
Chapter 124

Kiara's pov

I looked at my sleeping kids with obvious adoration painted in my eyes. They were all wrapped up hugging each other as they normally did when they slept and I kept watching them until my phone started to vibrate and I quickly rushed out of the bedroom so that I would not end up waking them.

"Miguel…" I said out the name of my caller after I had stepped out of the bedroom, my ears were first blasted by a breathy response from him before he spoke more audibly.

"Kiara, I'm so sorry dear, for not calling you earlier…" he said apologetically and I shook my head.

"You don't have to feel so bad.." I responded to him, I had been so busy thinking about so many things that not getting a call from him was the last thing on my mind.

"How are the kids?" He asked.

"I'm sure that they must be missing me now for sure…"

He said trying to sound confident, but there were cracks in his voice that exposed his doubt in his own words.

"They probably are," I lied right through my teeth knowing th
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