


The excitement in her voice and the happiness on her face could not be missed. She had a huge smile on her face and was even jumping up and down not able to contain herself. All the while the only thing I was looking at, was my mother’s jade necklace that dangled in her long neck as she jumped up and down like a silly schoolgirl.

“Aiden, go to mate. Hug her, I want to feel her in our warm embrace.” I scoffed when my wolf said that. The girl rushed to me, I didn’t know what she wanted to do but I dodged, and she almost fell. I then glanced at my brother who had a shocked look on his face then I turned and walked out.

I felt suffocated in that room, and I could not sit there any second longer. “Aiden?” I hated my wolf at that moment. He wanted me to go to that girl, did he forget whose daughter she was? She was even shamelessly wearing my mother’s necklace; did she know how her father got it?

When I got outside, I felt like screaming to the heavens for the Goddess to hear and feel the incredible pain I was in. It felt like those people were mocking me. Memories of that night came rushing back. “Take this necklace and clean it. It’s valuable and it will be wasted on a dead woman. I told my daughter I will bring her something. This will do.”

That was what he said when he pried that necklace off my mother’s dead body. He came back and gave it to his daughter. The man had no shame! “Man, you have got to go back in there. The man thinks you are going to reject his daughter.” I scoffed. So, what if I did. It would serve them both right and make them feel some of the pain I felt.

Midnight whimpered not liking what I was saying. “She is wearing my mother’s necklace Zion, the one he took off her dead body after killing her!” Zion frowned. Then bailed his hands into fists. “To hell with this man, how are we supposed to contain ourselves then when he is this cruel?” Now he was getting where I was coming from.

A thought came into mind and a smirk appeared on my face. “Why are you smirking like that, don’t do anything stupid without telling me.” I smiled then turned and walked back to the office. When I got inside the monster was comforting his daughter.

They made me sick! “Boy don’t come to my pack and disrespect me like that. This is my daughter you are hurting here, who the hell do you think you are!” he bellowed, and I wished I could roll my eyes at how dramatic he was being.

Now that it was his daughter, he was going crazy yet when he went around killing other people’s children, he couldn’t careless about them. What a hypocrite. But I was going to show him, make him rip what he sowed.

“Alpha, as I said before, my brother doesn’t like surprises. Everything that comes as a surprise to him, throws him off. At least now he has come down a little and processed the news.” Zion answered the man before I could.

At that moment I had no respect for the man, I didn’t have it to begin with. His daughter lifted her head and looked at me with pleading eyes when she heard what Zion said. “Don’t worry sweetheart, you will get me and everything you deserve.” I thought looking at her with a smirk.

I don’t know if she mistook the smirk for a smile or what, but she smiled at me. The disgust I felt, I had never felt for anyone else before. I kept looking at the necklace hanging around her long delicate neck and I wanted to shake my head.

I didn’t know if I could go through with my plan while she was wearing that necklace. I was afraid I might just grab it and pull it right off her. “You have got to man up boy, my daughter cannot be mated to a weak man!” I glared at him; those were the words he said to my father that night. Calling him a weak man.

I fumed in anger, and I opened my mouth to speak when Zion beat me to it. “My brother might be anything alpha, but weak is not one of them.” I could tell he was getting angry too. “Father please, he is my mate, and everyone had the right to react how they see fit to things. He did not run away or reject me. He just went out for some air and to process. He is here now.” She said smiling at me.

I couldn’t even smile back, if she was anyone else, I would be jumping for joy at how beautiful my mate was. I was not blind; I could see her beauty but what I didn’t know was if she was really naïve or just acting like she was.

“Let us go young John and give this two time to talk. Your bother is shy I see.” He said standing up. “No need, let us finish the business we came here to discuss. Your daughter can go pack her bags; she will be coming home with us.”

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