
Chapter 046


I woke up early as usual and even though I barely slept, I have never felt this energetic in my entire life. I never knew standing up for myself would be so refreshing. Now Josh will stay back for a while. The issue is how long will he stay away.

I rush to Chloe’s room excited to see her and wondering how she is feeling. She is going to be very hungover. I knock and when I hear a “Who the fuck is banging my door this early?” come from inside the room. I smile. She does have a colorful vocabulary.

“It's Lorraine,” I say gently, hoping she’ll calm down. She tells me to come in using a softer tone this time. Her mood swings are quite interesting.

I walk into her huge room to see her sitting up but looking so tired, I feel sorry for her a little. I should have stopped her from drinking so much.

“Why are you up so early?” she asks before yawning slightly. I smiled feeling so giddy, I couldn’t wait to tell her. Even though we are not necessarily friends, I am getting very fond of C
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