
Chapter 2.


After ten solid hours of mom driving she finally swerves into a neighborhood and into a driveway.

We would have gotten here sooner if not for the fact that she had to continually stop for me to puke due to my intense motion sickness, I'm just glad I made it here with my organs intact.

I get out of the car to take in some fresh air and check out the surroundings but the size of our new home takes me by surprise.

It's big, wait scratch that, it's huge.

“Mom, where'd you get the money to get this house?” I ask suspiciously.

“Oh from the money your father left off, I deserve it and more anyway” she says opening the door “well don't stand there come check it out”

“But the only money dad left was for my college fund” I reply heading to the front door.

She sighs “Oh honey we'll talk about that later”


“Oh stop your whining and come on in” she says, taking me by the hand as she leads me in.

I gasp at the interior. It's the definition of luxury. Luxury we can't afford.

My stomach churns in worry.

How did you get all that money?

You see after my parents’ separation, my dad left off a lot of money for my college funding, Or at least that's what my dad told me. He was the sole breadwinner of the house and my mom well she used to run an online fitness program which didn't last very long, so in essence we're both broke.

Even if I wanted to get a job she wouldn't let me. Said she'll die of embarrassment if people found out that we have to get a job to survive.

I look around the house in awe of the furniture and the decor, mom really went all out on this. Everything here must have definitely cost her an arm and a leg and probably even a few ribs.

“Mom…” I start “How did you get the money?” I ask, squinting my eyes at her.

She catches my gaze and I can feel her beginning to get uncomfortable which is exactly what I want her to feel.

She groans, rolling her eyes.

“What! Fine I used some of your college funds”

“Mom!” I yell utterly horrified.

“It was for a good cause, we have a big house now”

“How can you do this to me, how am I supposed to afford college?”

“Well you can always change schools to a less expensive one”

“No, I'm going to Harvard and that's final!”

“Well unfortunately for you young lady I already made that decision, you're going to Oakville university, it's closer to the house anyway”

My ears ring at the sentence she just made

“What!? You can't do that, that's my decision to make” I reply pointing at my chest at the last sentence for emphasis

“Well I already did, the school's starting tomorrow and you don't have much of a choice” she says as she walks over to the boxes that the truck driver drops on the floor.

She starts to talk to him about where to drop the boxes, totally ignoring my existence.

Tears well in my eyes from frustration and anger.

Why would she do this to me? She knows how hard I've studied to get into Harvard and now she's taking my dream away from me just like that.

“I hate you!” I scream and she snaps her head in my direction which ends their conversation.

“What did you just say?!”

“I hate you” I repeat, spelling out the words with every syllable “This is exactly why dad left you and you deserve it!”

The most painful sting lands across my face as my neck shifts direction to the other side. I hold my cheek on impulse.

“It's not my fault that I have to be the one to look out for the both of us now while you're in your room sulking all day” she yells “The next time this comes out of your mouth I'm kicking you out of my house”

“That you bought with my money!” I retort.

We both hear the truck driver clearing his throat and mom's attention diverts to him.

He's holding a document mom needs to sign as his eyes dart between mom and I nervously.

She leaves my side and signs the document before kicking him out.

I storm off into my room not wanting to look her in the eyes. I just wish this is all a bad dream.

“Yeah, storm off to the room that I paid for!”

When I get upstairs I storm into one of the rooms mentally claiming this one as mine and I dive into the soft bed that takes in my weight like a hug.

I let out all the tears wishing my dad was here, and most of all wishing that everything would go back to normal.

The sound of what should be our front door closing wakes me up from the slumber I was in.

The stars are all out already, I can see them from where I lay. I probably must have been sleeping for a long while.

I go over to my room window and watch mom catwalk into an expensive looking car. I hear her and the man inside giggle like teenagers and he drives off.

I sigh, shaking my head, she was at it again. Going on dates with random men.

Ever since dad left she's been frantically looking for a replacement.

That's probably the reason why she wanted us to move. I hear the population of rich men is pretty high in these parts.

I go downstairs to make myself something to eat.

Reaching downstairs to the kitchen I find a decent amount of ingredients to make mom and I dinner. I know she'll be back hungry, she always does.

I munch down on my dinner, savoring the taste.

I look around the dining room trying to while away the time and as much as I hate to say it this place is really nice.

Just then the front door bursts open and mom walks in, heels in hand that matches her red mini dress.

She flings her purse which lands on one of the couches and slumps on the dinning table inches away from me groaning.

I lick the last mash potatoes off my spoon.

“So how did your date go?”

“Don't even ask” she says “ he was broke and wanted me to pay for both our meals. He was worse than broke, he was poor!”

I roll my eyes.

“Maybe you should help me out with this dating thing, I think I'm getting out of shape”

“No,” I reply packing up.

“We need someone who can take care of us”

“No, you need to stop trying to replace dad and get your act straight”

I walk back into my room and close my door. I still haven't forgiven her.

It's hard to think she's my mom when she keeps acting like I don't matter.

My mind wanders back to the time she left me in the forest some years ago when I was just fifteen. I'm twenty now.

Everything that happened during the span of me being lost felt like a dream. Nothing felt real and parts of my memory seem to have deteriorated. But one thing I remember is being saved by the man who always appears in my dreams.

A few kind men found me unconscious and brought me out.

The doctors said everything I saw in the forest  was me hallucinating but I know that if it wasn't for the man who saved me I'd probably be dead.

For some reason the thought of starting school tomorrow in Oakville university doesn't seem so bad, I won't be cooped up in the same house with Mom all day, I might just go crazy.

Who knows maybe I might make some friends, I didn't really have many back at home anyway.

Well I guess this is my life now.

It better be worth it.

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