

Damon’s pov

“Come on man, we have been searching for hours.” Greg complains. “Can we please go home and start up again tomorrow?”

“Not yet, there are still two more shelters in the area, I have to make sure she isn’t in one of them.” I say quietly.

“What makes you think she’s in a shelter? Maybe she has a home and is safe and sound inside it, while we run around shelter to shelter looking for a ghost.” Greg argues.

A loud growl escapes me.

“She is out here somewhere, I know it and I will find her.” I state firmly. Part of me is trying to convince myself as much as I am Greg, after all, I didn’t even get her name.

“Fine, I will go check this one out… wait here, you get too pushy and make people nervous.” Greg gets out of the car and walks towards one of the last shelters that maybe be housing my mate.

Greg knocks on the door a few times before a tall thin lady probably in her mid 30”s opens the door just enough to ask what he wants.

I overhear Greg telling some ridiculous story that will never get her to let him in… “want something done right, you”ve got to do it yourself “ I mumble to no one in particular. I get out of the car and go up to the door.

“Miss I am sorry.” I say in my kindest tone,

“Look, my friend here is telling a bit of a fib you see the other night I ran into this young woman in an alley and there were some men after her… well umm I helped her get away from them but I fear I may have scared her off in the process and I am very worried about her. Please help me find her.” I find myself pleading with this stranger, this human. If I am being honest I could just push her out of the way and barge in, but rules exist and have to be followed. That kind of behaviour would definitely draw attention and get me in trouble I couldn’t deal with right now, so I had to play nice and follow the humans rules.

“Look sir, I am sorry for your situation, but it is my job to keep my kids safe and I can’t do that by giving out their information. Please understand and be on your way.” The strange lady slams shut the door and locks it.

“Now what?” Greg asks irritated. “We could just break in and look for ourselves…”

“You know as well as I do we can’t do that.” I say grumpily. “ we will have to come back tomorrow during the day and see if anyone knows her…” I know it’s a long shot but it’s all I”ve got right now.

“Does that mean we can go home now?” Greg asks excitedly. It aggravates me but I get it, he has been humouring me all day, he’s hungry and tired. I can’t blame him, and it’s not like I am likely to learn anything more today…”yeah let’s go home.” I concede.

“Don’t have to tell me twice” he says heading back to the car and home for a well deserved meal.

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