

Alessio's Pov

“ Faster” she moaned as I thrust into her. I like my girls submissive and a bit of a bite to them.

I hate physical touch, that's why I don't do missionary. I preferred to fuck from above or doggy.

“Uhh Alessio I'm gonna cum “ she moaned. I thrust harder into her and released myself on her tits.

She tried touching me “Uhh uhh you know the rules,” I said to her. My phone rang

“Speak,” I said. “Well hello to you too” Andrew, my underboss , said. He was the only one who could respond to me like that but he knew where to draw the line.

“What do you want and this better be important” I spoke angrily into the phone.

“We were supposed to be with Tate Robert an hour ago,” Andrew said

“Tate Robert??” I asked trying to act clueless

“ Refresh my memory” “ Tate Robert, the Don of the American mafia whom you signed an alliance with in exchange for his daughter’” he said

Of course, I knew Tate Robert the man whom I spent every minute, second devising ways to give him a slow and painful death.

“Alessio are you there” Andrew said snapping me out of my thoughts

“ Oh yes I'll meet you there in 5, “ I said, ending the call. The girl was still there staring at me as though she was expecting a treat or a goodbye kiss.

I wrote her a check for Three thousand dollars which was considerably a high pay for a one night stand. But she does the job, isn't clingy and needy.

“I'll call you when next I need you” I said to her as I exited the hotel room. As I walked through the corridor, I received various greetings.

To the public eye, I was just the Ceo of a tech company. To them, I was just a billionaire who deals in legal shit.

It was a cover up to keep those nosey journalists from getting into our business and prying where they aren't supposed to.

As I got out of the hotel, the valet came with my car. I never saw the need for me having a driver when I had two fucking capable hands and legs.

I sped through the highway coming to a stop when I approached Tate Robert’s house.

The gates automatically opened and I saw Andrew standing outside his car and taking a smoke.

I parked my car close to his. I got out of the car” you smell like sex” Andrew said “ please don't tell me you were having sex while you answered my call” he continued.

I ignored him. I strutted into the house, I knew my way around because I had a blueprint of the house in case a Time came when I had to infiltrate it.

I walked through the halls and stood in front of his office. I pushed the door open without knocking.

Mr Tate immediately stood up as though he had been waiting for me and thought I had broken the deal.

“ Welcome Mr Gambino”. He said anxiously. “ Save your greetings Robert” I saw a look of irritation flash through his eyes.

Powerful men hated it when you called them by their names. They preferred being called Don because that gives them a feeling of control.

I know this because I love being in control. I knew I was playing in dangerous territory but he knew better than to say anything. I had the upper hand here and besides I could easily take out all his men.

umm riguardo all'alleanza, mia figlia Jamelle è… [ umm ..about the alliance my daughter Jamelle..] Tate said

vai dritto al punto Roberto [ get straight to the point Robert] I interrupted him.

The door was suddenly pushed open. A woman came inside pulling on a girl's ear.

She had the most hideous gown I had ever seen which was about two sizes smaller than her frame.

The woman wasn't quick to notice us, but when she did, she froze as though she was paralyzed in her own body.

“ What do you want Stella?” Robert shouted at her.

“ I…I…am” she stood there stuttering. I lifted my hands to continue smoking my cigarette when I felt eyes on me.

The girl whom the woman was tugging her ear was  staring at me as though she wanted a taste of the Devil.

She had curly brown hair. Her skin looked sunkissed and was the most beautiful shade of brown skin I had ever seen.

She looked fragile and scared but kept eye contact with me, one thing people can't even her father couldn't keep eye contact with me.

[ Italian] “ Who is she?” I asked, still looking at her. “ She's my daughter” he answered with distaste in his tone. “ I'll take her”, I said to him which made his face immediately go pale.

It was obvious that he didn't consider her as his daughter and that his other daughter who he thought I was supposed to get for the deal wasn't her full sister.

I was never specific on who I wanted in exchange for the deal, I just requested for his Daughter and he assumed it was her.

Robert was afraid because he taught at the end I was going to go back on my word. 

I continued staring at her. She grew uncomfortable and averted her gaze to her shoes.

I stood up and approached her where she stood. I observed her frame “ look up” [ in Italian] I said placing my hands on her chin.

I hated physical touch, in just less than two seconds I had broken a rule. It was as though everything paused as I felt sparks and a cold went through my body.

She looked up, up close she had deep and velvety brown eyes. She looks very innocent, and gave off the aura of a natural submissive.

There's just that unexplainable thrill and euphoria you derive after breaking and corrupting innocent girls.

She stood there staring into my eyes as though there was a passageway into my soul. The corner of my lips tilted with a glint of mischief in my eyes.

I walked out of the office without even checking if Andrew was with me. But I felt his gaze and the questions brewing in his mind, but he knew better than to ask.

It seems as though my encounter with Jenine deemed my aura because I heard an awful girly voice calling my name which I assumed was Jamelle.

“Alessio, Alessio” if I hear your annoying voice once more I'm going to shove my hands down your throat and destroy your vocal chords I said staring at her

She stood there paralyzed with fear as I walked away and got into my car.

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