
Chapter Forty Five


We got to the address in less than thirty minutes and we were ushered in.

“You ready?” I asked glancing at Emily beside me. This was a huge step I was taking, appearing with Emily in this hall was a clear message to everyone that I was no longer with my wife. Everyone would know that we had broken up but what they wouldn’t know was when we did have a divorce.

“I’m always ready babe.” She replied, a wide smile on her face.

Right, she had always expected this. I introduced her to everyone as my wife. I mean it has been long overdue and she deserves this.

“Let’s do this.” She nodded and linked her arm around me as we walked in.

Inside the hall, light classical jazz music filled the air, creating a relaxing and cozy atmosphere. Some tables were set up around the hall leaving a wide space in the middle, I guess for the dance later on. I could see one or two businessmen that I know talking and laughing loudly with their women by their sides.

“Wow, this is really nice,” Emily r
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