
Chapter 6: The Race

Suvi’s POV

Josh is standing outside my door. What the? I sigh. I just had a long day at work and just want to unwind with Myla.

He’s called me a few times since our dinner, but I haven’t picked up. What’s the point? He has a fiancé! I have a nice, peaceful life with Myla and Lucinda. I want to keep it that way.

“You haven’t returned my calls,” he says as I approach. I fumble for my keys in my purse. I don’t want to talk to him. He should have told me about his fiancé. “I was worried,” he continues.

Damn, he’s cute. Dark denim jeans. Black leather jacket. Shining green eyes. And his tousled brown hair falling over his forehead.

‘No, Suvi,’ I scold myself. He wasn’t honest with you. He’s getting married!

“No need to be worried,” I say dismissively. “As you can see, I’m perfectly fine.”

Except that I’m not. I really enjoyed our dinner together. For a brief moment, I allowed myself to think that maybe…just maybe…

“Can we talk?” he asks. He’s standing between me and the door. Not in an aggressive way. His face is serious. He’s fidgeting with his fingers.

“Look,” I reply. I want to make this as clear as possible and end this once and for all. “There’s really nothing to talk about,” I tell him. “I’d appreciate it if you’d just let me be. Okay?” My tone is firm even though my heart is racing in my chest.

“Why?” he asks, furrowing his brows.

“Because you have a fiancé!” I blurt out.

“Oh. That,” he responds. “Well, that’s what I wanted to talk about. “I’m not going to marry her.”

I open my mouth to ask why, but then I think better of it. It doesn’t matter. He’s sexy as hell, I’ll give him that. And smart and kind. And apparently very rich. But I don’t want to get into another relationship. I’m still too damaged from my relationship with Adam.

I’m better off to just cut my losses, so I don’t respond.  

He studies my face for a beat, then he smiles.

“I didn’t just come here to check up on. I also came here to invite you to one of my races. It’s a championship race,” he says, changing the subject.

Again, I don’t respond. My heart tugs at me. I want to trust him, to believe him. I have a crush on him, but that’s what makes this so dangerous. If he’s not who I think he is, if he’s lying to me about his engagement, or anything for that matter – well. My heart can’t take another crack.

I sigh deeply.

“Myla and Lucinda are invited too. You mentioned at dinner how much Lucinda loves racing?”

He remembered that? My best friend’s name? And her race car obsession? I’m touched. Maybe he is exactly who he claims to be…

Plus, Myla and Lucinda would LOVE to watch a race. I shouldn’t deprive them of that just because I have trust issues. It’s just a race. What have I got to lose?

“Fine,” I finally sigh. “We’ll come.”

He beams at me. “Perfect! I’ll text you all the details!”


The race track is crazy busy. The stands are full of fans, holding signs with Josh’s name on them. We’re escorted to a private VIP viewing booth.

“Swanky,” Lucinda smiles, taking a glass of champagne from the waiter. The booth is luxurious, with free champagne and a whole spread of food. Lucinda’s in her glory – this is all she’s talked about for three days straight. Apparently, it’s a really important race. If he wins, he’ll win the overall championship, and that’s a really big deal. At least, according to Lucinda.

She points out Josh’s car. It’s bright blue with a yellow stripe. I know nothing about race car driver, so I rely on Lucinda to explain it all to me while we wait. It actually sounds really fascinating. They can fix cars that fast? Amazing…

Just then, we overhear a discussion from some other people in the booth.

“I heard he was making a big announcement. Josh. If he wins!” someone said.

“What sort of announcement?” another person asked.

“Well, I assume it’s about his fiancé, Brooke. I’m guessing he’s going to announce his engagement!”

I zone out after that. My heart sinks. Is that true? But he said he wasn’t going to marry her. Ugh. My mind starts spinning. No. Enough. I don’t want to think about this. I’m here with my daughter and my best friend, in this special VIP booth. I decide to push all that other stuff aside and just enjoy the race.

The checkered flag comes down and the race begins. It’s exhilarating! I get really caught up in it. At one point, Josh falls behind. He swerves into the pit stop.

“Oh shit!” Lucinda bites her lip. “Something’s wrong with his car.”

This is crazy intense. We watch with bated breath. But then he’s back on the track in less than thirty seconds.

My eyes are fixed on his car the entire time. I watch him go round and round the track. Lucinda grips my arm so hard, she actually cuts off my circulation.

And then…

“HE WON!” Lucinda hollers, pumping her fist in the air. The stands erupt into voracious applause. Everyone in the booth cheers loudly.

Moments later, Josh emerges from his car. He removes his helmet and looks up at our booth. Our eyes lock and he winks at me.

My heart melts. He saunters over to the podium where he’s handed a massive golden trophy. He holds it high and the air and the stands erupt again. Everyone is cheering his name. He really is a star!

He taps on the mike a few times to make sure it’s on.

“A huge shout out to all my sponsors,” Josh says loudly into the mike. He sweeps his hair off his forehead. “And of course to my talented team of mechanics. But I’d actually like to take this opportunity to make an important announcement, while I have everyone’s attention.”

“See? Told you,” someone beside me whispers. “He’s going to announce his engagement.”

“You’ve probably all heard the rumors by now. Yes, I am indeed getting married!” He does a dramatic bow while the fans cheer.


I can’t…I can’t believe this! My heart clenches. He lied? He lied right to my face? I should have known. How could I have been so stupid?

I push past Lucinda and grab Myla’s hand. I’m devastated. I actually liked him. REALLY liked him. I just want to get out of here.

“But I’d like to clarify something. I am NOT marrying Brooke Deloris.”

A hush falls over the stands. I freeze in my spot. He looks up to the booth and our eyes lock.

“I am excited to announce that I have found my mate. Suvi Sandstone. She is the one I’ll be marrying.”

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