
Naked In His Arms

Zara's POV

My voice vanished when I noticed it wasn't Stacy but Xander who entered my room on hearing my shouts.

My heart clenched tightly to my chest on seeing his muscular body. Fuck! It was so damn clear because of what he was wearing.

He was wearing a round neck, sleeveless, tank top paired with a pair of sweatpants. From his attire, I could make out, Xander was going to hit his personal gym.

I could feel blush rising to my cheeks when I noticed my husband scanning me from top to bottom.

My frozen feet went shaky when I saw Xander walking toward me.

My numb voice came out in a quaky one, “Xander…”

His feet stopped right in front of me. The space that was hardly left between us got too hot to handle, especially when his gaze was turning from coldness to sultriness.

Once again his eyes scrutinized me, and I used my hands to cover myself.

With a low voice, I said, “I was showering but suddenly the shower stopped working.”

Using his sturdy fingers, Xander lifted my chin, making me fac
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