
Chapter 2: The Race Car Driver

Suvi’s POV

The man glares at Ricky. He’s stronger than Ricky, and taller. Ricky’s no match for him, and Ricky knows it, too. So he gets up from the ground and dusts himself off.

"Whatever, man," Ricky says, rolling his eyes. “Come on guys. This slut isn’t worth it.” They leave, following Ricky back into the forest.

"Thank you," I breathe.

“My pleasure,” he smiles. “I saw them grab you back there at the market. It looks like you needed some help. I have no patience for assholes like those guys. Where were they taking you, anyway?”

“It doesn’t matter,” I reply. He’s younger than me, maybe mid-twenties? He has an essence about him though. He’s mature for his age, I can tell. He smiles at me again, and his green eyes light up. Something inside me stirs. He’s actually really handsome. A bit too young for me, but handsome none-the-less.

He reminds me of the basketball players I used to know from the university campus. Energetic, charismatic, fit. 

I can't help but think that if I were still in my twenties, I’d probably be really attracted to him. Not now though. I’m pushing forty and I gave up on romantic fairy tales a long time ago. 

“Where you heading?” he asks.

“Home. Clover Pack?”

He chuckles. “That’s where I’m going, too. Here, let me help you. Then I’ll give you a ride.”

He bends down to start gathering up my stuff. He’s agile as he collects all my objects strewn all over the floor. 

“Oh, plums!” he exclaims when he sees them. “Open your bag. Watch this.” I do as he asks and he hurls the plums into the air, one a time. They land perfectly in the bag. I can’t help but laugh. His playful energy is contagious. 

“My car’s just over there,” he says, pointing out through the forest. “She’s a bit messy,” he says sheepishly. “So don’t mind the candy wrappers and…”

“Thanks, but I’d rather walk.” He looks hurt, like a little hurt puppy dog. “No offense,” I add, trying to show him that it’s nothing personal.  “It’s just that…

“I’m a stranger,” he nods. “Yeah, my mom says that too. Stay away from strangers, Joshy.” He imitates his mother’s voice and wags a finger in the air. 

Why did he have to bring up his mother. I AM a mother. And almost old enough to be his. He doesn’t seem to notice, though. 

“I’m a REALLY good driver, if that makes you feel any better.” He smiles, a boyish grin. 

“I’m sure you are. And I’m not trying to insinuate anything,” I say. “It’s just that…well…I don’t know you. So I can’t get in your car with you. It’s just a ‘me’ thing.”

“Fair enough,” he shrugs. He hands me my bag and our hands touch. A shiver runs down my spine.

‘You’re being silly, Suvi,’ I scold myself. He’s waaaay too young for you. Stop it already with the silly feelings. 

“We’ll walk then,” he declares. I look at him, shocked. Why would he do that? Why would he walk all the way home with me when he has a car. He sees my shocked expression. “I’m a gentleman,” he winks at me. “And a gentleman ALWAYS walks a lady home.” 

“Really. It’s not necessary. You already saved me from those creeps,” I reply. “That’s enough good deeds for one day.”

“It’s not safe out here,” he replies, his voice a bit sterner. “If something happened to you…well…I can’t have that on my conscious. So really, you’re doing ME a favor by letting me walk you home.” He puts his hands on his hips and fixes me again with his eyes. Those gorgeous, green eyes.

I relent. What the heck? He’s from my pack, so I figure I can trust him.

“So I didn’t catch your name,” he says as we walk.

“Suvi,” I say. “And you?”

“Josh.” We chat for a bit more, mostly just about the market, small-talk type stuff.

Before I know it, we’re back at the Pack boundary.

“Well, thanks,” I say, feeling a bit awkward. He cocks his head to the side.

“You know, I have this feeling like we’ve met before.”

I stop and carefully examine his face. Then I shake my head.

“Nope. I don’t think so.”

“Huh. I must be wrong then.” He narrows his eyes. “Mind if I mindlink you some time?”

My cheeks flush with embarrassment. This always happens. Now I have to explain that I can’t mindlink because my wolf is MIA.

“I can’t really…my wolf…she’s…uh,” I stammer.

“No worries,” he shrugs. “Can I get your phone number then?”

He didn’t even miss a beat. People usually ask questions after I tell them I don’t have my wolf, but he didn’t seem to mind. I know he’s a little young for me but he seems genuine. I decide to give him my number. What’s the harm in that, right?

He takes it and then walks away. But before he does, he glances back over his shoulder and winks at me. My heart does a flip flop.

Back at home, I open the front door.

“I’m back,” I say as I come through the door. Lucinda’s eyes are fixed on the TV. She’s bouncing Myla on her knee.

“Mamma,” Myla says, reaching for me. Lucinda puts her down and she runs to me. I scoop her up, still with the bags in my hand. I inhale the sweet scent of her hair and kiss her forehead.

“Race cars? Again?” I ask, coming into the living room. Lucinda is obsessed with race car driving. She always dreamed of being a race car driver herself. That didn’t pan out though, so instead she just lives vicariously through these races.   

“Yes,” she says. “Don’t worry, Myla was watching with me. I was flipping through the channels and just happened to catch this. It’s a rerun, though, so I know how it ends.”

“You mean, you’re watching a race you already watched?” I can’t help but giggle. Oh, Lucinda!

“I know. It’s silly. But it has my favorite driver! I couldn’t resist.”

“Well, where is he? This favorite driver of yours?”

 “Just wait. You’ll see. He just won, so he’ll get out of the car soon. He’s the Alpha’s son. Did you know that?”

“Who, the driver?” I ask, perching on the edge of the couch. Myla squirms so I let her go. She plops down on the carpet to play with her blocks. On the TV, the cars have just stopped. The camera zooms in on the winning car.

“Yup! He’s smart, rich, and super sexy. He has charisma for days. Okay, he’s about to get out of the car now.”

A man steps out of the car. The camera zooms in closer. He takes off his helmet and flashes a smile.

Those eyes.

I gasp, dropping my bags on the floor.

I know him!

It’s….it’s the man who just saved me. He wasn’t kidding - he really IS a good driver. 

The famous race car driver is Josh!

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