
Chapter 13: Pampered

Suvi’s POV

I slowly open my eyes. Then I bolt upright.


“Where’s Myla?”

“Shssss,” Josh says, smoothing the hair from my forehead. “Myla’s fine. I asked Ethan to go and get Lucinda. You need to rest.”

“What…what happened?” I asked. I’m in a strange bed. The blankets are pure heaven, though. Soft as silk.

“You fainted, Suvi. From exhaustion.”

“I want to see Myla.”

“I know you do. I just spoke with Sarah. Myla’s doing much better. She’s completely stable. Sarah said she’ll make a full recovery. Lucinda will be here soon too to help.”

I push back the covers to get out of bed. But Josh stops me.

“Not so fast. You need to rest. You need to get your strength back so you can take care of Myla.”

Maybe he’s right. I still feel a little dizzy. Weak even. He hands me a cup of orange juice. “I promise. Myla’s in great hands. Drink this. It has extra vitamins in it.”

I take the cup gratefully.

Josh has done so much for me. For Myla, too. So has Dr. Peredine. I’ve never had anyone look after me
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