
Chapter 4:Echoes of Regret

Another day with another feeling of guilt and regret in Sophia's heart and mind. Just a few days of struggle, everything will be fine, Sophia consoled herself as she was disturbed by a loud scream, that demonic voice seemed familiar to Sophia to many extent.

"Sophia , Sophia"

She ran from her room quickly towards the owner of the voice. She hurriedly reached to witness fuming Asher.

" Why still no dinner is prepared, Bertha is starving in hunger" Asher screamed from the top of her voice

" But you had told that you guys are dining out today, as you wanted to spend some quality time with her hence I didn't make anything" Sophia maintained the calm in her voice while responding to Asher. It was not her fault, he only had told her not to make and she herself didn't felt like eating anything hence she didn't make anything.

A sharp pain exploded across her cheek, followed by the sting of tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't believe he had struck her. The shock and hurt mingled with a deep sense of betrayal, leaving her feeling numb and vulnerable. As she stood there, trembling and trying to make sense of what had just happened, the weight of the situation settled heavily on her shoulders. She knew things would never be the same between them again. She placed her hand on the cheek which was still warm in the effect of his ruthless actions.

Warm tears flow through her eyes depicting anger and guilt towards him.

" Dare you argue with me again." He harshly took a hold of her hands and she hissed in pissed.

" I am sorry but leave my hand, I am in pain " She cried. He left her hand with an impact.

"Prepare my dinner now" He shouted, making her Flinch in fear.She hurriedly went in order to prepare his and his new girlfriend's dinner. Seriously?

He had his dinner and went to his room.Sophia didn't have this much courage to go to his room as she knew that tonight again he will force her in getting physical, and she would have to give her way out with being willing to be in any romantic relationship with him.She cursed the day when her friends tried to explain her that he was not the right person but she gave deaf ears to them. Why is he even hating on her? A lot of questions everyday echoed in her ears and answers still remained unknown to her. Every time she tried to run away from him every time he brought her back. And now, in this situation she is only counting her days,She is waiting when god will call her and she will finally get freedom from this life.

Her life was once as boundless as a soaring bird, unrestricted by the limitations of the earth. She embraced the belief that the sky was not the limit, for there were footprints on the moon to prove otherwise. Her mission in life was to spread happiness and kindness wherever she went, a beacon of light in a world often clouded by darkness. Her friend's used to admire her this personality as she was the most charasamstic and positive individual in her group.

Yet now, she finds herself trapped in a cage of helplessness, yearning for the freedom she once took for granted. The desire for release is so strong that she has contemplated ending her own life, only to be thwarted by a mysterious savior who seems determined to keep her tethered to this existence.

As she crept into the room, her heart heavy with despair, she was relieved to find her not so husband asleep. Collapsing onto the cold floor, tears streamed down her face, a silent witnessed to the pain and suffering that had become her constant companions.

The age-old adage, "God does good to those who do good to others," rings hollow in her ears. Despite her unwavering dedication to spreading joy and kindness, she has been met with nothing but hardship and sorrow. The cruel irony of her situation is not lost on her as she contemplates the unfairness of it all.


Sophia's friends were really angry!

Sophia went back to her flat and tried calling Samuel, his heart skipped a beat as his eyes sparkled with hope but then he recalled how she was ignoring them throughout because of Asher hence he let the phone ring suppressing the urge to pick and ask about her how about.

Sophia was disappointed as Samuel is the one who picks her call within two or three seconds of ringing but she didn't lose hope and tried calling Madison, but Stella declined the call being pissed.

" Stella, what is this behaviour? " Madison asked raising her voice

" Why do you always support her Madi, she is wrong now, she is breaking our friendship promises why are they forgetting it? " Stella said

" Still that doesn't give you the right to touch my phone" Madison responsed.Sophia felt very lonely as a tear fell from her eyes.Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. She hurriedly got up to see who was there.

To her surprise, Asher and his friends were at the door. They explained that their car had broken down and asked if they could stay at her house for the night. Sophia agreed and welcomed them in.

Meanwhile, Samuel felt a tint of guilt immediately and he tried calling Sophia, to his disappointment there was a decline from the other side which increased his restlessness and disappointment and gave way to anger in his heart , he put the phone aside without trying to call her again.

Back at Sophia's apartment, Yan purposely declined Samuel's call and hid her phone.

" We are so sorry to disturb you Sophia, this stupid Yan can't even fulfill one responsibility properly and poor weather came like perfect enemy to ruin our plan" Asher said

" It's okay guys, it's good that my apartment was near hence you guys could find a place for accommodating tonight " Sophia replied " You guys are already wet in rain, let me get you all some coffee" Sophia said leaving for the kitchen followed by Asher.

As Asher and Sophia stood in the kitchen, the sound of rain hitting the windows filled the room. Sophia handed Asher a steaming cup of coffee, their fingers brushing briefly as he took it from her.

"Thank you for being so understanding about all of this," Asher said, looking into Sophia's eyes. "I know this wasn't how we planned our evening, but I'm glad to be here with you."

Sophia smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her at his words. "I'm just happy you all are safe and here with me," she replied softly. "And who knows, maybe this unexpected turn of events will lead to something even better."

Asher reached out to gently tuck a strand of hair behind Sophia's ear, his touch sending shivers down her spine. "I wouldn't mind that at all," he said, his voice low and full of emotion.

Their eyes locked, the electricity between them palpable. In that moment, they both knew that this unexpected twist of fate had brought them closer together, and they were both eager to see where it would lead.

" let me go and serve coffee to everyone" Sophia said with a tint of blush as Asher was just staring her motionlessly. As Sophia was serving everyone coffee, she could feel Asher sneezes getting out of control.

" I am going to catch the cold guys" Asher said as his nose was red by now.

" Stupid your hairs are still wet, why didn't you dry it yet" Aiden commented " Sophia, please can you help him in drying up " Aiden requested

" Yes sure, Asher you can come to my room I will help you with blow drying " Sophia said and Aiden passed mischievous smile to Asher and Asher passed him sheepish smile thanking him in mind.

Sophia turned the heater on in her room. As they entered the room, the atmosphere shifted from playful to intimate.

As Asher sat on the edge of the bed, Sophia plugged in the blow dryer and stood behind him, her fingers gently combing through his damp locks. The warm air from the dryer mingled with the sweet scent of her perfume, creating a cocoon of sensuality around them.

Asher closed his eyes, reveling in the sensation of Sophia's touch and the soft hum of the blow dryer. He could feel her breath on his neck as she leaned in closer. The tension between them crackled with electricity, igniting a fire that neither could deny.

With a sudden burst of boldness, Asher turned to face Sophia, his eyes locking with hers. In that moment, they both knew that the time for restraint had passed. Leaning in, he captured her lips in a passionate kiss, the heat of their desire consuming them both.

As they broke apart, breathless and flushed with desire, Sophia smiled at Asher, her eyes sparkling with unspoken promises. With a pull Asher dragged Sophia on top of him,and in that moment, as the blow dryer continued to hum in the background, they knew that this was only the beginning of their passionate romance. Soon they parted as blush carried across their faces, they were breathless and wheezed in order to catch some Oxygen.

" Did you like it? " Asher asked with a smirk as he teased her. Sophia blused and snuggled in his chest being embarrassed.

" you are not that heavy btw" Asher continued to tease her. Sophia slapped his chest to stop him.

" Asher, I really think we should take things more slow " Sophia said

" You really think we can Sophia, no matter how much we avoid but we have that bond which pulls us both towards each other, I don't know how much I try, there is something which draws me towards you and I know you have same feeling for me too, We simply can't resist each other and it's the truth" Asher completed.

They were disturbed by a knock on the door.Asher helped Sophia to get up and he himself went to check who was there. It was Yan.

" Sorry to disturb guys, but I checked weather forecast and the rain is not going to stop any time soon" Yan said

" You guys can stay here for tonight" Sophia suggested.

" Are you sure?" Asher asked to check any sense of discomfort on her face.

" Yes ofcourse, My sister's room is empty, you guys can stay there for tonight" Sophia said

" Girl, you are the savior" Yan commented and left. Sophia chuckled.

" Let's sit near the balcony for a while" Sophia suggested.

Asher and Sophia made their way to the balcony, the sound of the rain creating a soothing background noise. They sat close to each other, their shoulders touching as they gazed out at the stormy night.

"I'm glad you "let us be here for tonight Asher said, breaking the comfortable silence between them. "I wouldn't want to be caught in this weather without a place to stay."

Sophia nodded, her eyes fixed on the raindrops cascading down from the sky. "I'm just grateful that I have you," he said softly. "I was afraid that maybe you can get uncomfortable " he said

"Even in the midst of a storm, I feel safe when I'm with you."Sophia said softly

Asher reached out and took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers as he brought her hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "I feel the same way, Sophia," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "No matter what challenges come our way, I know we can face them together."

They sat there in silence for a while longer, the only sound being the patter of rain against the balcony. In that moment, Asher and Sophia knew that their bond was strong enough to weather any storm that came their way. And as they sat there, hand in hand, they knew that their love would only continue to grow stronger with each passing day.

" I also feel the same about you Asher, but I want to take time for taking such crucial decision of my life" Sophia said

" You can take as much time as you want Sophia, I will wait for you as long as you want" Asher said.

He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into a tender embrace. She rested her head against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her ear.

In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the warmth of each other's presence, they knew that they had found something special in each other. And as they stood there, lost in the magic of the moment.

" Let's join the guys, there imaginations would have run wild by now" Sophia stated with a slight chuckle.

" I don't want this night to end" Asher said kissing her knuckles again. She smiled in response and led her way towards Asher 's friends who were watching a movie in her living area.Yan suggested taking a selfie. They took a picture and Yan posted it on I*******m with the caption "Having the best time with my best friend's" and he insisted Sophia to repost it, Sophia tried to resist but Yan was too adamant hence she let go and reposted.

On the other side, Stella and Andrew were upset seeing the post. Madison realized that something was wrong and decided to find out what Asher wanted. She was determined to protect Sophia and play the game secretly.

"She never posts like this" Stella said as sadness was evident on her face. Andrew took her in a hug in order to console.

" Exactly, she never used to post like this before. This must mean that it's not actually her posting, but rather someone else or perhaps someone is forcing her to do so.

"I need to figure out what Asher Adams wants. Perhaps Sophia is starting to distance herself from her friends, but to me, she's more like a sister than just a friend. I can't stand by and watch someone try to ruin her life. She's already been through so much, and I won't let her suffer any more. Maybe I won't be openly fighting her battles for her, but I'll always be there for her, like a shadow. I'll play this game in secret. Let the games begin, Asher," Madison thought to herself, a silent smirk playing on her lips.

Flashback ends

Sophia was sleeping peacefully when Asher threw cold water on her which made her wake up with a jerk. She was dumbstruck seeing Asher and Bertha standing in front of her.

"You b*tch you are sleeping like a log,and here I'm dying in hunger " Bertha screamed, making her slightly shiver in fear.

" I am sorry, I will make you breakfast right away" Sophia went to make food with wet clothes resulting in her health getting worse!Sophia shivered as she stood in the kitchen, trying to cook despite her wet clothes. Her body ached and her head throbbed from the sudden shock of the cold water.

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Dheeraj bhosale 007
loved the story ...
goodnovel comment avatar
Dheeraj bhosale 007
awesome writer ...

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