


Morning came sooner than I expected, but then it was understandable as I spent half the night on the training grounds. I could not sleep, I had too much energy and the thought of meeting that man gave me even more energy. I wondered if he was going to see the resemblance in me with the man he mercilessly killed.

I woke up and showered then went downstairs. I found Zion sitting in the dining room looking stressed. “We are not even out the door and yet you look this stressed. I don’t think you will make it out there.” He threw me a glare. “Fuck off! You know I am stressed because of you.” I knew that. But I wanted him to stop stressing.

“Don’t stress, I will not do anything stupid. I promised father.” He sighed. The omegas came in and served us food. “If am going to do something then I will tell you first, I wont act without talking to you.” I assured him. “Thank you.” After breakfast we got into the cars and left.

He wanted to take more warriors, but I told him that we were not going to war, and we should appear that way. If the man was as dangerous as they said he was. Then taking more warriors would make him think we went there to start a war.

On the road, there was silence, am sure my bother was worried about what I was going to do when I meet the man, I had been looking for all these years. I, on the other hand, was wondering what it would feel like seeing him in person and putting a face to the voice that has been haunting me since that faithful night.

Our father made an appointment so, when we got to the gate, the warriors on duty gave us no problems. They let us in after directing us to their packhouse. I grew anxious as we got closer to the building. My brother straightened on his seat. He was nervous as well. “Remember what father taught us.” I reminded him.

“Don’t show weakness.” He said and I nodded. I took a deep breath and released it. Then his serious face appeared. But I knew he was nervous as hell. I thought someone would receive us at the door but nothing. We stopped and got out of the car. Zion and I shared a look.

Not having anyone greet us at the door meant only one thing, that the man didn’t respect us at all. We walked towards the door and a man appeared. He had a small scar at the top on his left eye that made him look dangerous.

“You must be the boys from the Blood Moon pack.” Zion nodded and extended his hand for a handshake. “Yes, I am young alpha Zion, and this is my brother and beta Aiden.” The man only glanced at his hand then turned. “The alpha is expecting you. Follow me.” He spoke.

Zion had a frown on his face as we followed the man behind. I could tell he was of higher rank by his power and dominance. A beta, I think. We silently followed him, midnight my wolf was awake and on high alert. We had been looking forward to this day since we finished alpha training with Zion two years ago.

It was hard but avenging my parents and meeting this man motivated me to do more. We walked in a long corridor then came to a stop at the end of the hall. To what I assumed was the alpha’s office. The man knocked once and opened the door. Alpha Harold was on the phone and when I saw and heard his voice.

Everything that happened that night came rushing to me. I stood there frozen having what some might call nostalgia. But for me, it was not happy moments I was thinking about. But ones that changed the rest of my life.

He placed the phone down and looked at us. “Interesting, so, John sent me kids instead of coming himself. I thought he was joking when he told me that over the phone.” He said looking at us as if we were nothing. I hated that look. “When you get the opportunity, kill him.” Father’s words rang in my mind, and I plastered as smile on my face.

“We might be young, alpha, but I can assure you that we know what we are doing. We were trained well.” I said taking a seat on the couch. It was clear he was not going to offer us seats. Zion followed my lead and took a seat right next to me.

Before he could say anything, midnight started jumping around now excited for some reason. Then the door was pushed opened. “Daddy, I…” she came in and I stood. “Mate!” midnight said, and I stood angered by his words. “Oh, dear Goddess, mate! You are my mate!”

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