
Secrets about Alpha Leo.


"Don't involve yourself."

The memory of her words still affected me. Why?

I had made some bad decisions, ones which had further estranged me from her, but now my curiosity couldn't be fulfilled.

At least she was in better terms, more amiable compared to before. Weeks had gone by and yet I couldn't figure it out. Why?


"Leo?" The voice brought me out of my thoughts.

Eyes and faces of men and women, all focused on me. It took little ease to slip back into my role, crossing my fingers with each other and resting on them, whilst recalling the last words said.

"Is that everything that needs to be done, Michael?" I called out.

The man, a skinny nervous thing whose suit always overpowered the rest of him nodded. "Yes Sir."

I nodded in turn before standing.

"We'll end the meeting here. The rest of you can send in your reports by email." I remained in my seat even after everyone filed away from the meeting room until it was empty.

Dark Haus. The firm I had made for myself.

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