
Chapter 3: The Phone Call

Suvi’s POV

“I literally just met this guy!” I tell Lucinda. She chuckles.

“Yeah right,” she says dismissively, rolling her eyes. “As if. Nice joke, Suvi!”

His face is plastered on the TV screen, clear as day. It’s Josh, all right.

“No, I’m serious! I did. Pinky swear.”

Lucinda plants her hands on her hips and cocks her head to the side. “Get real. Are you trying to tell me you just happened to run into a famous race car driver here? Here, in the slums? Everyone here is dirt poor. Besides, Josh is the Alpha’s son. I’m sure he lives in the pack house, which is miles away from here.”

“I didn’t meet him here,” I explain. “I met him at the market. Well, in the forest, actually. You see, I…uh…ran into some of Adam’s friends. From Blackthorn?” Lucinda’s expression turns serious.

“Go on,” she says, narrowing her eyes. She hates Adam almost as much as I do. The mere mention of his name is taboo in our house.

“They tried to kidnap me. Adam put a bounty on my head. So they dragged me into the forest. But out of nowhere, this guy appears. And he’s strong, like REALLY strong, with a powerful aura. He told them to let me go and then offered to walk me home. It’s him.” I point at the TV. “That’s the guy who saved me. Josh.”

Lucinda is shocked. “Oh my moon goddess. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good. He…Josh…he was really kind and…”

“Wait a minute,” Lucinda says. She draws in a deep breath. “What if…what if you’re Josh’s mate?”


Josh’s mate?

I laugh out loud at this. “That’s ridiculous, Lucinda! Where did you get that idea?”

“Well, Josh hasn’t succeeded the Alpha yet. Maybe it’s because he hasn’t found his mate. You know the Clover Pack rules. He can’t succeed the Alpha unless he finds his mate. It’s a little strange that he just appeared ‘out of nowhere’. Don’t you think? A little too coincidental. Suvi, maybe he found that YOU’RE his mate. He was drawn to you in the forest through the mate bond. That’s how he found you.”

I think about this for a second. But then I shake my head. “That’s preposterous,” I laugh. “Come on, Lucinda! I don’t even have a wolf! He couldn’t possibly feel the mate bond. Not without my wolf.”

But she does have a point. It was weird that he just showed up like that…in the middle of the forest…

“Fast driver!” Myla interrupts us, pointing at the TV. “Zoom zoom!” she giggles. Josh is giving an interview on the screen.

“See? Even Myla feels it. Is that your new daddy?” Lucinda jokes.

Myla giggles and nods. “Race car driver. Zoom zoom.”

“Enough you two,” I sigh. “It was just a coincidence. He was in the right place at the right time. The last thing I need is to get swept up in some fantasy about a knight coming to rescue me and Myla. That sort of stuff doesn’t happen in real life.”

Just then, my phone rings.

“You’re wrong,” Lucinda says, shaking her head. I reach for my phone. “That kind of stuff DOES happen. Fairy tales are based on real life and…”

“No way,” I say, looking at the caller ID.

“What? Who is it?” Lucinda asks, coming towards me.

I’m stunned, frozen in place.

Right there, on my caller ID, is his name in big block letters.


“Holy crap,” Lucinda whispers, her eyes wide. We both stare at the phone. Then she snaps to attention. “Well what are you waiting for! Answer it!”

I press answer and put the phone to my ear.

“Uh…hello?” I say, trying to sound calm even though my heart is racing faster than Josh’s cars.

“Hi there. Is this…is this Suvi? Suvi from the forest?” His voice is low and velvety smooth.

“This is she,” I reply.

“Is it him? Is it really him?” Lucinda whispers behind me. I wave her off with my hand and walk away, into the kitchen.

“Hi Suvi. It’s me, Josh.”

‘Just play it cool, Suvi,’ I tell my myself.

“Josh? Oh hi. Yeah. Hi. Josh. How are you?”

‘That wasn’t cool,’ I scold myself. Ugh. I’m really bad at this.

“What does he want?” Lucinda hisses in the background. I clamp my fingers and thumb together to tell her ‘shush’.

“I’m…uh…I hope you remember me. I walked you home from the forest. Played with your plums. Oh God! Sorry. That sounded REALLY bad. I only meant… I just wanted to make sure this is the right number. In case I put it into my phone wrong or something.”

“It’s okay,” I cut him off. He’s so sweet and awkward. I can hear the nervousness in his voice, even though he’s trying to hide it. I can’t help but smile. “I know what you meant. And yes, of course I remember you.” 

“Awesome-sauce. Well, I was just checking in. To see if you made it home safe? And also to see if you gave me the right number? I thought you might have ghosted me or something.” 

There’s an awkward silence. “Well, you walked me right to my door, so yes, I got home fine. And I’m not a ghoster. I gave you the right number.”


The line goes quiet again. I feel myself blushing. Why am I blushing? I can’t help it. There’s just something about him…something refreshing. My heart tugs a little. 

“So…is there anything else?” I ask, to alleviate the silence. 

“No. I mean, well, yeah, I guess.” My heart is hammering in my chest and butterflies are flitting all around in my stomach. My palms are sweaty.

Josh. The famous race car driver. Son of the Alpha. Is on the phone…with ME?

“Okay, well. Good to know I got the right number then. Talk to you later.”

Wait! What? That’s it? That’s really the reason he called?

“Yeah sure,” I say softly. “Talk to you later.”

Then the call disconnects, and I’m left holding my phone in complete shock.

“Well,” Lucinda says, rushing towards me. “What did he want? Spill?

I sigh. That was weird.

“Honestly, Lucinda, I have no idea.”

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