays, as Asher was losing his character.

Sophia went to him and offered him water as part of her daily routine now.

He sipped it and spit it out immediately.

“It's hot water, don't you know I want cold water”. He screamed.

*B... U.. T You said you want hot water" Sophia tried to justify

Sophia was shoved back by the girl who came along with Asher

“Don't you dare to reason him” she yelled scaring the hell out of Sophia.

“ Bertha, leave this illiterate girl, let's have some fun”. Asher gave an evil smile, completing his sentence.

“ Of course baby, I am craving course for you” Bertha said with lust in her voice and leaned on Asher, piercing Sophia’s heart.

“Oh, baby come” Asher went with her. Sophia cried. What wrong did I do that I fell in love with him? He doesn't even deserve to be called human, she thought.

She couldn't hold the curiosity to see what they were doing in the room though she had an idea as it was now starting to be more often of Asher to pull this stunt.

Day by day, Sophia's hatred for him was increasing. On the way to the room, Sophia heard moans grow louder and louder, and more and more, she felt more and more nauseated by it. Tears began to flow from her eyes as she moved further, deciding it was too much for her to take anymore. Asher's image of him embracing another woman entered her mind, making the hatred and jealousy she felt for him even stronger.

She felt disguised by him even more.

Sophia made dinner for them. After 2 hours, Asher and the girl came to have dinner. Sophia served them food!

The girl started eating first, she smirked as an evil plan struck her mind.

“Such tasteless food. You bloody maid, do you even know how to make food?” Bertha commented.

“How about you teach me?” Sophia replied with sarcasm.

“ Baby, see she is insulting me”, Bertha, provoked Asher, who was till now least interested in the surrounding chaos, just got an opportunity to hurt Sophia more.

“Sophia,” he shouted, grabbing this opportunity.

“ If you want to eat, then eat. If not, then tell your slut to make food for you” Sophia

“Sophia … Sophia “ his voice brings her to reality. She came out of her illusion to find Bertha commenting badly about her food. In reality, she doesn't have that much courage to speak in front of him.

“Yes ?” Sophia asked.

“Pass me water” he ordered.

“Baby, you need to keep a new maid” Bertha commented.

“Sure baby, I will soon have a new maid” Asher Said. Sophia looked at the floor in embarrassment.

They finished after dinner, when Sophia ate after they finished. She cried fate. Once she dreamed of a happy family with Asher. But her dreams were shattered on their first night of the wedding, only when he showed her his true colors.

With time, the day switched to night and

Sophia went to the room where Asher was doing work. She took the blanket and was about to sleep on the couch as Asher hadn't allowed her to sleep with him on same bed.

“Wait, I need you today,” Asher commented.

“I'm not in the mood today” she refused his demand to be physical.

Asher got up in anger and threw her on bed

“How dare you deny me?” He yelled with anger depicted in his eyes. And he got physical with her without her will. Entire night she kept on crying, recalling his cruel action.

After his satisfaction, he slept in bed, and she took her place on the couch with difficulty after this animal act. She covered herself with a blanket and slept while sobbing.


The following morning appeared with a heavy loading on Sophia's heart, the recollection of the former night's horrors was still fresh in her mind. She woke to paining bruises and a body filled with pain, each mark a memorial of the atrocity she endured at Asher's control. As she dressed in dumbness, she tried to bury the confirmation of his abuse, but the injuries ran deeper than the face.

Walking to the kitchen, Sophia was stopped in her tracks by Asher's cold voice demanding to see her whereabouts. With a sense of dread, she still reacted that she was going to make breakfast. Asher retired her with a surge of his phase, formerly occupied in his phone, leaving Sophia thankful for the temporary reprieve from his presence.

Throughout the day, Sophia fascinated herself with household chores, trying to divert herself from the constant panic and dread that devoured her. She avoided Asher as much as possible, knowing that any interaction with him would only give further pain and demotion. But as evening approached, her worry grew, knowing what was waiting for her behind his cruelty im their bedroom.

When Asher eventually called for her that night, Sophia's heart sank. She knew that she'd formerly again be subordinated to his abuse, forced to endure his brutality and deterioration. The mere reflection made her stomach churn with nausea, but she also knew that she had no right but to follow his commands.

As she entered the room, Asher's cold stare met hers, transmitting a shiver down her backbone. Without a word, he signaled for her to come closer, his eyes filled with a sadistic stomach. She complied quietly, surrendered to the fact that opposition was useless in the face of his overpowering dominance.

The night unfolded with Sophia seeing Asher's abuse onetime again, her body and spirit busted

She got up with pain in her abdomen

She tried to wake up, but it pained in her abdomen more. She got up with a lot of difficulties and went to the washroom and rubbed her body, feeling disguised in his touch.

“I hate his touch”. She cried, sitting in the shower and recalling the mistake she made trusting him.


Sophia and Asher were in the Same college.Sophia was a final year student and Asher had just got a transfer from one of the most prestigious universities of business and marketing of the country in the final year.

Sophia was once the most popular girl of the college who was admired and respected by up while Asher was a just a sweet and innocent boy who just wanted to study and increase his business he inherited from his parents.

Sophia with her group of friends was sitting in the canteen! She was busy in her mobile while some of the final year students started ragging the newly admitted junior's.It was first day of Asher after his transfer from the university, after his documentation process he was tired and hungry hence went to the college canteen where unfortunately bullies were sitting and having fun.

“Hey you new admission come here.”one of the seniors called him.Asher avoiding debate went there silently, he was not in mood to fight the very first day of his college.

“ How may I help you?” Asher asked, trying to maintain modesty in his behavior.

“Dance for us” one of the bullies commended.

“ In your dreams” Asher said and started leaving.Everyone laughed at the bully as the new admission insulted him, it filled him with anguish. As Asher turned his back to leave he all of the sudden felt a hot thing falling on his face which burnt him completely.

“Ahhhhhh” he screamed in pain.Sophia who was still now occupied on her phone seeing this act remained shocked. She never liked these ragging thing's, she even tried to stop them but they assured her that they do that just for fun and they will never hurt anyone.

Sophia went to Asher immediately and started soothing him by putting cold water on his face and areas affected by hot coffee.His hand too looked red.

Sophia was so hurt seeing Asher like that, she without waiting for a second went and slapped the bully.

Asher was too pissed and angry by this act, he was about to fight with the bully but an angelic idol came In Front of him, seeing her being so concerned and helpful her forgot to take his vengeance and got lost in the beauty standing and soothing his pain with cold compressors. But his thoughts were broken when her angelic eyes turned bloodshot and she went to give a finest slap to the bully.

“What the hell is wrong with you guys?Are you even a human? Don't you have sense? Just look at his condition,this is my last warning: if next time I see anyone ragging I will make sure to drag that person till the dean’s office to get expulsion papers ready.Do you get that? ” Sophia screamed in anger.

“Sophia,for a stranger you are threatening us? We have been with you since the fresher year” bully argued

Sophia is such a beautiful name just like her Asher thought.

“Humanity is the strongest thing right now and I prefer that only '' Sophia commented.She took Asher with her holding his hand to the sick room.

Asher was staring at this angelic beauty without even blinking.Sophia put his hand under cold water. She applied medicine in his burnt region.

“ Sophia, what is going on?” The nurse who was incharge of the sick room entered seeing her favorite Sophia with a new student in the room.

“ This boy has got some burns so I am helping him” Sophia replied

“ Looks like something spilled on him” the nurse commented examining him.

“ Yay, actually some student..”

“ I accidently spilled coffee on myself” before Sophia could tell the nurse the truth, Asher lied. Sophia widened her eyes, seeing Asher lying so well, but why did he do that ? Why didn't he tell the truth? If he had told the truth, the nurse would have definitely issued a complaint against those bullies. Why is he saving them? It became like a mystery to Sophia.

“ You should be careful,” the nurse said with a smile “ you look like a good and studious boy, Sophia did a good job for your burns, well done Sophia.” Nurse said

“ Thankyou” Sophia replied

“Are you fine now?” Sophia asked being concerned after the nurse left both alone in the sick room after making sure Asher was fine

“Yes,” Asher replied.

“ Why did you lie to the head nurse?” Sophia couldn't hold herself from asking this question.

“ It is their final year, bullying has some serious repercussions, they might have struck in some serious problems after this, probably their career could have been finished by this” Asher said and Sophia was so flattered about his thoughts.

“ You are such a great person I am really impressed” Sophia said. She was impressed how Asher showed his empathy and compassion for others, and looked beyond the instant to think about repercussions. This was a rare quality in people generally but particularly so in college where things were tough

“BTW I am Sophia “ Sophia introduced herself

“ I know now, I already heard it a lot of the time now, btw I am Asher Adams”

“Nice to meet you Asher, I am a final year student, if anything you can rely on me” Sophia offered

“ Thank you Sophia, I am also a final year student” Asher said and chuckled a little as Sophia's face turned O shape after hearing this revelation.

“ Aren't you fresher?” Sophia asked

“ Yes and no at the same time. I am fresher for this college, earlier I was pursuing my degree of business and management from the most prestigious institute of the country, due to some reasons I had to take transfers here that too in my final year” Asher told

“ Oh my god that's so impressive, it was my dream to get into that university” Sophia said with a glimpse of sadness as she was not able to get admission in that university she always wished for. But there is saying everything happens for a good reason here she got so much confidence, respect and most importantly friends like family

Madison, Samuel, Andrew and Stella.

“ Thank You so much Sophia, you are very kind even though I am stranger to you but you still stood for me, took my stand and helped me fighting against those people, that really means a lot, I am sure everyone around you might feel so lucky to have you in their life” Asher praised Sophia as he truly was touched by her actions.

Asher was captivated by Sophia's kindness and energy. He admired her courage in standing up to bullies, her unwavering sense of justice and compassion. He sensed a connection with her that he had never experienced before, a feeling of belonging and unity that warmed his heart.She was beautiful inside and outside. She was just an epitome of beauty inside out.

“ Same goes to you Asher, after going through so much instead of giving them back you stood calm and composed, even I had loosed my control but you remained patient and even after what they did to you, you refused to complain against them, I am really impressed” Sophia too complimented

“ Sophia, can we be friends?” He asked, being hesitant, he was scared of disapproval but he got a sigh of relief hearing her response.

“ Of course she responded with a smile.

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