
Chapter 3.


I splash cold running water on my face mentally preparing myself for today's version of what I call a nightmare. My stay here has been more than shitty and there's nothing I can do about it.

Exhaling deeply, I pick up my bag off the bathroom floor and come out of the stalls already reciting my day's activities in my head.

They are quite simple.

Don't get noticed,stay low, avoid Aria and Freya.

“Well, well , well, look who decided to come out of her hiding spot” comes a familiar voice that rings in my ear. I shoot my head up in shock as I gasp.

Aria stares at her reflection at the bathroom mirror applying lipstick.

No, no, no, not today!

There she was Aria Vlad, the most popular girl in the university, my rival and bully.

You'd think bullying stops at highschool but unfortunately it doesn't.

I hold on to the strap of my book bag till my knuckles turn white. I try to keep a brave face but I can tell by Aria's expression that I'm doing a terrible job.

“What do you want Aria?”

She laughs in response, throwing her head back as her ponytail swings from side to side.

She folds her hands walking towards me and Freya, her wanna be twin, comes to my side smiling cynically with her smudged lip gloss.

“We're just here to have some fun” Aria says and before I can even react her fist makes contact with my stomach.

I bend over in pain with hot tears clouding my vision.

This wasn't the first time this has happened and I'm sick of it. For the past two months of my stay this is what I've been forced to go through. I don't even know why she's doing this.

I feel a surge of anger well up inside me and I charge at her yanking her by the hair but I'm outnumbered and Freya easily pins me to the wall kicking me in the gut making me let go of Aria.

Aria slaps me across the face making my whole face sting.

“You think you're tough?” She asks before slapping me again then drags me roughly by my collar “you're nothing but a small town whore just like your mom”

They both cackle loudly.

 “You think we don't see her hoping on every available man in sight?”

Angry tears fall down my cheek and I attempt to charge at her again but Freya shoves my back into the wall.

Aria goes over to the mirror and fixes her ponytail.

“Remember this little Ivy, you don't belong here, so stop acting like you don't deserve what you're getting” she says still admiring her features in the mirror

“Freya let's go” she commands and her sidekick finally lets me go as I fall to my knees.

They giggle as they leave the bathroom, shutting the door behind them.

I hug my knees and begin to cry like a child.

I hate this place.

I just want to go home.

I wash my face sniffing, my reflection bounces off the mirror showing me just how red my cheeks are.

I have one more class left and I'm not going to ruin my perfect attendance because of Aria and Freya.

I check my phone and see that I'm twenty minutes late.

Well better late than never.

I clutch my bag and head to class. My stomach feels like my insides are bruised. I'll probably have to go to the hospital after this.

As soon as I step into the class I can hear the whispers coming from every angle.

They were probably talking about me.

I look around and see them whispering, a lot of the girls are smiling, grinning from ear to ear.

I notice that our professor still isn't here, which is weird because Mr Ken, our professor, hates tardiness.

“Oh my gosh did you see him, he's so hot”

“Oh my gosh I know! His abs are everything”

Him, his abs? That doesn't sound like me.

“Who are you guys talking about?” I mutter.

A girl, who I'm sure her name is Elena, sitting next to me gasps and I snap my head at her in shock.

Her brown eyes twinkles in excitement as she grabs my hand in urgency which honestly freaks me out.

“Sis don't tell me you haven't heard about our new professor” she says with an expression that was both serious and oddly cute.

“Um well I haven't actually”

She squeals lightly.

“What happened to our old one?” I ask.

“Ugh who gives a fuck about that old geezer, this new one is so hot”

“And mysterious” another girl behind her chips in.

“He came in this morning and I'm so happy he's teaching our class”

What is with these girls?

Just then the door opens and everyone gasps, including Elena. She lets go of my hand and her cheeks begin to turn red just before she covers her mouth.

“It's him,” she whispers.

“Him?” I ask.

I turn my gaze to the front of the class to see what the commotion is about.

As soon as my head turns, my eyes meet the finest creation that ever walked this earth.

There right in front of us stands a towering masterpiece that my eyes couldn't stop feasting on.

As my gaze lifts up from his strong legs to his torso I can't help but feel this nagging feeling that I've seen him before. That this frame is so familiar.

As soon as my eyes reach his face, then his eyes, those striking blue eyes. I feel a strike of lightning hit my memory in a flash and then I knew.

He's the man from my dreams!

It must be him, but I thought he wasn't real.

Am I going crazy? No I can't be.

His eyes land on me and I suddenly forget to breathe for a second before he turns his gaze away, clearing his throat.

“Hello everyone, my name is professor Caden. I'll be your new professor from now on. I hope my stay here will make a good impact on your academics”

“See what I told you about” whispers Elena in my ear

The rest of what he says drowns in his deep honey voice.

Only one thing is clear in my head; I'm finally meeting the man in my dreams and he's my professor.

His name is Caden.

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