
Chapter 2: Illusion of love

What crime she had committed for God to give her so much suffering?She never did bad to anyone, she never hurt anyone, she always earned honestly, never even took a penny from anyone and lived an entire life on her own. What was even her fault? The only mistake she had committed was to fall for this man's dirty plots, for trusting this cunning, manipulative person.

Meanwhile Asher was lost in his thoughts

Why did Sophia hurt his family in the past, she seemed so innocent in the beginning and if she wouldn't have done that to this family, they might be a happy couple, they could have been leading a happy life, but her this mistake destroyed everything. He lost everything because of her. He never had the love of his parents and now she also took the only people he had left in his family. Why did she commit this mistake?

Sophia was making dinner when Asher came.She started shivering because of his presence.Her hands started shaking while chopping vegetables.He went towards her and back hugged her while she kept on doing her chores. Sophia felt disguised by his touch, tears started flowing from her eyes.

Asher became angry to see her crying. He turned his face towards her.She closed her eyes in fear.

“Why the hell, you have tears when I touch you,Girls die to get pleasure from me but look at you bloody middle class beggar crying when I touch you,you should please me as a good maid, and don't even try to fake this innocence in Front of me, I know your true colors .Go make dinner for me

He screamed at her. She started crying loudly as soon as he left the kitchen.

At dining table

Sophia cooked the food and served for him. The food was tasty despite knowing that he still wished to get hold of her for his taste.

“What rubbish do you make ? Do you think Asher Adams will eat this shit.You Know what, you deserve a punishment for it.”He shouted.He dragged her towards the kitchen.

“No..No.. No .. please pardon me… I will improve.. please don't do this to me, I beg you” she tried to wiggling in his clutch.He put her hand on a hot pan. She cried in pain.

As he came back to his senses, and he hurried talking to her and regretted that he always let the devil run on his mind for a moment, and left her hand immediately and went towards his room as one can imagine he felt an overwhelming sense of guilt.

In spite of the dislike he felt for Sophia, he could not help having empathy for her. But whatever he was doing was still explanatory as whatever she did with his family was worse than this, but still it was prominent that he had hurt her and that was a heavy burden for him to carry on his heart.

The internal struggle for Asher to seek revenge and confronting his emotions was a clear symbol of the complexity he was facing at the moment. His internal confusion and feelings shows how strong and deep their connection was.

Apparently, during which Asher went through an emotional roller coaster and had to make the decision of his life, he had to make that choice between how he is feeling about her wife at the moment or to focus on his revenge for whatever she did in the past.

She silently went to her room and started sobbing, she couldn't help but to recall how happy life she was living before, though she was middle class, she was studying on scholarships, earning for her food but at least she wasn't a slave and now he is not leaving any opportunity to ruin her and she is also keeping mum until she gets fine.

She cursed the day when she put ointment on his hand when her friend burnt him with hot coffee. She definitely never gonna help anyone now.Her mind keeps cursing the day she started falling for his trap.


On further discussion after the burnt incident, Asher and Sophia started connecting more, on the other hand Sophia’s friend's were desperately searching for her. Sophia, being considerate towards Asher, decided to help him with a tour guide to the university.

The campus was vibrant and full with students going through their routine and the ambiance of fun and laughter creating pleasing surroundings .The sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow over the buildings and greenery.

Despite Asher trying to divert his sight from her beautiful face , he often stole stares at Sophia who seemed to show herself even more with the sunlight reflecting on her face.

The University was the place of her dreams. It was there, where she spent unforgettable moments and she remembered with bright eyes,and the time she had joined the university. She answered his query’s with excitement.

As the tour came to an end, Asher and Sophia found themselves standing in front of the library, their conversation flowing smoothly.Sophia did great job in guiding him for various departments of the campus and introducing him to department supports so that it becomes easy for him in near future.Sophia's gesture of kindness towards Asher had opened a door to a new chapter of love in his life.

Sophia’s friends were worried by Sophia's sudden disappearance. They totally trawled the campus questioning anyone and everyone who would have seen her to find out later that she has went to attend an Accounting lecture with the new admission.

Her friends went to class in the hope to find her, they were so close to Sophia her every struggle felt as if it was theirs, , her happiness felt as it was theirs, her sadness felt as it was theirs.

Samuel, Madison, Andrew and Stella went to lecture hall to find Sophia but they didn't find her.

" What shall we do now?" Stella asked being afraid of the thought of what if something might have happened to her.

" Stop being pessimistic, I guess we should sit and wait for her to come, she can never miss account's class, it's her favorite subject" Madison adviced them

" I agree " Samuel said. They all sat in last row's last seat, they sighed in relief seeing Sophia entering with certain unfamiliar boy.

" Sophia, where were you?" As soon as Sophia entered the lecture hall,Madison hugged her and interrogated.

" Madi, meet Asher, he is a transfer student from

ST University, remember how we always had wished to get admission in that college but couldn't pass entrance?" Sophia said

" Sophie, don't say Infront of Samuel I didn't pass entrance exam" Madison whispered in Sophia 's ears.

" I am still waiting for an answer for where were you, Sophia?" Samuel asked in stern voice. Samuel really loved Sophia a lot as a sister, he never had a sister but since when he met Sophia he never felt void, he was protective about her more than even real siblings.

" I had went to give me campus tour, Samie" Sophia answered

" You could have informed us, we were so worried for you" Stella said

" We were searching for you, like everywhere" Andrew said dramatically

" I know, whosoever passing by is saying the same thing to me that my besties are searching for me" Sophia said and giggled

" hello everyone, my name is Asher Adams" Asher introduced himself. Sophia 's friends felt something off about his vibe. So they decided to better make one hand distance with him. But still they talked politely with and welcomed him in the university

" come Sophia let's sit at back" Andrew said

" Sophia, can you please sit with me today Infront, its my first day here and I might need your help, please can you sit with me?" Asher requested.

This request boils Sophia 's friends blood.Sophia couldn't deny his request and sat with him. This hurt her friends as they always used to sit together moreover being close to some stranger that too this soon was something not acceptable to them. Her friends couldn't take it anymore, how she was distant from them, indeed they were getting very possessive about this fact which they shouldn't do but at the end of the day, it was that vibe which wasn't going well for them around Asher.

Sophia felt bad too.She felt pang on her heart seeing like leaving without even passing a glance to her but She decided to leave along with them, she can't let them leave like that but as soon as she got up from her she was pulled by a hand holding her wrist, she looked at Asher being confused, why did he stop her but soon the air of confusion faded as she saw professor entering, if he would have seen her bunking the class he would have given detention for a week.She smiled at Asher being grateful for his thoughtfulness but little did she knew if he was that much thoughtful why was he letting insecurity clouds flow in her best friend's brain.

As soon as the lecture finished Sophia immediately ran to find for her friend's. Asher too ran behind her sensing her anxiousness for her friends. The mere thought of her friend's being upset from her was stressing her. She sighed in relief seeing them waiting for her in canteen.

" gosh, guys I was so worried" Sophia said

" Relax baby, we are not leaving you at least this soon" Madison said making the environment light as she knew the fact Sophia ditched them for a stranger was upsetting everyone.

" Sophia" Asher who was following Sophia, saw her with her friends. His mere appearance upset everyone's mood yet again. They were not liking Asher's unnecessary appearance in their friendship.

" I want a favour from you,Mr. Williamson has given me a project work , Can you please help me over it?" Asher asked

" Sophie, We and Stella were thinking it's been long, we girls spent some quality time together, let's plan something today" Madison said without giving time to Sophia to respond to Asher's request .

Before she could dwell on it further, Madison grabbed her arm and pulled her away, leaving Asher standing alone. Sophia glanced back at him, feeling a pang of guilt for leaving him behind.

" Madiie, Wait please, I really think I should help Asher, I mean it's his first day I should help him, about girls time we can spend good time on weekend" Sophia suggested. Madison really felt bad hearing, Sophia first time denying to spend time with her. Though Andrew, Stella and Samuel were now newly formed additions to them but she was friend's with her since school time.

Next few days were the worst for Sophia. Madison was clearly upset with Sophia and now her friends literally ignored her. Earlier Madison was trying to work on the internal grudges but now she was herself very upset with Sophia's behavior. Sophia was not even trying to sort things out with them and even skipped college for Asher's project. On the other hand Sophia had insecurity if her friends still wanted to talk to her so she was reluctant about sorting the misunderstandings. She was unaware about them and they were insecure about her.

Asher on the other hand developed his own friend group with Aiden, Yan and few more who weren't very relevant to Asher.

Madison deciding to let go of her anger and save her friend's for the trap she was being struck in, as she knew neither Asher nor his newly formed friend's were worth. Aiden And Yan were huge defaulters of college, who had pretty bad impression in terms of girls and Asher being friend's with them was seeing suspicious to her.

Madison, who had continually been perceptive about these people's intentions, attempted to gently explain to Sophia her worries about Asher. However, Sophia disregarded Madison's observations, insisting that Asher become just obviously friendly with her as it was part of his kind nature.

Frustrated with Sophia's refusal and foolishness to look matters,Madison's endurance finished .

"You know what, do whatever you want. I'm leaving," Madison said, her voice filled with anger.

Watching her storming off, Sophia felt a wave of regret wash over her. She cursed herself for inflicting tensions among them.

As Sophia gave deep thoughts on her current situation, , she discovered herself reminiscing about the carefree days she used to spend along with her friends. They would sneak out of instructions, play pranks on teachers, or even assist every other cheat in tests. Their bond became unbreakable, and now they were even hesitant to talk to each other.

Despite the newly developing complexities, Sophia longed for the simplicity and amusing of those wild and carefree days together with her best friend. She really missed those moments. Sophia was sitting alone on a bench while thinking about her Friends when Asher Came.

"Hi" Asher drew her attention towards him

"Hey"Sophia replied coldy with a fake smile plastered on her face. She was clearly not in mood to talk to anyone. She didn't even want to blame Asher about all these things, her friends were clearly being very insecure about her and which was turning hell of toxic for her.

"You know, you have a very beautiful natural smile. But this fake smile suits you too." Asher said and Sophia started at him as if she was peeking into your soul.

" I know you are upset about something and I also know I am the reason for that, I'm really sorry. I am the reason you are fighting with your friends" Asher said with guilt. He knowingly unknowingly had a beautiful friendship, it was a sort of friendship everyone used to give an example of.

"No it's not your fault. I've been with Madison for the past 10 years. It was my fault. I should know what's going on in her mind. My friends have been protective about me and they can't see anyone around me. They are possessive about me as they love me a lot. And you know what, they can't even stay away from me for so long. They will come soon, don't worry about that, and you don't have to be guilty about it .Sophia said with tears forming in her eyes. Indeed she was giving words of assurance to herself too in the hope everything falls on place yet again.

" Asher, there is a new movie released and reviews are so good,let's go for a movie" James Asher's friend who had just come proposed for a movie night.

" Great idea, Sophia can you please join us, please"

Asher requested

"No, I can't I am sorry, I don't go anywhere without my friends" Sophia bluntly rejected, she shall not add onto fire and spoil things more for her friendship.

" Am I not your friend? " Asher asked to be dramatic about her " friends" statement.

" You are taking it in a wrong way" Sophia tried to correct her intentions

" I am not hearing any explanation, Sophia you are coming with us and that's final, I am booking a ticket for you too and your ticket is on me"James said and dragging her from there to where new formed Asher's group was.

When Sophia '''s friends came to know about her movie night plan with her newly formed friends, they were really hurt instead of convincing them and sorting things out, she was moving ahead with her new company. And what shocked them more was, she never went anywhere without them especially Madison.

"Sophia is changed" Stella said being upset about situation

"He is using her and she is not able to see it" Madison said with anger tingling her voice.

Flashback ends

The spread of the wheels in Sophia's head later on was mixed with regret, as she revisited the events of that day in her mind. If she would spend only a minute to consider what Madison was anxious over Asher doing, the chaos would not take place.

Her mind wandered to Madison, the friend she had drifted apart from because of him.

She was able to feel the frustrations and grief, after Madison disappeared from her life she so wanted to ,to heal the gap that widened between them. She longed for Madisonto come back to her, to mend the rift that had formed between them. She knew Madison was angry, but she hoped that seeing her in this vulnerable state would soften her heart.

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