
Chapter 2: Divorcing my husband.

"What?!... wait... Diamond you don’t Fucking mean that...”

I scoff hard as Lennox’s voice comes after me when I storm out of the room.

As I storms down the lobby he’s coming behind me in long strides.


“Diamond... hold the hell up.”

I completely ignore him.

I arrive at the living room in no time and it is just as lively as I had left it. Guests eating, drinking, most of them hanging around with the new born baby as my mother scuffles her in her arms.

No one seems to notice my presence at first until Lennox catches up with me.

“Diamond!” He grips my wrist sharp to pull me back but I didn’t know how it happened. My hands acted out on it own and in the next split second, a hot thunderous slap landed across Lennox’s face.

It come out so loud and sharp that it aggregated the baby to Cry from that far and it alarms every single person in the room.

Some has their dish crashing down, bottles crashing, gasping and some standing up.

I’m not so surprise to see the terrifying shock everyone of them threw at the scene.

I mean... It’s not everyday you see a prominent figure like Lennox Winthrop gets slaps and by his own wife for that matter —— right in her sister’s ceremony.

“Diamond!!!” Lennox shouted in rage. His hands plastered to his burning cheeks and his eyes equally burning up, fast.

Agatha shrieks behind him in shock.

“And what the hell did you do that for?” My mother voice erupts beside me, getting me to face her. She’s shuffling the crying baby in her arms.

“How could you slap your husband in front our guest, Diamond? Have you lost your sanity?” My father added, he is just right behind my mother looking with blazing eyes like I just committed a sacrilege.

“And I’ll slap him over and over again if I’ve to! He already lost his respect when he decided to have an affair with my sister!”


Shock went round the faces of Everyone. My parents has their jaw dropped, lids raised like deers caught in headlights.

“He cheated on me Mum and as if that isn’t enough, he now have a baby with my sister!” My eyes are back to Lennox’s burning ones.

“What?!” For the first time my Mum flashed his ‘noble son-in-law a look of disgust’ and then to Agatha who’s clinging to him.

"Well, so what?!" My father voice suddenly comes coldly. I goes through me like Ice unable to comprehend what he means until he speak again.

“so what if he had an affair with your sister? Is that enough reason why you should disrespect the guests here?!”

And I frown. Hard. Hard enough to make my face hurt.


“Really dad? Disrespecting the guest? Is that all you care about? Is it that you didn’t hear me right or you just don’t care about my feelings? My husband impregnated my sister and I am wrong for slapping him?” I looK at Mum and if I expected her to take side with me, then I fails woefully

Her next statement comes like brutal blow.

“Your father is right diamond... Beside would you blame Lennox so much? Maybe if you had given him an heir he wouldn’t go get it else where. Who do you think would inherit the caddel and Winthrop’ hospitals and assets?”

A lone tears sharply escapes my eyes, taking me unaware.

I am speechless. The only thing I did for like straight 30 minutes is stare at them both while everyone had their eyes on me.

I stare hard and dumbfounded at the same people who’s the reason I’ve to get married to Lennox in first place when I never wanted to. I was forced into it just because the caddel and the Winthrop needed to merge their hospitals together.

Business! It has always been business. They never cared if I had to lost someone so precious in my life just to do their biddings.

I never loved Lennox from the start. Hell, I didn’t. Only him did. He was so sweet to me and so I tried my hardest to build feelings for him and now this is what I get?

Tears are streaming down my cheeks now and when I pull out of my wool gathering. I blurt out my mind to my parents. I move so closer, I can directly stare into their eyes.

"You know what? I regret ever knowing you both as my parents. I regret ever trying to please you both. I regret shouldering the hospital responsibilities even when it became so unbearable. I regret giving up that one person who met the world to me just for you both! You’re not even worthy to be called my parents!!! God...I...I despise you!!”

I’m never done this. I’ve never spoke so harshly to them before. I’ve always been the obedient, submissive and responsible daughter while Agatha was the rebel but this is it.

I ignore the disbelief on their faces and storm down to the door. Lennox tried coming after me but he stifled himself back when Agatha held his arm. Funny how he’s now my sister’s pet. They all call after me but I ignore.

As I gets outside, all the tears I had tried holding back, came pouring down my cheeks.

My heart feels like sores inside my chest. I feel like pulling it out. and as if to make my situation more pathetic, the rain came drizzling hard. Soaking my hair. my clothes. Washing my cheeks.

My kneels goes weak and I crash under one of the trees in the mansion. Thankfully it’s a hidden place. I cry even more, my voice mincing with the drizzling rain.

Minutes later, A hand suddenly drops on my shoulder. I flinch hard. For a moment I thought it was Lennox but I oddly felt betrayed when the person turns out not to be him.

The familiar docile face of a young man in rosewood tux is staring at me, pity glistening in his blue sea eyes and his hands is extending a napkin towards me.

“Aaron... what are you doing...” I say using my backhand to quickly wipe my tears and he cuts me off with a hush.

“Shusshh. I was at the party remember? I saw everything that happened and I couldn’t just let you leave like that.”

“Well, I would really want to be alone right now.” I says dryly but Aaron still went ahead to seat down anyway, keeping his napkin.

“If it makes you feel good, you can cry it all out. I won’t stop you. At least crying releases the oxytocin and endorphins that makes you feel good.”

“Oh please don’t throw your medical terms on my face.”

“And don’t act like you aren’t a doctor either.” Aaron says with his signature sexy chuckle.

Aaron is actually one of the doctors in our hospital and it’s like the coolest guy I know. We aren’t much of friends but at least we do relate.

“So what are you going to do now? About your parents, your husband and everything. I wish you all get resolve everything soon. If there’s any way I could help...”

"Well yes. maybe there’s something you could actually help with .” I cuts in and he frowns at me slightly. “Can you help me get a good lawyer before tomorrow. I would have done this myself but I feel like I’m burning up right now”

“Yes...? Why?” Aaron slurs.

“Well, I’m divorcing Lennox and if you don’t mind, can I stay at your place before I get my own accommodation?” I didn’t need to persuade further, Aaron would always offer a helping hand anytime anyhow.

He’s every shades of a doctor indeed. Always out for the interest of the other person. Sometimes he reminds me of the man I carelessly tossed away all for my despicable parents.

“Sure, if that’s what you want.”


I’m sitting before Lennox. The mini court room is a dead silence laced with the sick suspense Lennox has created as we all wait for him to sign the damn papers.

He honored the court summon and came down as soon as possible. now what is heck is taking him time to sign the damn thing?

I’m already running out of patience and I’m going to speak before Agatha spoke first.Yeah Lennox brought her down either to spite me or they both couldn’t even wait for the official divorce.

Not like I care though. Call it absurd but I’m oddly glad to have Aaron beside me as well. Especially seeing Lennox riled up by his presence beside me even though he never spoke up.

“What are you doing Lennox? Sign it, my love.”Agatha whines seductively, wrapping her hands around Lennox’s arm.

“Yes, Lennox. Agatha is right. You should sign already. we don’t have all day.” I bark, keeping a firm look even though Agatha is intentionally flirting with Lennox to spite me.

Lennox glares at me one last time before he scribbled his signature and I do the same.

“And Just so you know Diamond. Don’t you dare crawl back to beg me to accept your sorry ass back because I won’t!” Lennox spat immediately I’m done signing and I try to see some sort of hatred in his eyes that tallies with the hate in his tone, but all I see is a pained man who’s afraid to loose me.

Maybe I’m mistaken but it still feeds my ego.

So I chuckle and say in equal energy.“I’ll rather die than crawl back to you Lennox. Have a nice life!”

With that I stands up and heads for the door, leaving both of them stunned.

“Aren’t you coming back to the mansion Diamond?” Agatha asks in mock tone, I wants to ignore and keep walking but I suddenly feels a strong surge of weakness.

“Are you okay?” Aaron asks beside me as I staggers back.

“Yeah...I...I’m fine. I just...” My vision suddenly blacked out and I finds myself helplessly crashing to the ground.


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