
My Alpha Mate is a Racing Star
My Alpha Mate is a Racing Star
Author: Anney GW

Chapter 1: Nightmare

Suvi’s POV

I ran away from my ex-husband Adam, two years ago, so I'm used to raising my daughter Myla alone. 

It was a dark time, being with him. Even though he was the Beta of the Blackthorn Pack, I got no respect as his wife. He pushed me to a breaking point, physically and mentally. One day, he beat me so bad I couldn’t open my left eye for a week. 

That was when I knew I had to leave. I couldn’t stay. If I did…well…it was only a matter of time before he beat me to death.

Leaving was tough, REALLY. I was pregnant, terrified, broke, and I had nowhere to go. The Moon Goddess must have been looking out for me though because I found a kind pack. 

The Clover Pack. They took me in. Welcomed me with open arms. Gave me a place to stay, food, support. It was a miracle. I FINALLY had somewhere safe to live! They were so kind, so caring, so warm.  All the things I wasn’t used to…

It’s been two years now. I’ve made a life for myself with the Clover Pack. I used to be terrified that he’d find me, track me down and drag me back. He hasn’t, though. And I’m slowly forgetting those painful days, trying to keep them tucked tightly away in the past, where they belong. 

I still don’t have much money, but I get by. I have a part-time job and a decent place to live, even if it is in the slums. I'm able to give Myla a good meal every now and then. It’s not a perfect life, but it’s peaceful and I’m content. 

I prefer to stay within the pack boundaries most of the time. I feel safest there. But every so often, I leave to come to the big market, at the forest’s edge. That’s where I am now. I know it’s risky because there’s lots of people from different packs here. But things are cheaper at this market. Lots of sales. It’s worth the risk. 

Some plums at a fruit stand catch my eye. Purple and juicy. Myla would like them! I run some quick math in my head. Yes, I can afford these plums. It’ll be a surprise, a special treat for me and Myla. 

To think, I used to use my mathematical mind to solve complex quadratic formulas and proofs. Now I use it to figure out if I can afford a couple plums.

Go figure! 

I hand the merchant my money. That’s when I hear a loud cackling laugh and turn to look.

Man-wolves. Laughing with she-wolves on their arms. I lower my head, averting my eyes to the ground subconsciously. But wait a minute…they look oddly familiar.

I glance back at them, as a bad feeling settles into my stomach. They’re heading my way. 

Oh shit!

I know them! Those are…those are Adam’s friends!

What are they doing at this market?!

“M'am, your change?” The merchant thrusts a five dollar bill at me. I crumple it up and stuff it in my purse.

They're getting closer. I pull my hat down over my eyes. Maybe they won’t see me. But what if they do?

My heart races.

Adam CANNOT find me! 

Escaping wasn’t easy. If it wasn’t for the help of Lucinda, my BFF, I never would have escaped. Sometimes I feel a little guilty because she left our old pack to help me escape. But we live together now and our lives are peaceful at the Clover Pack. Much more peaceful than they were and she seems happy. 

The Clover Pack has been extremely kind to me. They took me in when I was pregnant and on the run. They cared for me when I had a nervous breakdown right after Myla was born.

You see, I fell in love with her the moment I saw her….my beautiful little girl. Deeply, madly in love. But with that love came fear – Adam haunted me in my sleep. I had nightmares about him finding us, taking her, and…well…doing some pretty horrific things. 

He hadn't though. He never found us. I got over my anxiety. The nightmares went away. And I’ve been living with the Clover Pack ever since.

"Look at this, Ricky. It's sooooo pretty."

“It's fucking expensive you moron. Look at the price tag.”

“Sorry. I…I didn’t see that.”

“Yeah, well use your head next time!’

They're getting closer. I glance sideways.

It's Ricky, Adam’s best friend. If he sees me, he'll…


Crap. My blood turns cold. They saw me.

“RUN”, my instincts scream. 

I dash into the forest. But it’s no use. They catch up with me right away. I have nowhere to go. They've circled me, and they’re closing in, step by step…

“Well look what the wolf dragged in.” It’s Ricky. He has his hands on his hip, his head cocked to the side. He’s with Marty and Even. I don’t recognize the she-wolves. “How long's it been?” he asks, narrowing his eyes. “Two years? That sounds about right?”

“Who's she?” one of the she-wolves asks, turning up her nose. “Ugh. She's wolfless.”

“You don't remember? It's Suvi. Adam’s ex. Our 'wolfless warrior'.” Ricky sniffs the air. “Disgusting. Could you be any more useless?”

My heart lurches. 'Wolfless Warrior' is what they used to call me. I used to be a really strong warrior once. One of the strongest in the Blackthorn Pack, actually.  

Adam was so violent, though. So cruel. Shasta was afraid. I felt her retreating, going further and further away into hiding. She’d whimper at night sometimes while I disinfected my cuts and bruises. I tried to soothe her.

But then, one day, she was just gone. I haven't been able to connect with her since.

And to make matters even worse, everyone knew. They looked down on me, the ‘wolfless warrior’. I was the Beta’s wife! That should have counted for something. But it didn’t. No one took me seriously, not once Shasta was gone.    

“Ugh, she smells like human,” the she-wolf says, turning up her nose. “I'm gonna be sick from her stench. Come on, let's get out here.”

My palms are sweaty. I twist the bag of powdered milk in my hands. I have to get out of here, but how?

Ricky eyes me with a wicked smile. “You know, Suvi, there's a bounty out on your head.”

A bounty? Crap! 

He's going to bring me back. I try to run, but he grabs my arm. Evan does the same. They start hauling me through the forest.

I panic. “No!” I plead with the she-wolves. “You can’t take me back to Blackthorn. Please. You don’t understand. Adam…he’s a monster. He'll…he'll torture me. He’ll kill me.”

One of the she-wolves glances at me. I see a flicker of sympathy in her eyes. Did I get through to her? Will she show me mercy? “Please?” I say softly.

“Shut up, bitch,” Ricky snaps. “Come on, Caroline. Ignore her.” She turns her attention back to Ricky. 

Tears brim in my eyes. This can't be happening! What about Myla? Who will take care of her? And Adam? He’ll be crazy with rage! 

I shudder just thinking about what he’ll do to me. 

I keep struggling, trying to break free. It’s no use though. These man-wolves are strong. Much stronger than me. “Please,” I beg, my voice a whisper. I’ve never been so scared in my whole life. They’re dragging me, taking me back to…

“Let her go!” Suddenly, a man appears. His voice is demanding, full of authority. 

He narrows his green eyes at the group. He glares at Ricky. The man is strong, tall, with a muscular build. His auburn hair falls over one eye. Dark denim jeans, a black leather jacket - he exudes strength and confidence.

“Who the hell are you?” Ricky scoffs. “This is none of your business. Get outta here.” 

The man sneers, and then punches Ricky, right in the face! 

I gasp, shocked. The man immediately jumps in front of me, shielding me from Ricky and his group. 

Now I suggest you leave her alone. Unless you want another fist in the face?”

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