
My triplet brought me a husband
My triplet brought me a husband
Author: Maggie Len

Chapter 1: wait for my Divorce papers.

"When do you plan to divorce her?"

Today is my sister's cradle  ceremony but here I am arriving so late. I spent all night undergoing a surgery and I had thought I would make it in time but the surgery was so critical that it spans down to this morning.

To say I'm exhausted, is an understatement but I've to do this. When I arrived at my family’s mansion, I heads straight to my sister room to surprise her with the gift I have for her since I am told she is in her room. But while approaching her door, I had been hearing some faint voices protruding from her room.

Seems like she is having a serious banter with a man but nothing has been clear till I hears her talking about divorce.

I don't know why but it spur up a little bit of curiosity in me.

"You know I can't just divorce her without a good reason babe. I'm still trying to come up with a plan..."

I nearly trip and almost let go of the box of gift beneath my arm. Is it just me? Or does that baritone voice sound all too familiar to Lennox?

Nah... My ears got to be hearing wrong because what will my husband be doing in my sister's room discussing about divorcing someone? 

"Well, plan something fast because it's hard enough that I had to carry your child for nine good months while keeping your secret for you. Now I just put to birth and I'm not ready to be a single mom, Lennox..."

wait... what?... Lennox?! Did my brain just played a fast one on me or did I really hear Lennox?

"...and Neither do I wish to be your second wife! Don't even think of making me second to her like everyone else did!!" Agatha's voice wobbled like she's about to cry. An act she usually puts up when she wants people to do her biddings since childhood.

"You know that's not true. You are so important to me, you and our child and I can't exchange that for anything else. But without a reason I can't just divorce Diamond, you have to understand,"

Huh? Their baby?

I don't want to believe it! I don't want to believe that all the rumours about my husband having an affair with my sister has been true all along, even though it’s plain obvious from what I’m hearing right now.

I never realized tears had already gathered in my eyes until Lennox’s next statement brings me out of my reverie.

"Trust me she'll soon be out of our lives in no time. I'm going to get her framed for something and then I can rightfully ask for a divorce. How about that?!"

Hearing such words direct from the man I loves so much, made my palm flew to cup my mouth.

I don't know which one pierced my heart the most,

The fact that Lennox used the same hoarse and desperate tone he uses for me each time he wants to make love to me or the fact that he's ready to go that extreme to get rid of me, for my sister?

Isn’t that the same man who loves and cherish me so much despite my all shortcomings?

Could that be another Lennox?

"You better make sure of it. I don't want my child to be called a bastard"

"Just a little bit more patience and we will be married Agatha, stop

Worrying. Now Come babe, I need a release, Can’t you see? I’m having a terrible hard on and I need you..." Lennox says huskily.

On a different setting, that breathy voice would turn me on but right now, it feels like my chest is crashing while a mantle is striking hard against it continuously.

The pain is... I can’t even explain it.

"You are so naughty. But I don't mind. We both know my dumb sister could never satisfy your beastly appetite like I do.” the giggles of my sister suddenly Irritates me and when I hears smacking sounds of lips against each other, my whole body begins to shake. My blood boiling. My fist shaking.

The smacking sounds of lips continued...

I grit my teeth hard.

Then I suddenly hears the fragment of bed creak...

And that does it! I let the package fall off my wobbling hands and I slams the door open.

I am not so surprise as I am welcomed with the disgusting scene of two people shamelessly munching on each other's lips on the bed and they're my beloved Husband and my sister.

My presence Alerts them instantly and they flinches hard like bags of ice got dumped on them.

"What the .... Diamond?"Agatha shrieks while Lennox scrambles away from her, his fingers dancing on his suit to adjust wrinkled and loosed parts.

"Diamond....What are you..." Lennox sighs heavily and struggle to gain composition before he speaks again, firmly this time. “What are you doing here?"

I frowns hard!

"Seriously? You're asking me that? I just caught you in my sister's room, almost fucking each other and that's all you've got to say?!" I struggles to keep my voice at bay but it came out wobbling.

Not like it would change anything but at least, I expect him to come up with some sort of explanation and not such a dumb question! How could he ask me what I am doing in my own sister's room?!

"Well, guess there’s nothing to say if you already saw everything. I mean..." He says coldly and he shrugs like he doesn't gives a shit out my feelings... what I think... my reactions or anything...

It’s suddenly hard to believe if this my sweet husband, the one who loves so much and is afraid to loose me or someone else?

Though, I don't know if it's just my gut refusing to believe this, his eyes has a soft remorseful glow even though his Attitude is saying other wise.

Perhaps with all I have heard, this seems to be perfect set up for him to finally get rid of me isn't it?

"Don't be so surprised sister..." Agatha's voice chime in and I feels a surge of anger as I turns to see her standing up from the bed.

"I know it hurts but I think it's high time you know the truth now. Lennox doesn't love you. I'm the one that he loves." She smiles innocently and walks down to wrap her hands around Lennox.

And with that, The last piece of my heart breaks as I see how comfortable Lennox was with it—letting his wife’s sister holds him in such a way right in front of his wife!! I must really be so useless to him now and fucking hurts.

"Did you have fun? Did you have so much fun fooling me Lennox? You know I actually heard rumors about you having an affair with my sister but I never believed it because I thought you loved me. I thought...I thought... you had some high moral standards... but...but turns out I was Fucking wrong!!!"

I've heard people say men are scums, traitors and cheaters but I never expected it to be Lennox. Aside the fact that he adores me so much, he's a highly respected Doctor in the city and a CEO as well. He controls the Winthrop hospitals and other assets.

"Oh! Please stop playing the victim card Diamond.”he fired at me, a tone he had never used on me before not to mention the disgust in his eyes.

“Yes, we've been married for three years now but what's there to show for it? Nothing but series of miscarriages upon miscarriages! You can't even birth a single child like your mate do and you want me to stick with your sorry ass? Well, I'm sorry but your sister here has done something that you couldn't do, the baby we are celebrating today belongs to me!"

I already know that but I don't know why it still hits me so hard hearing Lennox say it directly to me in such a cold, brutal Unremorseful way.

Tears completely blur my vision, threatening to break free this time but I struggle to hold it in.

I don’t want to cry in front him, in front of them.

"Since you regret marrying me so much. Then, I don't think we've anything to talk about." I controlled my voice to be low so it won't sound so shaky, then I firmly walks closer to him. "Wait for my Divorce papers.”

They both look so shocked after my last statement, Lennox’s brow pulled up and his eyes squirt in daze. of course he didn’t expect the divorce to be so easy huh?!

Well, there’s no need prolonging matters. He already made it clear that he wants to get rid of me. I’ll only be fool if I stick around to try to beg him. I won't bring myself that low and I won't also give him that one satisfaction of being the one to ask for a divorce, it will hurt too much. Besides what should I be doing with a man who just had a baby with my sister?

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