
Chapter 14: Torn

Suvi’s POV

I’m torn.

It’s an amazing offer, marrying Josh. And I know that being his mate would come with so many advantages. Money. Security. Status. I wouldn’t have to worry any more about all the things I worry about every day. Having enough food. Affording new clothes. Paying the electricity bill…

And Myla?

She’d have a beautiful house. Good, healthy food. The best doctors. I’d never have to worry about Myla getting sick and having the proper care. Plus, Myla would be exposed to educated people. Successful people.

Life in the slums is tough sometimes. There’s not a lot of opportunity. Most of the kids just finish school and then get jobs. They don’t go to University. If I married Josh, Myla would have the opportunity to go to University, or get other training, if that’s what she chose. Top notch training. Myla could be anything she wanted to be. She’d have options.

Right now, her options are limited. I can’t afford anything besides her basic needs. Food. Clothes. Housing. That’s
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