
Chapter 3: Shadows of the past

"Why did she do that.You could have her live with him, they might have been so happy till now in fact them too,they all could have been a happy family till now but she chose to go on the wrong path. He may have kept Sophia and her sister so well.

Sophia was trying to make breakfast with her burnt hands when he walked in. Why does he always have to disrupt her peace?

"Is breakfast ready?" he barged in and demanded in a harsh tone.

She nodded silently avoiding even talking a word.

"Can't you speak?" he snapped, his frustration evident.

It's not that She can't speak, but in his presence, I find it hard to. So, She remained silent.She fell short of words in front of him, in fact She don't even want to talk to a person like him. He is a monster and day by day her heart only fills with regret for loving a man like him.

All of the sudden she struggled to find her voice as his sudden grab of her lips silenced me completely. As soon as the realization hit her, the tightness of his hold reached the senses she started resisting to his actions, but he held her tightly, his touch lingered against her skin. She tried to push him away, but he only pulled her closer, his actions started becoming more invasive. She gasped for breath as he began to touch her inappropriately to her female parts , sending a wave of sensations through her body. The wave of disgust ran into her nerves as tears of helplessness started flowing through her eyes.

The way he looked at her , the way he touched her, made her feel like nothing more than an object to him.She couldn't help but to wiggle in his hold with pain, restlessness and disgust.She tried to make a sound in frustration which he might misunderstand as moan because She knew how downgrade this man is now. She closed her eyes and reminisced about all the memories she had with him, those times when he actually had loved her, remembering it all kind of healed her and helped her for getting rid of that disgust feeling his touch was giving, but soon his words ruined it all as they made her feel more pathetic about myself and the situation she was struck in.

"I love your body,' he whispered, his words filled with possessiveness as he bit my lip and trailed his fingers along her skin. The disgust and anger boiled within her at his lack of respect and consideration for everything she had done for him.

Do she really deserve this? Even after a lot of sacrifices she made for him, fighting with her friends and ditching her best friend for the sake of him, and till now taking care of him, following his orders like a servant without complaining and still being used by him like a materialistic object. Is this the amount of worth I hold? Is this the way I deserve to be treated?

She quickly handed him his breakfast, trying to divert his attention away from her. But his eyes lingered on her chest , making her feel exposed and uncomfortable. She instinctively placed her hands over it, hoping to shield herself from his gaze. His glare intensified, and she felt a shiver run down her spine as she reluctantly let her hands fall down.

He ate his breakfast in silence.But the way he had treated her was still in my mind, which was leaving her feeling used and disrespected.

" Was this all I deserved after everything I had sacrificed and endured for him?" She spoke in the head and the realization left a bitter taste in her mouth as she struggled to come to terms with the harsh reality of their relationship.

He was so different now, so really different, She really can't believe he had become successful in fooling her, betraying her.How cleverly he put conflict between her and her friends!


Sophia, along with Asher's group, decided to catch a movie. However, things went unwell with her friends as they got this new piece of information of her hanging out with other people but them. Moreover, Sophia was feeling out of place among this newly formed group In order to check on Sophia, her friends too decided to be at the place.

Sophia seeing them glimmered in happiness as she knew no matter how many people came to her life, but her friends were her comfort for sure.

"She is changed," Andrew stated in a loud voice which was very evident that he was doing on purpose.

" I really don't want to talk to her any more " Stella said fuming in anger.

" Stella" Madison glared at her, no matter what she wouldn't let any one say anything against her best friend.Sophia felt guilty as she was not able to fulfil her friendship code she had made with her Madie .

"Guys, I brought tickets" Yan said bringing tickets and passing it to everyone. Sophia was taken aback when she realized Yan had chosen to watch an adult movie.

"What's going on, guys?" Sophia exclaimed, shocked by their choice.

"Oh, come on, Sophia. We're all mature enough to handle an adult movie, stop being a kid " Yan replied dismissively.

Samuel and Madison were fuming in anger at the audacity of these guys to behave like this to Sophia.

" She has a class and standard unlike you all, and if she is not comfortable in watching such movies, she will never watch and dare anyone influence or force her in anything " Samuel ordered with his voice being loud and clear to everyone shaking them in fear.

" Don't worry Samuel until I am here no one can force Sophia in anything she doesn't want to be part of" Asher said, placing his hand over Sophia's shoulder in order to ensure her that she is in a safe place.

" This is really not my place to be in, I am leaving " Sophia declared, making a move to exit when she was stopped by a pull to her hand by Asher.

" You are right Sophia, We're not quiteready for adult movies. Let's watch'Star Wars' instead," Asher suggested,steering the group towards a moresuitable option.

"Alright,' Aiden agreed, and they switched their movie choice to 'StarWars.' As they settled in, Asher took a seat beside Sophia, offering her comfort and support.

While everyone else immersed themselves in the movie, Sophia was not able to get rid of her discomfort.She realized she didn't quite fit in with Asher's friends and missed the fun she shared with her own circle.

Asher noticed her unease and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder,eliciting a smile from Sophia.She didn't want to upset him hence tried to act normal pushing back the lack of comfort she was feeling at the moment which the circle she has now become a part of.

As the movie finished .Sophia's mind wandered back to her friends and how they would react to the situation. She waited for their disapproval and felt pang of guilt as none took her out from the unwanted position. After the movie ended, everyone started dispersing from the theater, seemingly content.

However, their conversation took a turn that left Sophia feeling uneasy.

" I really need a hot chick, it's been long anyone warmed my bed" Yan remarked casually. Sophia felt short of words.

"Yeah, I'm tired of Tani I need a hot chick," another added, oblivious to Sophia's discomfort. How can someone be tired of his girlfriend and even causally thinking about cheating? moreover, how even everyone cool about the remarks he is passing, a good friend shall always correct their friend like her friend's do. Like today, her brother immediately came to her rescue when they were trying to make her part of something where she didn't belong.

" I had thought to watch adult movie, so that I get to at least excite myself, but you guys ruined it all" Yan complained

Asher sensing Sophia's reaction shot them a disapproving look before swiftly changing the subject."Let's grab dinner, guys," he suggested,trying to redirect the conversation.

"I'm not hungry," Sophia interjected,feeling out of place once again.

"Come on, Sophia. Join us," Aiden urged, hoping she would reconsider.

"I'm sorry, guys. I think I should go home now," Sophia stated firmly,brushing off their invitations.

"Sophia," Asher called out to her with softness in his voice which had power to lure Sophia and convince her for everything.

"Yes?" she responded with a smile. She was still very disturbed by the conversation.

"Can I drop you off?" Asher offeredkindly.

"No, thanks. I'll manage on my own,"Sophia declined initially.

"Please?" Asher pleaded with hissignature puppy-dog eyes.

"Okay," she relented with a small smile.

Asher showed her the way towards the place where his car was parked. He opened the door of the car to let Sophia adjust in the front seat. The drive went silent, as he purposely avoided having any conversation with her,feeling the uneasiness in her behavior.Asher dropped her off at her apartment,and as she bid him good-bye.

" Thankyou for the ride " Sophia said.

" Thank you for making my night more beautiful with your presence" Asher exclaimed

Sophia smiled. Sophia couldn't shake off the feeling that sometimes even friends could surprise you with their conduct and with a sigh, she focused on her work, decided to carry with her nighttime's activities.

After the unsettling evening at the movies with Asher's friends, Sophia found herself in a state of emotional turmoil. She couldn't shake off the discomfort she felt from their inappropriate remarks and behavior. As she mulled over the events of the night, her phone buzzed with a text from Asher.

"Can we talk? I want to make things right," the message stated.

Sophia hesitated for a moment before replying, "Okay, sure."

Soon after, Asher arrived at her apartment, looking guilty and apologetic. Sophia was quite surprised by his appearance, as he was putting genuine efforts to make her mood alright.

"Sophia, I'm really sorry about what happened tonight. I should have been more considerate of your feelings,I really wish things wouldn't have gone that way," he began honestly.

Sophia appreciated his sincerity and decided to give him a chance to make amends because of his honest attempts in convincing her"It's okay, Asher. Let's leave it here and move ahead, bygones bygones ," she responded with a small smile.

" Sophia,Can we go on a drive?"

Asher suggested they go for a drive to clear their minds and enjoy each other's company.

" Asher, there is no need, please, I am completely alright" Sophia thought he was doing it in guilt" Sophia, please, I insist I want to make things right" Sophia soon agreed, eager for some time alone with him away from the chaos of the evening.

As they settled into Asher's car, a comfortable silence enveloped them. The hum of the engine and the soft glow of the dashboard created a soothing ambiance as they drove through the city streets.

After a while, Asher broke the silence. "Sophia, I want you to know that you mean a lot to me. I care about your feelings, and I never want you to feel uncomfortable or out of place," he expressed sincerely.

Sophia felt a wave of warmth wash over her at his words. She appreciated his effort to address the situation and make her feel valued. "Thank you, Asher. I know you didn't mean for things to go that way. I just felt caught off guard," she admitted.

They continued their drive, engaging in light-hearted conversation and sharing stories from their past. Sophia found herself opening up to Asher, feeling a sense of connection and understanding between them.

As they reached a scenic overlook with a breathtaking view of the city lights below, Asher parked the car and turned to Sophia. "I want to make it up to you, Sophia. Will you go on a proper date with me?" he asked, his eyes filled with sincerity.

Sophia was taken aback by his heartfelt gesture but couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in her chest. "It's still too soon for me ,Asher," she replied. She felt a pang of guilt as disappointment ran through his face.

" I understand, I don't want to pull any stunt which would affect our friendship" Asher said pushing away the disappointment in order not to spoil her mood.

" Let's walk a little" Sophia suggested as she didn't want to spoil the air too. She was battling with her newly formed attachment with Asher and she really wanted to discover those feelings ahead, she wanted to discuss her confusions with her best friend, Madison but unfortunately she was distant from her.

" I would love it" Asher responded.They decide to drive to anearby park to take a walk and enjoythe beautiful weather. As they stepped out of the car, a cold blow of wind touched them and Sophia slightly shivered in cold. Asher observed and quickly pulled out his jacket to cover her. Sophia smiled, admiring his little effort.

It was quiet in the park as it seemed they were only one at that place, at that moment. The calm silence and soft glow of streetlights was creating a cozy and romantic atmosphere. They refused to have any conversation but the enjoy the company of each other which was giving butterflies in their stomach.

While walking, unknowingly Asher finger touched with hers, creating a spark between them as they both looked at each other simultaneously realizing it. Asher took a deep breath, as he took her delicate hands in his and to his relief instead of resisting, she made hold more tight on his hand as if she felt a sense of comfort and security with his touch. She was always devoid of such feelings throughout her life.They stroll handing hand, enjoying just the fact they were in peaceful company.

They come across a with a beautifully lit fountain, and they pause to admire the peaceful scene. The sound of water trickling and the gentle rustling of leaves seemed magnificent to them.They sit on a bench by the fountain, holding hands and enjoying each other's company.

They spent the rest of the evening enjoying each other's company, lost in their own little world within the confines of Asher's car. The night air was filled with laughter and a growing bond between two hearts seeking solace in each other's presence.


As they drove back to Sophia's apartment, a sense of peace settled over her. Despite the bad to the evening, she started admitting the fact that she really feels something for him and she can rely on him.

" I didn't want this night to end, thank you for making this night so special for me, with your appearance" Asher said " Thankyou too, Asher" Sophia replied. Asher came forward as he couldn't resist of feeling of embracing her in his arms.

" Can I hug you?" Asher asked. Sophia smiled and nod in positive. Asher embraced her as she wrapped her arms around him, they went entire peace of the world in that moment. Not willingly, they parted as their cheeks collided creating a tension between them. Without saying a word, Asher gently reached out and cups Sophia's face in his hands, his touch tender and full of longing. Sophia's breath catches in her throat as she leans in closer, her heart pounding in anticipation. Their faces inch closer, the space between them filled with magnificent energy.

And then, their lips finally meet in a soft and tentative kiss. It starts off slow and gentle, a sweet exploration of each other's lips. But as the kiss deepens,their passion ignites, and they lose themselves in the moment. Asher's hand moves to the back of Sophia's neck, pulling her even closer, while Sophia's fingers tangle in Asher's hair,holding him close.The kiss was filled with emotion, desire, and a sense of connection that neither of them has ever experienced before.

As realization hit her, she parted immediately "I think we should take it slow" She said with ragging breaths. Asher nodded silently agreeing to her.

As they said their goodbyes, Sophia felt a sense of anticipation for what the future held for her and Asher.

And as Sophia watched Asher drive off into the night, she knew that their journey was just beginning—a journey filled with love, understanding, and the promise of a future built on trust and mutual respect.

And as Asher drives away into the night, he knows that he has found something truly special in Sophia, something worth holding onto and cherishing for a lifetime.

Flashback finishes.

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