

Jenine's Pov

 I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door and a maid was standing outside” madam Jenine your father has requested you in his study” she said and walked away.

Papa has never requested for me in his office. My heart raced as I walked down the hall leading to Papa's office, my footsteps were loud and heavy to let him know I was coming his way.

I knocked on the office door, I placed my hand on the doorknob and turned it. Jamelle and Stella were already inside.

Papa stood there with his back to us. “ Yes papa?” I questioned strongly trying to hide my fear as I stood in front of his wooden desk which filled half of the room.

The room was dim and his curtains were closed, not letting the sunlight through.


The intimidation was seeping out of him in folds yet his back was turned to us as he spoke.


“ There has been a change of plan and Jamelle Is no longer getting married to Allesio but now Jenine is” he declared with a careless but demanding tone.

“ You are going to get married to Allesio Gambino” I stood there fear and shock coating my features.

Jamelle stood there staring at me as though she wanted to strangle me and watch me as I lost my breath.

“ Papa” Jamelle shouted “ you whore “ she said directed at me. “ Enough” papa shouted

“ I hate you” Jamelle sneered as she stormed out of the office Stella hot on her trail.

“ Your wedding is in two days' time, you will behave unless there will be consequences, do you understand?” Papa spoke as he turned the chair around to see my reaction.

The stench of alcohol filled the room. He was drunk as usual, I shouldn't be surprised as he has always been this way.” Yes Papa” I said attempting to hide my anger and frustration.” Get out of my office” he grumbled, turning his chair away from me.

I strutted down the hallway, feeling stunned about what he had just announced.

I headed straight for my room, shutting the door behind me. I lay on my bed, feeling overwhelmed by hopelessness and shock. I had mixed emotions, I didn't know this man.

I couldn't judge him based on what I saw, but from his aura he was dangerous. Alessio could be abusive, loud and even worse a drunk like my own papa. Alessio does not have the best reputation in the Mafia, I could be stuck with a man who is exactly like papa or worse and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it.



The birds were chirping, the early morning sun peeped through the small gaps in the curtain, which indicated it was a new day.

Yesterday passed away in a blur, the fitters  came to take my measurements for the wedding gown.

Today was the day of the wedding and according to Papa, it was going to be a small wedding.

The wedding served as a glue to the alliance. The stylist barged into the room with two girls and a Maid hot on his tails.

“ Get up beautiful, it's your wedding day,” “ My name is Alfredo and I'm your stylist” he said enthusiastically drawing the curtains and the room was filled with light.

“ Soak her in a bath “ he said directly to the maid, who quickly rushed to my bed and helped me to the bath.

The maid added some herbs In the bath which helped to release the tension in my bones.

I was soaked in the bath for over an hour. After the bath, my skin was pampered with Shea butter, which made my skin smooth.

“oh mon dieu parfait.” Alfredo said.

My room was transformed into a makeup studio, different sorts of makeup were arranged on the table.

I had never applied makeup in my life before, so I knew nothing about it.

I was directed to sit down on the chair, Alfredo applied different substances which I had never seen before on my face.

When he was done, I looked different. My curls looked bouncy and the shun whenever they caught the light.

The makeup made my brown eyes pop. “ You are so beautiful, and you will look even more beautiful with your gown on.” Alfredo gushed.

The Maid helped me into my gown. When she was done, the girls who came with Alfredo arranged the gown. The stylists were obstructing my view of the mirror so I couldn't see the gown.

When they were done arranging the gown, I was met with a majestic view. I was shocked and thought I was dreaming when I saw how beautiful “ she” looked.

I thought it was an illusion, one perfectly curated by my brain until I heard a whisper in my ear “ you are not dreaming love” Alfredo said, looking at me through the mirror.

The wedding gown was a majestic piece of elegance and sophistication.

The gown was a soft ivory white, with a sheen that catches the light. It was a strapless design with a fitted boned bodice that showcases my figure.

The full flowing skirt falls in soft, flowing folds to the floor with layers underneath to create a dramatic ethereal effect.

It looked like a dress out of a fairytale “ My fairytale” 

But all thoughts came to a halt when I remembered that this wedding was not willingly and this might as well be a nightmare where I'm being chased by a monster hot on my trails which was “ Gambino.”

I was led downstairs, Papa was pacing around taking a call while Jamelle stood there shooting daggers at me.

She wore a very beautiful white gown, the was luxurious silk which draped beautifully on her body. She looked as though she was the bride, and not me.

I struggled to get down the stairs with my heels. “ Make haste” papa said calmly,I knew better than to mistake his calmness for indifference.

Stella stared at me with a look of disgust on her face. She never really said anything to me when papa was around, but in private shs fails not to.

Papa strutted out of the house, Jamelle and Stella following after him. When I stepped out, I noticed it was twilight.

I got into the car, and the drive to the place was awkward and silent. 

The twilight cast a warm glow on the landscape. As the car sped through, my nostrils were filled with the sweet scents of blooming flowers.

We arrived at the church. The church had a majestic view from outside. When we got inside, some few men who looked like members of the mafia were there probably talking about business.

The scene looked so unholy, dangerous men who had done awful things not even the mind could comprehend gathered in a place of holiness.

The priest stood on the altar. I was led to the altar, and stood there. my eyes roamed around but I couldn't find the pair of blue eyes I was looking for.

The priest was getting ready to start the wedding, I stood there with fear in my heart as the door opened.

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