
Chapter 6


An Asshole.

That was what he was.

I brushed my teeth as I was reminiscing about the events that happened yesterday night.

I was bold enough to tell him how I felt, but not in the manner I imagined.

My body was boiling with anger when I saw him and I was sure he saw it in my eyes.

I couldn't portray my anger the way I wanted, because he was so intimidating and scary.

I saw some splashes of blood on his skin.

He was truly a monster, he didn't come for the wedding, all because of a kill?

I poured out all my anger on the toothbrush as I was brushing my teeth, leading to me bruising my gums.

I hopped into the shower, and scrubbed my skin until I felt it was clean.

I had always loved to pamper my skin, but at home, I wasn't provided with products for my skin.

I avoided washing my hair, because it would take hours to dry.

I was provided with Shea butter, at least one of the good things I got from staying here.

I got out of the shower, and walked to the closet.

I was shocked by how large it was. I didn't notice it yesterday because I was sleepy and just wore anything my hands touched.

I picked out a loose skirt and a tank top. 

I wasn't used to this sort of clothings, because back at home all we wore were gowns and our pajamas at night.

God Forbids Papa sees me wearing something like this.

I looked at myself in the mirror, you could see my prominent eyebags from a mile away.

I heard a knock on the door which stopped me from scrutinizing myself.

“ Madam breakfast is ready” I heard from behind the door.

I heard footsteps receding.

I walked down the stairs, finding my way to the dining room.

The room was empty, apart from the aroma of food which filled the room.

Carbonara, lasagna, risotto, spaghetti, roasted chicken, vegetable salad and a plethora of other tantalizing delicacies adorned the table.

I was never a large eater, due to the fact that I was restricted from eating large amounts of food at home.

Gambino walked into the room looking clean, wearing a well ironed suit.

He sat down at the end of the table.

“ Why are you not eating? Is the Italian cuisine not to your liking or would you prefer something else” he inquired between bites of roasted chicken and vegetable salad

“ Nothing I was just about to pick,” I said, putting food on my plate.

My taste buds were attacked with a burst of flavor, I closed my eyes to savor the food.

When I opened my eyes, Gambino was staring at me. I averted my gaze to my food.

“ Don't shy away, little mouse,” he said, looking at me.

I Watched from the corner of my eye as he cleaned his mouth.

His hands looked soft and beautiful irrespective of the fact that his lifestyle requires him to use his hands for dirty jobs.

I knew about what they did in the Mafia.

I kept to myself, but I wasn't stupid.

His hands were untouched and scar free.

I felt his gaze boring holes into my face which made me self conscious.

He pushed his chair back and and stood up, his movements were menacing and fluid.

“ Come on little mouse, we have things to discuss.” He said while walking towards the stairs.

I stood up and my legs felt like jelly.

I was unsure of what to do, but I followed him regardless.

I was met with his back view as I followed him.

He had such a nice body, ass specifically it was unfair as a girl for a man to have such a nice ass as his.

We walked for what felt like hours, but in reality it was not up to two minutes but because I was nervous, it felt longer.

Finally, we stopped in front of a large door.

The door looked imposing and intimidating.

I remembered us going towards the west wing. I guess this is where his chamber and office was located, that was why I was warned by the man who brought me here not to come close to the west wing.

I heard a beep, as his eyes were scanned by some technology on the door.

The door opened, and my vision was filled with the dark accents of the room.

There were various pieces of equipment of different shapes and sizes hanging on the wall.

I had an idea of what it was used for, and I felt sorry for anyone on the receiving end.

He made his way towards the massive mahogany desk in the middle of the office surrounded by trappings of power and wealth.

He nodded his head towards me and I got that as a sign for me to take my seat.

He lit up a cigarette, there was something captivating about the way he held the cigarette.

I had always despised the smell of cigarettes. Maybe it was because they were linked to the bad memories I had when I was at home.

“ I have to set some ground rules for you as my wife, “ he said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“ You are expected to attend events with me, if you are deemed useful and if I need you there and you are not expected to leave this compound without my permission.” He said staring straight into my eyes.

I was once trapped again as a princess in a tower.

It was as though he saw the fear in my eyes as he said

“ Come” he said, motioning for me to sit on his lap.

“ I cannot stress this enough Jenine, I might be a monster but I will never lay my hands on you .“ He said staring deep into my eyes.

His voice sounded very husky.

“ Do you understand?” He asked

“ Yes,” I replied, trying hard to sound confident.

“ If you have any complaints or requests you can speak now” he said to me raising his brows.

“ I…” I was about to speak when I heard a knock on the door.

“ Come in, “ he said while looking at me.

“ Boss,” a man in the background said.

Gambino removed his eyes from me, my gaze following him.

The man who brought me to the house stood there with a girl who was barely wearing anything.

She smiled seductively at Gambino and sneered at me when she saw I was on his lap.

“ You can go Jenine” he said to me tapping on my waist for me to get up.

I got off, fuming with anger.

I was sure the other man felt the anger, because he moved out of the way.

Before opening the door, I turned back and poured all my anger in my gaze.

Gambino smirked knowingly at me.

He was truly an asshole.

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