


I was praying the whole way to the Moon Pack for things to go well. For Aiden not to lose his temper and confront alpha Harold for killing his parents. Never in my wildest dreams did I think he was going to find his mate there and that the mate was going to be alpha Harold’s daughter. I didn’t know what the Moon Goddess was playing at, but I felt she was being cruel.

Aiden lost his family in the hands of that man, and she turned around and mated him to his daughter. What kind of fate was that? Did she maybe do that to give Aiden a chance to punish alpha Harold without having to kill him? I saw how much that man cared for his daughter. He was ready to kill when Aiden dodged his daughter’s hug and walked out.

I had to calm him down telling him that Aiden was not good with surprises. That he went to cool down and he was going to come back. He ordered me to go get him, I wondered if he was still outside or if he was long gone when I left that office.

I wouldn’t have blamed him if he had left. When he told me that the necklace hanging on that girl’s neck was his mother’s I wanted to go back in there and kill the bastard myself. But my brother had other plans. Which he didn’t share with me, but I could tell where his mind was when he said she must go pack her bags.

“Fine! Tina go pack your bags but you will not be leaving today, you will sleep here and leave in the morning. We must say our proper goodbyes to our daughter. We won’t be seeing her everyday now.” He said but Aiden shook his head.

“We can’t alpha, I don’t know if alpha John told you on the phone. But he and the Luna are leaving this afternoon, and we cannot leave the pack without leaders. There are many blood thirsty monsters out there who would take the opportunity and attack our pack. We can’t take that chance.”

I cringed when Aiden said that. I knew he was referring to the alpha when he said that but what I was worried about was the alpha picking that up and acting on it. “I hear you, but I wouldn’t call those people monsters. I think they are doing good and making those lazy packs take accountability.”

Both Aiden and I frowned when he said that. How was attacking and killing people making them take accountability? The man was delusional. “That as it may alpha, we cannot spend the night.” He nodded talking his seat. “Fine, but if it were my pack. No one would dare try anything. You boys must come here now and then, and I will teach you how to make people respect you.”

Aiden tried to stand but I pulled him down. If the man did not stop spewing nonsense, then I was not going to be held responsible for what he does next. “You seemed to be in a hurry young beta.” He said and Aiden chuckled. An angry chuckle but if you didn’t know him, you wouldn’t be able to tell.

“He just found his mate alpha; am sure he is anxious to spend time with her and get to know her.” Aiden openly glared at me and I chuckled nervously but the alpha laughed. “I get it, I get it, I was exactly the same when I found my mate. It’s alright.” He waved it off and I sighed in relief. I didn’t know how much more of that I could take.

I need to get those two far away from each other or the alpha was going to pick up on Aiden’s sarcastic remarks and the results were not going to be in our favour. “Well, I was not going to negotiate with you about the land, I was going to take it. An alpha like me takes what he wants and doesn’t negotiate with the weak, but things have changed now.” He looked at Aiden who kept a straight face.

“Your pack is now going to be my daughter’s new home. I can’t take from family, now can i?” he chuckled, and I did as well but Aiden kept his stone-cold expression. My brother was making me nervous. “Tell your father that I will not take the land. But I do expect an invite for dinner to get to know each other as family.” Before I could respond to the alpha my brother had already given him and answer that got me cringing on my seat and my palms sweating.

Dear Goddess, above! He was going to get us killed!

“That is not going to happen!” Aiden stood and blathered it out.

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