

Alessio's Pov

Today was the day of the wedding, I had sent over a dress for her, one I handpicked.

I saw the gown on my way to the office, and I stopped the car. The gown was beautiful and I knew immediately, it was going to look flawless on her.

I had it sent over to her, she would have obviously been thinking that her father purchased it, but he didn't.

He did not spend a dime for the wedding, not that I would have let him.

I was in my normal everyday attire, but the difference today was that I made an effort to style my hair today.

Normally, I wouldn't have done a wedding, we had already signed the papers so it was optional if I wanted a wedding or not.

I only agreed to a wedding because I wanted her to have a false feeling of freedom and wanted her to experience the so-called cliche fairytale a naive lamb like her would have obviously dreamed of.

These were perfectly woven by her mind, due to the fact that she looked like her father laid his hands on her.

I knew this, due to the subtle flinches she tried to hide when I approached her and placed my hands on her Chin.

She seeked a means of escape from reality, so her mind wove these fantasies that she dreamed to have, expecting her prince charming to come and save her from the monster.

But instead, she landed in the hands of the monster with no prince charming in existence.

“ Dressed to impress the bride I see,” Andrew said, winking at me.

“ Shut up Andrew, I don't have time for your jokes.” I said walking to the car and opened the door.

“ Daddy's mad because he hasn't seen his bride.” Andrew said entering the car.

The driver started the car, and the drive to the church was about thirty minutes.

I came out of the car, walking to the door of the church and my phone rang.

“ Unless you are calling me to tell me something important,” I turned my attention to the large door of the church. “ I would tread carefully.”

His heavy breathing filters through the Line and nothing else.

He's giving me silence.

It's always silence when they have fucked up.

 That is until the uneven rhythm of his breathing turns unsettling that I'm forced to speak “ Speak” [ in Italian]

“It failed”

I slipped a hand into my pocket whilst my thumb rubs over a patch of skin on the inside of my pinkie.

“ The trucks were blown up Gambino”

“ How?” I asked if he was joking or had a death wish.

“ We were transporting them, the next thing the trucks blew up and the drivers are in a very bad condition.” he said

“ I do not care about the drivers, what happened to my shipments” I boomed

“ Mr Ga..mbino” he said, stuttering over the Line.

“ I was supposed to get my shipments today, don't tell me those silly jokes you do not want to get on my nerves Lucas” I said angrily through the Line.

“ Get me my shipments today before I get to Italy.” I said ending the call.

“ Andrew gets the girl and bring her to Italy, tell her freak of a Dad that I am going to send over the documents.” I said entering the car

“ Drive me to the airport” I said to the driver while trying to make calls.

“ Get the private jet ready.” I said into the phone, cutting the call.



I had arrived in Italy, getting into the car I called Lucas

“ Are my shipments ready?” I asked calmly into the phone.

“ Uhh… we are working on it sir.” He said.

Hesitation, he was obviously lying or I am just intimidating as hell.

“ Take me to the warehouse” 

The warehouse was where all our shipments were stored and according to my Intel, Lucas has entered Italy.

It was either he had my shipments or had a death wish.

I strutted inside the warehouse.

“ Mr Gam…bino I didn't expect you here” he said stuttering.

“ It's my warehouse Lucas , where are my shipments?” I asked him again 

“Umm” he said, scratching his head.

It was like he had forgotten who I was and took me for granted.

“ Strap him to the chair” I said to the two guards who were standing at the door.

They carried him and strapped him to the chair.

I pulled off my suit jacket and Rolex watch, not wanting any of his filthy blood to touch them.

I carried a knife from the torture materials scattered on the table, inspecting if the blade was sharp enough.

I lodged the knife into his thigh, blood spurting out.

“ Please Mr Gambino” he shouted in pain.

“ What happened to my shipments?” I asked

“ I don't know I'm saying the truth” he cried

I twisted the knife deeper.

“ You are going to get me another shipment and if you don't, you know what I'm capable of Lucas your brother can attest to that.”, “ Oh no he's dead” I said smiling viciously.

“ You can let him go,” I said to the guards walking out of the warehouse.

It was already dark when I came out, that means I have been torturing him for long.

Despite rolling up my sleeves, my skin was stained with his blood which was disgusting.

The driver drove me to the house.

The house was dark apart from the security lights outside.

Getting inside, I went to the kitchen but saw a figure near the fridge.

I pressed the figure to the wall and pressed their hands to their back.

The light from the fridge shone on the figures face showing it was a Lady, not just any lady , Jenine.

I released my grip on her hands. She looked terrified.

“ I knew the gown would look perfect on you” I said, eyeing how the gown fit her body, and her skin shone from the light coming from the fridge.

She looked at me with fear, but there was a burning flame of anger in her eyes.

“ Go on little mouse, pour your anger on me” I said smiling.

“ D..not call me that” she said trying to sound confident.

“ I'll call you whatever I want,” I said.

“ You left me there,” she said, staring at her feet.

“ Left you where?” I asked already knowing the answer.

“ On the altar I was embarrassed,” she said timidly.

I had a reason for not coming, but I won't tell her I want her to think the worst of me.

“ I don't owe you anything little mouse, don't expect anything from me.” I said to her

I walked towards her, about to place my hands on her chin, so I could see her face. She flinched.

“  Even though I'm called different names, I might be all of them but one thing I'm not is a woman beater” , “ I will never lay my hands on you and no man will” I said staring deeply into her eyes.

I don't know why I always liked physical touch with her.

“ It's late, go to sleep and there are clothes in your closet for you to wear  as enticing the sight of you in this wedding gown is, you look uncomfortable ” I said to her.

“ Be careful at night little mouse, you do not know the monsters that might be lurking in this house.” I said to her, walking to my room.

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