


I didn’t understand, I thought they didn’t know alpha Harold. Then how were we going to his pack tomorrow if they didn’t know him? Anger rose from the pit of my stomach when I thought of what that man did to me and my parents.

I turned back and went to the alpha’s office. I needed an explanation. I budged in without knocking this time. He sighed. “How did I know you were going to come back here?” he said leaning back on his chair. “Zion told you, huh?” I advance and stand in front of his desk. “How could you keep his whereabouts from me?” I asked.

I was angry but I could not show it. Not to him, I had too much respect for the man. He took me in and raised me. “Because I didn’t want to lose a son and I didn’t want Zion to lose a brother. My Luna would have killed me if I dared to put your life in danger. Alpha Harold is a monster Aiden.” I paced in front of his desk.

“I know what he did to you is unforgivable, but I ask that you try. If not for yourself then for your people. To keep them safe.” My heart ached. How was I supposed to forget what he did? How was I going to go on without avenging them. My people and my parents. “I know it’s hard Aiden, but I ask that you not bring trouble to our people.”

I looked at the man and nodded. Then I realized that I had chosen my second family and chose to forget about those who gave birth to me. The ones I swore to avenge. My heart ached even more when I thought about it. Life was not fair.

“I promise, I will not bring trouble to our people.” I told him then turned to leave. “Aiden.” He called my name, and I stopped without turning. He came over to me and patted me on the back. “My son, I know it’s not easy and I know it must feel like you are betraying your parents. But I want you to know how proud I am of you for thinking of this family and putting them first. I will never forget this.”

I turned to him, my eyes red and tears blurring my vision. “I am alive today because of you, I will not do anything to put you and this pack’s members for my selfish reasons. It just hurts.” I could not hold my tears anymore. I blinked and they fell.

He took me into his arms and held me tight. “Son, if you get the opportunity to put an end to Harold. Take it. Don’t challenge him though because he will end you.” I was confused by his words that I pulled out of the embrace and looked at him.

“I mean what I say. He is a dangerous man but if an opportunity presents itself for you to kill him at his vulnerable moment. Do it and make sure he is dead. That would rid all of us of a monster that has been terrorising our people for many years. When I say don’t bring trouble to this pack. I only mean don’t openly challenge him because he will end us all.”

A smile broke on my face. “I got you, father. I will do as you say.” He nodded. “Come see your mother before we leave in the morning. We won’t be back for a long time and she might not be alive when we do come back.” Sadness washed over me. I had been thinking about myself and forgot about the woman who has been like a second mother to me.

Who loved me from the day she met me until now. “I will come and see her off. I promise.” He nodded. “I know you will. You and Zion must take good care of this pack and lookout for one another. Never let anyone come between you and always remember that you are brothers.”

I could never forget who Zion was to me. He was the brother I never had, and his pack was my second home. They gave me a home and a position. His parents gave me love and I would never forget that.

“We will father.” He nodded patting me on the back. I turned and left feeling lighter than when I went in. When I got out, Zion was waiting for me. “I heard everything, and I agree with father.” A smile broke on my face. “Are you going to help?” he frowned then a smile broke on his face. “You bet your ass, I will.” We laughed as we descended the stairs.

“Let us go get some training in, tomorrow is a big day for us.” I nodded as we went to the training ground. Tomorrow might be the end of alpha Harold and my parents would be avenged.

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